Chapter 26

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Hannah's P.O.V

"Do you want some coffee?" Trevor asked walking in with two cups of coffee. I nodded and took a cup from him. "Thanks" I said taking a sip of my coffee. Damn he makes good coffee.

"okay so I'm guessing your wolf told you about me being a witch well I consider myself a warlock" he said proudly. I giggled.

"What's so funny pup?" I Growled at him almost attacking him but rose stopped me. Cause she thinks that he's fragile and she doesn't want him hurt.
Lucky bastard.

"I was kidding Hannah calm down" he said chuckling. I just huffed and looked away. "Hannah?" He asked. "Oh OK so your gonna give me the silent treatment OK."

I could hear him slowly creeping twords me and I smirked. When I felt his hand next to my hair I quickly turned around and grabbed his wrist and twisting it in the prossess. "FUCK!" He screamed.

I let go of his wrist laughing so hard that I was crying. When he saw me "Crying" he instantly got worried. "Oh my gosh why are you crying are yoy hurt what hap-"
I cut him off by laughing even louder this time. Once I sobered up I sat back on the couch. "You should have seen your face dude it was hilarious" I said laughing a little bit more.

He pouted "Its not funny." Then his face turned serious. "We need to talk about this Jade of yours"
He said. "H-How did you know?" I asked a little nervous now because i didn't tell him about her just yet. "Rose told me now we need to figure out how to get her back according to Rose she was murdered by a vampire who was her mate am I correct?" I nodded. "okay well let's get started I have a room full of books and wands you get to choose your wand by the way"



Sorry for not updating guys but I did hope you like it and I will hopefully update later cuz ima be up all night by myself :/ anyways vote and comment what you think is gonna happen
Good and bye!!


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