Chapter 23

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(Before Attack)

I followed Austin completely forgetting about Hannah.

"So where would you like to go?" Austin asked a smile on his face. "Anywhere is fine" I said batting my eyelashes.

"Okay let's go to my place." He said as we walked out of the mall and to him car.

We got in his car and took off. We parked in front of his house. Omg its so huge! I thought to myself.

We got out of the car and walked to his door. I sensed something strange. Oh well!!

We headed inside and all of the sudden I'm being attacked by multiple vampires.

"Austin! Austin help!" I yelled in pain. They were scratching and biting me. "EVERYONE OFF!" Austin yelled making everyone freeze and stop. "This is my mate now get the fuck off her" they whimpered and slowly got off and walked back.

"I'm so sorry Jade I didn't know they would attack." He said rubbing my back.

"How about we go to the bridge and eat?" He asked I nodded silently.

(Skipping car ride cause it is borrrrriiinnng XD)

We were sitting under a bridge eating and talking. I told him about me and he told me about him.

"I'm sorry" he suddenly whispered.
"About wh-" I didn't finish my sentence he kissed me and then I felt nothing. I fell into complete darkness.

MOONGODESS: Jade my child welcome to heaven...


Kaii losers jk jk I love you all this is just a filler and I need time to write and official chapter but Yea there's the cliffhanger I will continue Jade's P.O.V a little bit later cause IMA go to sleep so good and byee!!

-Aaliyah Nunez

P.s Karely dude ignore my last name XD you know who he is right lol anyways bye for reals!

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