Chapter 20

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Hannah's P.O.V

She can't be mated to a werewolf! Werewolf's and vampires are natural enemy's.

"JADE STOP!" I ran and caught her before she could touch him. I was to late he sensed her and turned around.

His eye twitched. "Mate..." He walked slowly twords us. "Your a werewolf..." His eye twitched again. Then he stopped and smiled. To say I was confused was true. "I'm Austin" he greeted nicely. Jade smiled. "I'm jade" she said batting her eyelashes.

He took her hand and they walked away leaving me Dumb struck.

WTF just happened?

I decided it was best to go home and sleep maybe I will find my mate tomorrow or never...


"DAD!" I yelled from my room. My dad came in. "Yes?"

"Jade found herate but..." He looked happy then confused "but?" He asked

"Hesavampire" I said really fast. My dad looked at me like I was crazy. "He's a vampire are u serious?" He asked.

I nodded "and you let her go with him" I nodded again "are you crazy he's gonna kill her all vampire mates do that to werewolf's they act like they want them take them and then they kill then you need to find her NOW!"
I got of my bed tripping over my blankets.

Shit oh my god I need to find her NOW!



Sorry the long wait and sorry for the short chapter I'm really tired and another cliffhanger lol anyways till next time good day and bye


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