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TW: Domestic violence.


No Perspective.

The exams are finished, and so is the university year.

With a broad smile on her face and a box full of muffins, Luna skips down the alley and turns towards Joshua's house. She waves at Mrs Miller who is gardening the front yard.


"Oh, hey, Luna!" she waves back with a smile equivalent to Luna's. "How was the last exam?"

"I smashed it." she gives a thumbs up, making Mrs Miller chuckle. But immediately, their attention goes to the dramatic drum and guitar sounds from the garage. "Now that the vacation's on, I'll apologize in advance for all of the ruckus that's going to happen in that garage." With a playful chuckle, Luna bowed down, bending her body almost ninety degrees.

"Then we should get that garage soundproofed as soon as possible." Mrs Miller laughs. "Jokes apart, but great. Do anything you want, whenever you want, it's your place after all." Luna grins. "Or maybe go out for a trip, you know? Something different."

Luna's eyes widen, "We'll definitely discuss it." With a short wave at Mrs. Miller, Luna spins around and walks towards the garage. She quickly slides the gate open before entering inside. "I'm free!"

A big smile immediately spreads on their faces. Luna hurries toward the couch where Harry is sitting and sits down beside him after putting the box of muffins on the table. Luna giggles to herself and cuddles closer into his embrace. Harry chuckles and wraps his arms around her, pulling her even closer.

"How was the exam?"

"Definitely the best one." she looks at him. "I'm jealous that the three of you became free before me." She looks at the other two who are standing in their respective spots; one at the drums and the one beside the drummer. "But well, here I am."

"Now that we're free for literally anything, what are we planning to do?" Syd asks. "We can go to the arcade every day as well!"

"Or bowling?" Joshua adds. "We have too many options, all we have to do is find the right one."

"What is your idea, H?" Luna sits up straight on the couch, turning her body fully towards them. "What do you wanna do?"

"I don't know," he shrugs. "Maybe we can go on a road trip once a week?"

Luna excitedly gasped, "I was gonna say that as well." She looks back at the two of them. "Should we do that? A road trip every week?"

"Oh, hell yeah!" Sydney gets up from her stool and walks towards the front. "We can go camping sometimes, we can go to the mountains, the beaches and the flower fields as well." She quickly grabs Joshua's arm, turning to face him. "Josh, we should get your dad's old camera. I want the photos to be vintage, like the 1970s type." She was bouncing on the spot while he was just admiring the grin on her face.

"Okay, let's do that." Joshua chuckles and nods his head. "So, where should we go first?"

"Let's get a tattoo!" Luna springs up from her seat. "We should get the tattoo of the laurel leaves, in honour of the competition."

"Yes!" Sydney rushes towards her, She lifts her left wrist and grabs Luna's right one as well. "Why don't we get a matching one, Lou?" she points at the inner parts of their wrists where their hands join. "You get the one leave, I'll get the other."

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