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A/N: long chapter :)

★ ★ ★

No perspective.

After his work, Harry comes back home with the most important, burning question and a perfect plan on the line.

Harry fiddles with the key and eventually opens the door. He quickly removes his shoes by the door and walks forward while rolling his sleeves up and loosening the first button of his shirt. After he enters the house his gaze wanders to the living room before stopping in the kitchen at his beautiful dark-haired, blue-eyed girl rinsing off the last remaining dishes while humming to herself.

"Welcome, home!" she greets him cheerily and looks back in the sink while rinsing off the last dish. "Was it crowded? You're late today."

Harry doesn't seem to listen to what she asked before and walks inside the kitchen, she startles as she quickly gets turned around by him grabbing her arm.

"Will you be my valentine?"

She pauses, "Huh?"

"Will you be my valentine?" he repeats the question.

He blinks, suddenly startled by a loud gasp from her. With her brows creased, Luna moves back from him and quickly wipes off her hands with the towel before putting her hands over her mouth dramatically, "How dare you?"

This time, a confusing frown spreads on Harry's face. "Okay, what?"

"How dare you ask me to be your valentine?" with her jaw tightened slightly, she walks towards him. But Harry's face immediately relaxes when she cracks a smile on her face. "For many many years to come...I'm your forever Valentine."

Harry softly smiles and was going to hold her in a hug that's when she backs away a few steps. "Why did you back away?" he questions and takes a step forward but she takes one back. A small smirk firms on his face when he sees her usual fake angry expressions as she slowly moved around towards the exit. "What is that? This is not how you greet your boyfriend, Luna."

"I don't care," she dramatically rolls her eyes and stands at the exit. "This is not how you ask a very important question to your girlfriend, it is supposed to be sweet, romantic..."I smirk as she eyes him up and down with her arms folded. "And sometimes hot as well."

He rolls his tongue inside his cheek and walks towards her but before she backs away, he puts his hand on the small of her back pulling her towards him. "Okay...I'm listening."

Her face cracks a small smile while her stomach flips, "I didn't get my sweet, romantic, and hot question."

He leans down, "So you want...sweet, romantic, and hot types?" he smirks, looking into her eyes. "Okay."

A small startled gasp escapes from her lips as he turns her around, making her back bump with his front. Goosebumps erupt in her body as Harry's hands travel down on her arms, eventually folding them in front of her and leaning his face down onto the cook of her neck. He closes his eyes, getting the faint scent of lavender as he slowly kisses her shoulder, making his way up to the spot near her ear. He smirks to himself when he feels her shudder under him. "So, is this romantic enough?"


He smirks against her skin before leaving a kiss, "Luna Rose, will you be my Valentine?"

"Yes." a rushed reply comes out of her mouth.

"Okay." he takes a step back and bends down, quickly scooping her up in his arms. He quirks his brow when she looks at him with eyes wide and a small tug at the corner of her lips. "Now, what's remaining?"

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