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I should've never gone to that party a few weeks ago, so many things would've been a lot easier.

This feeling of shame, this humiliation, not only in this room but from all over the world, has gotten worse since the video went viral.

"How can you say you don't know about this video?!" Joshua questions, showing Jacob and his friends the video.

"It was a party, Miller, everybody takes photos and videos." Jacob casually answers back, tightening his guitar chords. "Honestly, I have no idea if I was in the same room or not."

The worst thing about this is I can't even remember who was there and who wasn't because of the number of shots I had that night.

"It's impossible that this video was clicked by a stranger at your party and went viral from a random account." Sydney snarls. "Tell me, right now Collins, which one of your sidekicks did it?"

I want to get out of here.

I move my head around, trying to focus on something else so I won't tear up or lash out. Then, my eyes catch the sight of Luna and her new blond friend, Noah. They look happy about the sheet in their hands as they pass through the corridor.

"I don't care who clicked the video or how did it end up on social media."

I watch as Luna stops near the door when Jacob speaks, and she perks inside.

"You have no proof that one of us did it, and it's not even that serious. Chill."

It's not even that serious...

I keep my eyes on Luna. She tells something to Noah with a smile on her face before waving him goodbye. After he walks away, Luna's body stiffens and she steps towards the door.

But, unfortunately, her attention closes on me.

"Maybe now, finally, Styles will know what a loser he is, he was, and he'll always be."

I tear my eyes away from her in embarrassment.

I'll always be that loser.

"You can not say-"

I pick up my bag from the chair and pace out of the room.


I refuse to let my feet stop when I hear Luna's voice calling my name.

I'm a loser who can't even sing.


'Omg, why is he even trying? Lol'

'Look at that loser, no wonder the judges kicked him out in the semi-finals.'

'So this is what he improved in two years? Huh.'

'It's so off beat.'

'Please, I pray to God Harry Styles never sings if it's gonna be as embarrassing as this.'

And many more than that...

A tear ran down my face as I stare at the 30-second video clip of me, wasted, singing Jacob and his band's song with a terrible voice and overconfident attitude.

"Baby you light up my world like nobody else! The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed! But when you smile at the ground, it ain't hard to tell! You don't know-"

The video stops when I get a call.

Luna Rose.

I declined it.

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