Chapter 040 - King of Fruit

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"Ha-ha-ha. No, I don't think so. Maybe I can approach you, but the moment my knife almost reaches your neck, I believe your reflex will make my task harder."

"Always humble. But I mean it. Better we never become enemies."

"Agree. You will be the most troublesome enemy if we are."

Gerald smiled hearing that, now they both jogging together.

"Yue Long, I believe you are not just a bodyguard. For now maybe yes, but before, I believe you were active in the military. I am right, right?"

"Well, you can smell it, don't you? So yes, before, I was part of the special task force for my country."

"So why did you quit and choose to become Mr. Ma's bodyguard?"

"Well, I believe you also have the same answer. Soldier that love to think like us, is not needed by the military."

"Yeah, you are right."

"Well, I don't mean that every military is bad or something like that. But the facts and history record, unfortunately, support us, that what we said is true. Maybe just like Mr. Ma said, about the authority power. Become the military especially the high rank one, like it or not is having the power. So either they going to use it wisely, or otherwise, that is the real problem. The military is good, citizen needs the military to protect them. But to whom that authority power should be given? I hope there is a good system to make it better. So far the recycling system of the military leader in some countries, for me is already a good solution, so no one can hold so much power for a very long time. Well, the downside, of course, is if the leader is good, they also will be recycled periodically. But, well... maybe it is for the best."

"Just like you, because the authority is held by that Jacobson, you choose to resign, don't you?" Yue Long said again.

"Yeah... So for you, unfortunately, the authority power is held by not a good person so you also choose to change your route?" Gerald answered and asked.

"Yeah, it can be just assumed like that." Yue Long answered.

"And Mr. Ma is way better?" Gerald asked.

"I think you can judge by yourself."

"Well, yes, after yesterday he opened himself a lot with us. I am quite grateful right now because there is still someone like him. The hope is still there if there are people like him."

"Don't get me wrong, better you do not think Mr. Ma like a saint, because he admits he is not. He is just a common person that tries to be good. But in this world, unfortunately, we can not always become an angel to help people, sometimes we need to become the demon himself to make things right. It is all because of the human, the individual that is sometimes so hard and difficult to be asked to change to be a better person."

"For example, the refugees that you saw just now. I told you some refugees were left by Mr. Ma on an island and let them survive just on their own." Yue Long said.

"What is the story?" Gerald asked.

"Yes, because some of the refugees acted ridiculously, they didn't want to obey the rules on this ship, they didn't want to work, they demanded their culture and beliefs to be respected and fulfilled on this ship, and many other ridiculous things. They always hide behind the word of human rights violated if their demand is not fulfilled. First, we also don't want to not respect their culture. Go ahead and do your culture and belief in this ship as long as still have consideration for the ship culture itself, isn't it? So in simple words, they demand to be respected but they don't want to do respect. For them, Mr. Ma becomes very firm, he doesn't want to act nice to help people like that, so he just drops them off on an island and lets them survive on their own."

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