Chapter Thirty-Two - Vines and Suspicion

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"Part of me misses my peoples' exile in the forest,", Ryner admitted, watching the Olkari hard at work from afar, accompanied by Matt, Pidge and their father. The four understood technology on a deep, personal level, transcending that of their friends, making them the perfect fit for visiting Olkarion. "But since Olkarion became the hub for refugees in this quadrant, it made sense that we should return to the city and transform it into the coalition's capital,"

Sure enough, they were in the midst of doing just that. With everyone hard at work, things were falling swiftly into place and, unsurprisingly, it mesmerised whoever set their gaze on the rapid development of what had previously been a dull, fear-stricken planet.

"So much has changed so fast,", Sam gushed, hands cupped around his eyes as he leaned on the glass, getting a closer look at the architecture. His eyes trailed up, following the movement of countless pieces of material. Their work seemed endless.

"For the better,", Pidge chirped. With her brother and father by her side, she had a newfound optimism that some found infectious. Key word: some.

"Yeah, well, Zarkon may be dead,", Matt looked down at his sister. "But the war's not over yet,"

"That is why the Olkari are grateful Voltron is here until our defence systems are fully operational,", Ryner's face hardened. "I fear tumultuous times are upon us,"


"They should be here any minute,", Allura told a certain prince, refusing to look at him as he perched on the stairs leading up to her podium, hands clutched together loosely as he rested his forearms on his thighs. He had been let out of his cage, having gained the trust of those around him, for the most part, after his heroic act.

"Good. There is much to discuss,", he uttered. Allura's head turned, brows furrowed, though she kept her arms crossed.

"Are you alright?", she questioned.

"I'll be fine,", he brushed her concern off, taking to staring blankly ahead and refusing to meet her eyes.

"What you did was for the greater good,", she smiled sadly. "And for so many of us, proof of your intentions for peace,", the sensation of her lingering gaze was enough for him to look up from his hands just as a keypad began beeping, and the door opened, revealing the group.

"Look,", Lance scowled, jumping back. "It's Prince Lotor. Just hangin' out on the bridge,"

"Guess this is a thing that's happening,", Pidge commented.

"Didn't realise rapists were allowed time out of their cages,", you scoffed, feeling weird without Isiah, though you had a baby monitor hooked onto your waistband in case he woke up from his nap. No matter how much he tried to claim he had changed, there wasn't a chance you would let Lotor come close to your baby.

"I suppose we'll all have to get used to it-- like my zarbloovian intestinal eel,", Coran patted his stomach a few times as it screeched. "Easy, fella,". Shiro pushed past him, taking a few steps forward and nearing the Galra prince.

"What's going on, Lotor?", Shiro asked, approaching the now standing male, though he kept at an adequate distance, as the rest of the team slowly gathered around, knowing they didn't have much choice. Sticking close to Lance's side, you allowed the Cuban to hook an arm around your shoulder as he sulked his way over, still not happy with how well Allura appeared to be getting along with Lotor.

"The death of my father has created a power vacuum in the Galra Empire," he said. "The most formidable Galra leaders will gather for what is called the Kral Zera sometime in the next two days to decide who will take the throne. We must be there,"

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