Chapter Twenty-Eight - Brain Worms

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"Good news,", Shiro began, the team gathered in the control room once more. Matt wasn't present, seeing as he didn't need to be present for this paladin debrief (and he had duties with the Rebels), so it was only the five paladins, Coran, and you, observing the situation as you thought about when you'd be able to speak to Keith again. "There's been an upsurge in planets that have been liberated from Galra control by the Blade of Marmora and the rebel forces. Convincing these planets to join our coalition is priority number one,"

"Oh, does that mean more Voltron show events?", Coran perked up, having missed planning those events that everyone but him loathed so much.

"Yes,", Shiro answered. "Believe it or not, the Voltron show-of-arms goes a long way in inspiring others to join the fight,", the dual-toned male pulled up a hologram, attracting the attention of the others in the room, who gazed curiously up at it. "The green clusters you see here, here and here represent planets and, in some cases, entire star systems that have joined the coalition. Not coincidentally, those are also the areas we have personally visited,"

"Alright! Razzle-daddle time!", Lance jabbered, moving his arms in an absurd motion and wiggling his fingers, earning unamused stares from Coran and Shiro. "For the war effort, of course,", he corrected himself, lowering his arms and giving an awkward smile, which you giggled quietly at.

"Coran, can you set everything up?", Shiro queried, ignoring Lance.

"I know just where to start,", the ginger gave a small grin.


"Alright, the last column's in place,", Shiro told, after Voltron had lowered the object onto the ground. "Now, this hospital can service the entire sector,"

"But that's only the first step in helping these injured war veterans,", Coran chided in from the confines of the hospital. "Come on in, it's time,", the paladins obliged the Altean's request and made their way in, Coran hovering in the doorway outside of the hospital room and staring in for a moment before turning back to look at the group. "Everyone check your wrist devices. I uploaded a script to them,"

"What is this?", Hunk questioned as the five of them glanced down at the so-called 'script', brows furrowing. They had discarded their helmets by their feet upon entering the small supply room, so you weaved your way around the scattered objects, tired eyes peering over Pidge's shoulder curiously and quirking a brow.

"Yeah, there's barely anybody out there,", Lance added from beside Shiro.

"I scaled down the show so we can do it indoors for the patients. You know, to lift their spirits,", the ginger male clarified, hands on his hips as he looked at the paladins' reactions with pride. Pidge's eyes widened as she read on, and she resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

"This isn't even factually accurate,", she pointed out, looking up at the Altean.

"Well, this is the legend of Voltron, not the documentary of Voltron,", he sassed, then glanced at Allura. "Speaking of which, Allura, you'll be playing Keith,", the female's face dropped, and she let out an obnoxious groan of protest, making you smile. "The word of Keith leaving the team hasn't really spread yet, so I didn't wanna confuse anyone,", he reasoned. "Besides, playing Keith is really easy! Just act really moody,"

"And swoon over y/n,", Pidge teased, making your face heat up. Allura growled, crossing her arms and sending a harsh glare at her Altean friend, who simply brushed her demeanour off as practice for the new role she would be taking on in their show.

"There! You've done it! Come on, everyone in positions,", he chirped, walking past the line of paladins with his hands clasped behind his back. "Just follow the script,"

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