Chapter Fourteen - "Filthy, lowballing Unilu hoodilums!"

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3rd P.O.V

"Okay, look. I now know for certain that Zarkon is tracking us through the black lion. We have to find some way to stop him,", Shiro told us, looking as fierce as ever. Now knowing that the black lion was the reason behind us being tracked, everyone seemed to be more on-edge about what else could be happening through it. This discovery was the reason they were having this conversation; they had to have a plan of action. 

"How are we gonna do that?", Pidge questioned. 

"We've never had this situation before. Two paladins battling for the same lion,", Allura worried, earning the attention of the people in the room. The familiar feeling of bile rising in your throat hit you, and you had to screw your eyes tightly shut until the feeling had passed. This entire time, Keith had kept his hold on you, and somehow you didn't feel at all uncomfortable with it. 

"Well, unless we want Zarkon taking control of Voltron every time we get close, I'll have to forge a new bond with my lion. One that's stronger than his,", he looked down, once again feeling the weight of his responsibility on his shoulders. All of the paladins felt it - they had the fate entire universe in the palm of their hands - yet they chose to smile, knowing that, if they worked together, they have every chance of saving everything they've grown to know.

"Well, while you're doing that, the rest of us need to find some new teludav lenses, otherwise we won't be able to travel via wormhole,", Coran announced to the group, confusing everyone as to how they'd even do that. Eyebrows furrowed, you looked to Keith for an answer, but he shared your look of confusion, so he simply shrugged. 

"Is that something we have to mail order?", Hunk asked, hand on his chin. 

"Does anyone even make those anymore?", Keith added, raising a single eyebrow. You smiled slightly at the face he was pulling, finding it funny how someone who acts so tough could be so aloof at the best of times. Your attention was quickly drawn away from the raven-haired boy though, as Allura answered his and Hunk's questions. 

"I don't know,", she admitted, attracting everyone's attention. "Only a few Alteans couple use the teludav ten thousand years ago. They may not exist anymore,", a troubled look graced her usually determined features, leaving everyone to brainstorm, Coran coming up successfully with a response to ease the woman slightly. 

"I think I may know where we can get some,", he proclaims, bringing his hand down from his chin. Your ears perked up, now showing more interest in the conversation, knowing Coran must have something interesting to bring to the table. Smiling slightly, you followed everyone as they gathered around the front of the room. 

Upon seeing what he had put on the screen, an amused smirk grew on your lips. There, in all his glory, was a younger Coran with longer hair and some strange-looking multi-arm alien in the background, shouting at him. Though it was hard, you managed to suppress your laugh, knowing that you were in a serious situation, and the boys beside you did seem to be smirking. 

"Coran! You're not suggesting going to one of those filthy swap moons!,", Allura scolded, folding her arms sternly and turning her body in a way that displayed her anger. "The last time you went, those space pirates took you for everything you had,", her statement paused a new question. 'There's such thing as space pirates?', you thought, eyes widened at the bizarre image you had created in your mind. 

"Space pirates?", Lance voiced his - and your - thoughts, looking at the left side of the screen. Intrigued, you, too, looked that way, shocked upon seeing the strange man once again, yet in more detail this time. His appearance wasn't a pleasant one; the alien looked quite devious and carried many intimidating weapons. He was not a man you wanted to encounter. 

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