Chapter 84 - 85 - 86 - 87

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They didn't go back to the production crew, but temporarily went to the rest room at the back. Although Yue Huan was finally caught now, the filming of a scene was half-baked. Luo Yingbai discussed with the director, and decided to change this part to improvisation, so that only Xia Xianning needs to be optimistic about not running around, and Luo Yingbai will make up a few shots, which will save everyone trouble.

After everything was discussed, Luo Yingbai returned to Xia Xianning and waited for the venue to be cleaned up before reshooting the footage.

When he passed by, Xia Xianning was probably too hot and was drinking iced mineral water. Luo Yingbai snatched the mineral water from him and drank the remaining half of the bottle.

Xia Xianning didn't even have time to grab it, she frowned and said, "Slow down."

Luo Yingbai said: "You are so picky that it hurts you even if you drink half a bottle of water?"

Xia Xianning snorted: "Do you think I feel sorry for the water or for you? Drinking it in such a hurry is not good for your health."

Luo Yingbai laughed, pulled his collar and fanned himself: "But I'm so hot. Why is it so hot this summer? It's obviously already night, and the temperature is not much higher than during the day."

Xia Xianning casually picked up the fan and fanned him, teasing: "That's because every summer, you hide at home like a mole and don't go out."

Luo Yingbai exclaimed: "I'm still wearing a costume! You, a person wearing half-sleeved shorts, don't stand and talk without pain in your back. Running naked in this kind of weather is too many layers of skin. I'm covered with such thick clothes. It will happen everywhere." It’s hot! Hey, junior brother, try harder, the wind is too light.”

Xia Xianning hit him on the head with the handle of the fan and increased the strength of the fan. Suddenly someone next to him called out "Director Xia".

When he turned around, it turned out to be Wen Qianqian.

Xia Xianning nodded indifferently as a response.

Wen Qianqian hesitated and said to Luo Yingbai: "Young Master Luo...can you take a step to speak?"

Luo Yingbai glanced at her, stood up and walked to the lounge with Wen Qianqian. The last time they talked was before Luo Yingbai's identity was exposed, but no matter what position he was in, his expression and attitude had not changed. He changed and asked: "Is something wrong?"

Wen Qianqian looked thinner, and her mental state was not very good. Feng Zhengyang was beating his chest and regretting at home this time, for fear of being retaliated by Luo Yingbai, and she was also affected by it.

Wen Qianqian thought about Feng Zhengyang's instructions, but after opening her mouth several times, she still couldn't express her apology and plea. Instead, she blurted out: "You... why did you hide your identity before? Otherwise we wouldn't have misunderstood..."

Luo Yingbai glanced at her and said with a smile: "If I guessed correctly, you should have been ordered by your family to apologize to me, but with your attitude, you are not afraid of further irritating me, banning you or even bringing down Feng Home? You should know that this is not difficult for me. "

Wen Qianqian was a little panicked and felt humiliated. She blushed for a moment and was choked to the point of being speechless.

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