Chapter 49 - Kohaku

Start from the beginning

"What are you mumbling about, problem child?"

Izuku blinked, looking up at Aizawa as he walked up to the couch while glancing down at Eri to make sure she was okay. Toshinori followed soon after, lingering in the doorway to the kitchen for the time being.

"Oh, uh, just theorizing about the extent of One For All's new abilities," Izuku said with a small smile. "I was wondering... All Might, can you see him, too?"

"...I wasn't going to mention it since I know how much you want to see him," All Might sighed. "But yes, I'm aware of young Bakugou's ghost form sitting next to you."

"Ghost," Katsuki huffed, acting offended. "Could say the same bout you, skeleton."

"It's actually Kacchan," Izuku added before All Might could retaliate. "Uhm, right now, anyway. While he's still asleep. I told you about that, didn't I?"

"You mentioned experimenting with it, yes," Aizawa sighed, clearly ready for a nap right about now. Probably wondering what kind of mess he got himself involved in this time around. "So you can talk with Bakugou now? Great. At least I won't have to worry about you sneaking out to go see him."

"I was wondering whether it would work with All Might, too," Izuku said, looking at his mentor. "But uh, we can try that another time. I know you have to leave soon, so..."

All Might's visits were always short. He was still in the prime of his career, after all. Still busy and popular, hopping from one place to another and stopping by this apartment whenever he had a moment of free time. His transformation to muscle form was weakening, his time as All Might getting drastically shorter now that he remembered everything. It reminded Izuku of what the vestiges had said when he regained control over OFA. That a mental blockade was holding them back. So maybe a mental blockade was keeping All Might strong as well? A wall Izuku crumbled to dust, making Jikan's facade disappear, and his strength with it.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to visit for quite some time," Toshinori sighed. "There's an important mission coming up and I'll be out of the city for a couple of weeks."

"Oh," Izuku breathed, trying to hide his disappointment the best he could.

"You won't have a lot of time on your hands either, problem child," Aizawa told him. "Because starting next week, you're going back to school."

"For real?" Katsuki asked, his eyes widening a little.

"Not Aldera," All Might added, frowning when Kacchan cursed up a storm afterwards. "Language, young Bakugou."

"We're solidifying your new identity," Shouta continued. "So I don't want to hear you complain about it."

"I'm not!" Izuku said quickly. "I... I'm happy I get to go outside. Thank you so much for arranging everything in such a short notice, Aizawa sensei."

"Shouta," he corrected. "We're going to live together, you might as well start calling me by my first name."



Oh, this had to be intentional. Izuku knew most Jikan members had day jobs, most of them didn't have a criminal record either. They were just civilians. Fanatics living ordinary lives. So ordinarily so, that his new homeroom teacher happened to be one of the top ranking officers within the organization. Izuku recognized her instantly, with her long black hair and sharp honey colored eyes. So that's why Shouta had enrolled him here... Izuku had wondered about the whole school thing, seeing as he didn't actually need to learn these things and his identity was already pretty solid with just the homeschooling excuse.

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