Chapter Eleven - Rescue Mission In Act

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(Warning ⚠️ references SA)

The next time my eyes opened I was in a completely different situation. I was in a hospital bed, the bed was adjusted so I was sitting up just enough so that when I coughed the blood would come out of my mouth and I wouldn't chock on it. My arms and legs where still strapped to the bed though. Additionally I had nasal cannula strapped to my face and in my nose. There were ivs in my arm. I was also attacked to a heart monitor. I looked to the iv and watched as it went up. My eyes focused on the bag full of reishi. I then looked to the second iv only to see that it was connected to a bag full of a clear liquid. I looked to see more of my bed only to realize that I was in a simple white dress with silver lining. Additionally I had a few blankets placed on top of me. They were clearly trying to keep me alive... But why?

Slowly my eyes moved to the door once again. The said doors opened. Only to reveal a man that made my stomach twist. He didn't stop or anything. He just closed the door and walked straight up to me. My half lidded eyes never once left him as he walked over. He came to a stop by my side. His eyes focused on the heart monitor. I followed the dreadful man's gaze to the monitor. It was so uneven. "Who ever did this to you really wants you dead."
"What the hell do you want Aizen, if you wanted me dead you wouldn't have done all this shit." He just smirked at me. I hated it. I wanted to summon Kuragari right now and shove him threw this man's chest. I wanted to draw his blood and watch it drop down to the ground. I wanted to see his blood coating Kuragari. But still. I stared at the man. He didn't answer my question. He just stared down at me.

My hands fisted. Have I said I really hated this? Because I do. Ever little movement I made hurt. Making it damn near impossible to move on my own. My eye lids were also very heavy, making it extremely difficult to keep them open. Not only that but there was a constant scratchy sensation in my throat and lungs. My chest heaved up and down. I just stared at the man, my bluish silver eyes clashing with his brownish amber eyes. I closed my eyes, I wasn't able to keep my eyes open for much longer. I then felt a hand placed on my cheek. The sensation sent shivers down my spin, my hair stood on end, and my instincts kicked in. Screaming for me to fight. Disgust pooled at my stomach. Making it twist and flip, my eyes shot open.

I had no time to react, no time to do anything. Shit I couldn't have done anything even if I wanted to. The moment my eyes had opened Aizen had latched his lips onto mine. My eyes widened and I screwed my lips and eyes shut. I instantly began to struggle. Trying to free my hands and ankles. I wanted to kill him. I wanted to let Kuragari and Shiro lose on him. I wanted to watch the two rip him apart. I then felt something wet and slimy touch my lips. His tongue. The disgust grew in my stomach and I began to thrash more violently. Only for red hot pain to shoot threw my entire being. His hand that was on my cheek moved to my throat. A clear warning, a warning to stop thrashing and fighting or he'll kill me. I didn't care, instead I continued to fight and thrash.

I felt him smirk again my mouth. My eyes closed, his other hand moved up and plugged my nose. I couldn't escape, I couldn't breath. My chest twisted, I began to fight even harder. The straps on my arms and legs began to cut into my skin. Drawing blood. It was getting harder and harder to breath. It was getting harder and harder to hold my breath. I didn't even notice when I opened my mouth, nor did I realize I had until I felt Aizen thrust his tongue into my mouth. He attacked my mouth with his tongue. I hated this so much. I screwed my eyes shut even tighter. I then also began to allow myself to fad from this realm into my internal world. The world in which my Zanpakutos and hollow live. At that same moment I felt Aizen move to straddle me. I had to escape, if not physically then mentally.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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