Chapter Nine - Hidden Truths

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I laid in my bed, a blanket over me, a cold cloth over my head. My chest heaved quickly up and down. Next to me stood my father. He stared at me worried. "Masako..." I looked to him. Smiling.
"I'm fine dad..." that blatant lie was followed by me coughing up more blood. Dad almost lunged to my side, propping me up more with some more pillows and whipping away the blood.
"There less frequent, but they last longer and are worst." He mumbled. I just smiled at my father. "You can't go on like this. It'll kill you."
"I know." Dad looked like he wanted to cry. I coughed some more. "Your body can't withstand your own abilities. It's those same abilities that keep you alive though..." I continued to breath heavy. "You need to find a way to balance your powers."
"I'm trying dad."
"Masako, you'll end up killing yourself at this rate."
"All four of us are trying dad." He flinched, then he looked down.
"You, Akari, Kuragari, and..."
"I don't like that hollow. He's using you."
"You have it wrong dad. Shiro is the only part of my powers I have complete and utter control over." My eyes began to grow heavy. Dad stared at me.
"Go to sleep Masako."

Ichigo glared at his feet. His hands closed so tightly they both turned white and his nails drew blood. "I need to get stronger..." an image of his twin sister flashed in his mind. It was strange to him, how did no one realize that she was a not healthy. Her porcelain and sickly pale skin. How did no one realize that she was too skinny, too light for her age. She acted strong and heathy. But she wasn't. No she was fragile and sickly. She'd always been. Since they where little. "I need to protect her." The smiling image of his twin was replaced. It swapped from the beaming girl, who stood tall and acted like nothing can make her fall. To the image of her laying in bed, her chest rapidly rising and falling. Her eyes screwed shut. Sweet pooling at her brows. She looked paler then usual. She could barely move. Barely do anything without help. He hated it, he loathed it. Masako wasn't supposed to look like that.
"Protect who?" Ichigo glared up at Shinji.
"My sister..."
"Masako? That power house?" Ichigo both began to laugh and cry at the same time. Shinji jumped back shocked. They had just been fighting. It was the blond that spoke up.

I stared out into the direction I sensed Ichigo, Hiyori, Shinji, and four others. My lips pursed. Two more people reached him. He was training, I could sense it. 'Shiro?'
'Do you think he'll be alright without my help?'
'The brats stubborn. He'll be fine.'
'Is Akari and Kuragari still trying to even out my spiritual pressure.'
'Yes, it's harder right now because of all your fighting.'
'I try to even it out when I fight. Guess I'm still not the best at that.'
'Your getting better. One day you'll be able to do it.' I just sighed. That's when there was a knock at the door. Then dad came in. He walked straight over to my side, his hand instantly moved the cold rag and he placed his hand on my head. He only furrowed his brows.
"It's getting worst and worst. Do you know why?" I stared at him.
"No. I do not."
'Shut up Shiro.' Dad just sighed.
"I wish we knew. Because if we did we could find a way to get you better. To find a cure."
"Akari and Kuragari are trying to figure that out right now." Half truth half lie. Dad just sighed then he left my room. I wonder how Ichigo's training is going?

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