Chapter Ten - Revelations

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I stared at my dad. "What?" He was looking down.
"The soul reapers wanna see you." The man moved, removing the cloth on my head and replacing it with the one in his hand.
"But why?"
"Apparently Karin meet Toshiro, and let it slip that your frail."
"I'm. Not. Frail." Dad just stared at me. Sighing he shook his head.
"No. I'm not frail." My hands began to fist at my blanket. "Sickly yes. Frail no." I looked down at my blankets. I hate this. I wish my powers would just even out. That way this can be over with. I looked out the window. But because of him sealing away moms Quincy powers, mine and the others Quincy powers are sealed away as well. I glared due to this I'll have random attacks. This accrue due to my spiritual pressure trying to even out and keep me alive. I looked past my father and out the window. In short, until I unlock my Quincy powers this will continue on. It'll kill me. I closed my eyes. Allowing myself to fade away from consciousness and into my inner world. In other words that man commended me to death. I stopped mid transition.

My head turned, and I glared. Arrancars. "Dad."
"Ones headed straight for Urahara's ship."
"Shall I go and kill it."
"No. Renji seems to be fighting the arrancar. You focus on evening out your spiritual pressure." I just sighed. "I'm going to be headed out. Stay in bed." I just sighed, but still I nodded.

I stared at the arrancar before me. He had just arrived and his spiritual pressure was hidden, I sensed him the moment he appeared. "Akari, Solar barrier." Instantly a golden see threw force field surrounded me. I began to cough due to the usage of spiritual pressure.
"It seems lord Aizen was correct." I stared. Shit. Shit. Shit. "What exactly are you." The man began to teleport. "Kurosaki Masako." He disappeared as quickly as he had appeared.

It's been roughly a month. This is the longest I've ever been sick. In the end I had gotten sick to the point that I couldn't even move. In fact I was just barely able to move my arm. Still even then my arm moved stiffly and could barely move at all. Everyone is training so hard. Yet here I am. Ill and near death. I looked up. I sensed it, the Arrancars. I felt bags under my eyes, everything felt so stiff. Four of them. I stared at my door, Espadas. "Oh no." My eyes widened. "What are you planning, Aizen." My head then turned, looking in the direction of my twin, and Grimmjow.

My mind flashed to the said male, the deep wound I had inflected on him. I moved up my bed, trying to sit up more. But just that action ended up winding me. My chest began to heave up and down rapidly. But my eyes moved to the place right in front of my bed. My hand reached up. I coughed multiple times before I was able to successfully speak. My voice horse and scratchy. "Come to me. Kuragari."
'It's to soon! We're sti- oh shit...' The said night themed blade appeared in my hand speaking, but soon he cut himself off as a black portly began to open, I saw a certain arrancar began to appear. Ulquiorra stood right in front of my bed. I just stared at him, my right arm wrapped around my torso. It hurt, my whole body hurt. But I felt a spark, a fire in my eyes. In my state I'd lose a fight. But I'd be dammed if I didn't at least give it a shot. My left hand shook, not out of fear but pain. It hurt to hold my blade, it hurt to keep my hand raised like this. It just hurt. I just tightened my grip on my sword. The shaking stopped. But a constant pain shot through my arm, my fibers, my hand, my shoulder, just everything. The espada just stared at me.
"Have you come to kill me, Ulquiorra? Because if you have, I won't go down without a fight." He began to look around my room.
"You are alone. That's good. Better for me." I glared.
"My sisters are at school. Ichigo's training, and dads at work. I'm honestly glade they've left. They where getting over bearing."
"Is that so." He looked to me. His dark green eyes stared into my silver. I cut him off before he spoke.
"What do you want." He again began to look around my room, his eyes falling upon the guitar laying not to far from my bed. I had been giving Karin some guitar lessons that very morning. In fact, I had A few hidden gifts under my bed, a violin for Yuzu, a guitar for Karin, a flute for dad, and a drum set hidden in my closet for Ichigo.
"Lord Aizen wants your powers. He despatched me here to collect you." He was about to continue but I sneered.
"Collect!? I am no object!"
"And what are you going to do about it. You can barely hold your blade. Let alone fight. You are in no shape to do a thing against me." With one swift motion he was my by side, his hand raising to my throat, I instantly reacted. Kuragari's blade touching his chest. I was again shaking the pain was becoming unbearable, Ulquiorra noticed this. After that, everything went down hill.

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