Chapter 8: Treasure

Start from the beginning

"How dare you!" Sabo added.

They didn't make it far. I could hear the sound of them being stopped, along with their shouts of protests.

It took all my energy to lift my head, but I was greeted with a terrible sight. They were all in the arms of pirates, struggling to break free.

"Let me go and I'll kick your butts!" Luffy wailed.

"Ya jerks!" Sabo griped himself, while Ace was just grunting in irritation.

Suddenly Sabo and Ace froze, looking at something behind me and the captain that was still stepping on my back.

A group of armed guards in matching uniforms were approaching, along with Sabo's father. So that's what caused this. I need to get free, or else Sabo will be taken from us. I tried to move, but the captain just added more pressure making me wince from the pain.

Sabo's father approached us before coming to a stop and examining the situation. He frowned at the sight.

"We didn't harm a hair on him, mister." The captain said to him before signaling his man to bring Sabo over.

"Sabo!" Ace called as Sabo was struggling to get free.

"So they are the one who tempted Sabo into evil." His father talked about us.

"Give him back!" Luffy demanded.

"What do you mean 'give him back?' Sabo is my son. Kids have to live as their parents say because the parents brought them into the world. How dare you tempt Sabo to run away!?" He yelled at us.

"Maybe you should be asking yourself why he would want to run away!" I yelled at him, getting his attention. "You never cared about anything but yourself!"

"Ah, so you're the temptress then." He chuckled darkly. "I see now. It was you who corrupted my son! What are you after? Money?"

"What did you say?!" Ace asked, outraged at the idea. The pirate who held him, then slammed him hard into the ground. Some of his blood hit Sabo's father.

"Ace!" I called out weakly.

He grinnanced at the blood on his cheek. "Hey pirate! Be careful about hitting a kid! I got that trashy kid's blood all over me!" He complained while wiping it off.

Sabo slipped out of his holder's grasp and ran to his father. "Stop it! Nobody tempted me! I ran away of my own will!" He shouted.

"You stay out of this!" His father yelled back at him before getting people to hold him there. He then turned to the captain. "I'll leave the rest up to you, pirates."

"Of course, mister. You've already paid us for this. We will take care of these two boys and the little girl so they won't bother your boy again." He said with fake politeness.

"Wait a minute, Bluejam! Dad, that's enough! I understand!" Sabo called out.

"What do you understand?" His father asked him.

"Don't do it Sabo!" Ace yelled from the ground.

"Sabo," I weakly called, hoping that he would understand.

Forcing his lips to move, Sabo answered. "I'll do as you say. I'll live as you want, so please don't hurt them. I'm begging you! They're very important to me, they're my brothers and best friend."

"Then go home right now." His father ordered. "You should stop playing pirate. It's a waste of time."

Sabo frowned before turning around to walk away.

"Hey! Don't go!" Ace cried out to him. Only to be shoved back into the ground. Ace pushed through and kept speaking. "Sabo, run! You shouldn't have to worry about us! You said you wanna live freely with us!"

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