chapter 2

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"Are you sure you don't need my therapist number she is good and of course she is hot as well" my friend said on the phone as I sighed throwing another  stack of clothes in the boxes I was packing my stuff since my mom decided to finally get married.

"I don't need anyone's number but I do think you should get your head check lim" I said as I heard him laugh.

"I heard your dad is a billionaire or something? Hope you won't forget us poor folks" Lim said. I really didnt wanted to leave my collage my friends and everything behind but I didnt had choice.

"I don't care who is he..I only care about getting my application pass in my new collage and living like an invisible being"
Suga said.

"You know, it will get very boring without you" lim groaned, "I know but I can't leave mom alone it's very important for her" I said thinking again, did I really have to move...

"Well take care and be in touch" lim said as I smiled he was my only best friend and I felt happy he cared. "Sure" I said cutting the call.

I looked around my room which was more empty than before I had very less stuff only few boxes, my clothes and some stuff.

"Why am I moving out ahead of schedule?" I asked myself I didn't wanted to leave, For the first time I was very sure of this but..damn!

I took one last look at my apartment locking it and giving the keys back to landlord. I boarded my flight back to's been such a while..I felt nervous about meeting my mom and her husband.

I plug in my earphones music helps me to clam myself down I close my eyes some sleep would be nice.

I woke up with the landing announcment
I looked out of the window as the similar city came into was hard to move out but even harder to come...back here.

I tried calling my mom her phone was busy I didn't knew the address of the house, I was so busy on the phone I didn't realised when I bumped into someone "so-" the word  sorry didn't even came out fully when the man glared at me.

I am sure everyone had heard the phrase if looks could kill, that what I felt now.
That man was extremely handsome surrounded by various bodyguard so I was assuming he was someone very famous.

"Watch your steps" that guy said his voice was very deep I almost was surprised  to hear him.

"Rude asshole" Suga muttered under his breath. Taeyung turned back to him he had clearly heard that boy cursing him but that boy disappear from his sight.

Jimin next to him laughed out loudly, "my poor tae even a boy is cursing you now" Jimin teased as Taeyung jaw clenched.
"I will deal with him when I return" Taeyung said as Jimin felt  sorry for that boy.

"My baby you look so thin!" Suga's mom said hugging him, Suga was glad she picked his call or else korea's cold was very harsh.

"You are such a cute boy!" Mr Kim said smiling warmly he was preety opposite of what I thought, his eyes held a weird warmness. He made me felt more welcome  that I ever expected to be.

He himself showed me to a very luxurious room twice no I guess thrice bigger then my whole apartment, talk about rich.

"I know it might be all discomforting for you and quite sudden but you can ask me for anything okay?" He said warmly I felt myself nodding without even realising. The life here for few days was very nice Mr Kim seems like a preety chilled guy he was good with jokes
He doesn't go to company anymore as his son had took over. My mother already seems quite pleased with him. I wouldn't even be suprised if at some point she wanted to claim him as well.

"You will go to the collage today right?" My mom asked as I nodded, "I have to pick my wedding dress today let's meet for lunch after you are done?" My mom asked as I nodded.

I went to the collage I was glad everything went smoothly collage stuff always seems to tire me out. I rather stay at home than be anywhere out near humans.

I was just leaving the collage when I saw a very expensive car parked right in the middle blocking the way I waited for someone to come and move it but after waiting for sometime my patience finally ran out.

I look around and open the car door which was unlocked I entered the car to get out from the other door but to my surprise at the same time someone entered from the other side.

"You?! What are you doing in my car?!" The guy said frowning he seems to recognise me, that guy was very weird and a bit intimidating, he seems a bit familiar.

"You fucking parked this damn car in the way I am just trying to get to the other side!" I yelled as he grabbed my jacket
His face inches closer to mine, "why do such jerks get money and face?" Suga thought annoyed. Life is unfair.

"You bumped into me earlier now you are in my car yelling at me, you do wish to die!" Taeyung said with clenched teeth as Suga push him away.

"So you are that blind from the airport
No wonder you didn't saw the no parking signs" Suga said before Taeyung could speak Jimin entered the car he seems to be panicked and nervous.

"We are leaving!" He announced as Taeyung throwed Suga out of the car driving off.

"Bastard, if I see him again either I will kill him or kill myself" suga cursed Taeyung dusting off his clothes.

He told all about this to his mom and Mr kim on lunch they seems to have grown closer than before, "that man must be a jerk!" Mr Kim said as Suga nodded pouting.

"You dare hurt my dear son" Mr Kim said making Suga blushed he wasn't used to this attention but he did love it.

"Don't worry next time just tell me his name of car number I will tell my son to deal with him, my son is very powerful. Your brother would protect you!" Mr Kim said happily.

They went home together after lunch his mom was again looking at the wedding dress with loving eyes.

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