31) You Can't Always Get What You Want

Start from the beginning

"Good luck with that."

I thank him for helping me and then go to my own suite. I have a delivery due on Monday, so I know I won't have a lot of other assignments until then. I lay in bed and mindlessly flip through the channels on the tv trying to distract myself. I get about five minutes into some documentary about sharks before I start sobbing.

I know Mikey is absolutely right, but that doesn't make it any easier. I'm an idiot for thinking that I could in any way make this work. And I'm an asshole for getting involved with her at all. I turn off the tv and cry myself to sleep.


I knock on her office door and wait for answer. I hear her shuffling around in the office before the door opens.

"Oh thank god." she grins up at me. "I thought you were Agent Logan." she wraps her arms around me before opening the door wide enough for me to walk in. "Are you here to stay?"

No. I wish more than anything that I was, that I could, but I'm not.

"For the weekend." I answer as I sit in her desk chair. She walks over and sits in my lap. I stare at her for a few moments and try to memorize everything about her. I know that our time is limited.

"How do you feel about weddings?" I finally say.

"What about them?" she asks, eyeing me suspiciously.

"We've been invited to one." I answer he quickly, not wanting to give off the wrong impression.

"Oh. Whose?"

"Zayn and Perrie."

"Expired visa Zayn?" she asks

"Yeah, that one" I laugh.

"When is it?"


"You and your last minute planning." she gives me an annoyed look. "Where is it?"

"Here in the city."

"Sure, we can go. I haven't been to a wedding in years." she presses her forehead to mine. "Are you going to wear a suit?"

"Fuck, do I have to?"

"Yes, you do." she laughs. "We can pick something up on the way back to my apartment. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to seeing you in a suit."

"Dr. Hollis, your five o'clock is waiting in room four." her intercom announces. She leans over and hits the talkback button. "Thanks, Melody, I'll be there in a minute." she sits up and turns to me. "This is my last appointment. You can just wait up here if you want."

"Okay." I answer.

She stands up and puts on her lab coat before exiting her office. I flip through an issue of "Cat Fancy" that's lying on her desk to pass the time. Ten minutes go by before I hear someone knocking on the door. I debate on whether or not to answer it - since this isn't my office - before walking across the room and opening it.

"Just the man I wanted to see." Agent Logan flashes a cryptic grin. I consider slamming the door in her face, but decide against it. I silently walk across the room to the chair across from her desk and take a seat. She stays stationed by the door, behind me.

"What do you want?" I finally ask.

"I had an interesting conversation with your girlfriend yesterday." she starts. "There were some discrepancies in the security log in that she couldn't account for. Would you know anything about that?"

"Do you have a warrant?" I question, keeping my eyes on the wall behind Arden's desk.

"Did you hear about the robbery here? Someone snatched an entire box of ketamine off the delivery truck." she pauses and walks up behind me. "The driver said he managed to shoot the suspect in the back."

She presses her thumb into the wound in my back. I keep my eyes forward, and show no sign that I am in excruciating pain. She releases my back and walks around in front of me, perching on the edge of Arden's desk.

"Newark Memorial Hospital had a gunshot patient admitted that same day, but he vanished before police could question him. Luckily they had the foresight to get his prints and an DNA sample. Those prints came back with nothing, but what do you think will happen when I have Interpol run those prints, Harry?" she stares at me, waiting for a reply.

"Do you have a warrant?" I repeat, firmly.

"If you are willing to let your girlfriend take the fall for this, you're a bigger piece of shit than I thought. I will have my warrant as soon as I hear back from Interpol. If you want to save me some time, you could just talk right now."

I glare at her silently.

"Well, until then you know where to find me." she drops her business card in my lap and walks out of the office.

A.N. Late night update :)

What do you think is going to happen?

And what are your Devon/Samira theories?

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