24) You're Lost Little Girl

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"Two, I'm waiting for someone." I tell the waitress. I wait for her to gather two menus and then follow her to a booth in the back.

"Can I get you something to drink while you wait?" she asks once I've settled in the booth.

"Water is fine. Thank you." I grab my phone to see when he'll be here.

"Be there in ten minutes." the text reads.

"See you soon" I send back. The waitress brings my water to the table and I browse the menu while I'm wait.

"Sorry, I'm late." Devon apologies as he slides into the booth across from me.

"It's fine."

"I just got stuck talking to Louise Parker after class." I groan in sympathy.

"Oh Louise. Did she whip out the photos of her cats?" I ask

"No, I got the grandchildren. All twenty of them." he pauses to give his drink order to the waitress. "So how have you been? You weren't in class Sunday."

"I ended up taking a day trip to Poughkeepsie."

"I've been wanting to talk to you." Devon says to me once the waitress has taken our orders.

"Yeah, I got all your texts. What about?"

"Honestly, about Harry."

"What about him?"

"How serious are you guys?"

"Why?" I ask, slightly annoyed. I'm starting to wonder if Harry was right.

"I was just curious. It doesn't seem like you've known him long and you've been spending a lot of time together."

"Is there anything wrong with that?"

"Is he your boyfriend?"

"Yeah, I guess he is."

We're interrupted again by the waitress bringing our burgers over. She lingers trying to small talk with us and I'm tankful for the distraction from Devon's interrogation.

"What did you say he did for a living?" he asks as soon as she walks away from the table.

"He works at the Triton in Atlantic City."

"Doing what?"

"I don't know. Whatever."

"You don't know what his job is there?"

"Not really. I think he does something with their security."

"What hours does he work?"

"I don't know, Devon. Why do you care?" I snap at him. "You kept saying you wanted to meet him and then when I bring him by, you were really rude and didn't talk to him. So, I'm confused as to why you're all of sudden interested again."

Devon takes a deep breath and looks out the window, staying silent for a few minutes.

"Does he come and go at random times?" he finally asks.


"Does he? Does he show up at your place and then go missing for three days at a time? Does he use an out of date phone that seems to change frequently? Does he dodge questions about his job? Does he always pay in cash and seem to have an endless flow of money?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You need to break it off and stay away from him."

"You're being ridiculous. Harry was right, you're jealous."

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