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"It's not my birthday." Yoongi stated as Jimin handed him a plain small brown paper bag.

"I'm aware but open it up." He grinned.

Yoongi eagerly took out the gift paper. Once he did he saw a yellow notebook. It looked fairly new and had an elastic strap to keep it shut. He raised his eyebrow looking back at Jimin.


"Open it up." Jimin interrupted excitedly.

Yoongi smiled cheekily. It was cute to see Jimin so happy about something. Any present coming from Jimin was valuable to him.

Very carefully, he moved the strap and opened it up. The first page on the yellow bullet journal he saw was his own bucket list. Beside each number there was a checkbox beside it.

It was well written in a pretty cursive font. The things they've done together had a check mark beside them and the rest were blank.

He flipped the page and there he spotted a detailed list of all the coffees and sweets that Yoongi had tried from Sugary Sweets ranked from his most favorite to least.

Now that he saw this he recalled all the times Jimin asked for his opinion about the drinks and sweets. He had been asking because he was keeping track of them. Yoongi never thought much into it which actually made him even more satisfied to know Jimin was thinking of him the whole time.

The next page consisted of their experience swimming. The written report included the day, time, and even what they wore to swim.

Then there was the star night 'date' which still held a special place in Yoongi's heart. How could he forget that's the day they held hands?

There was a picture of Yoongi looking through the telescope that was included. He felt himself cringe a little hoping that Jimin didn't have more off guard pictures of him.

He wasn't a fan of his appearance and especially when it was off guard, but looking at that picture warmed his heart. It brought him back to that night they talked, laughed, and ate banana sandwiches under the moonlight.

The following was their fancy dinner date, the food, the dessert. It was all so well written Yoongi could smell and tasted the food through the page.

On the last few pages that were filled—until now—was a report of the Twenty One Pilots concert and Jimin's experience.

Jimin had printed out pictures of himself in line to the stadium, several pictures he'd snapped of the iconic duo and a list of all the songs they had played with time included.

At the very bottom Jimin wrote what happened while being there. It was so well written that Yoongi could physically hear the chanting crowd and the voice of his idol singing his favorite songs.

Of course Jimin had shown him every single video he recorded since he had been sick and fell asleep through the whole thing. However, reading Jimin's personal experience about his favorite band in the whole entire world was something so heartwarming.

He felt his eyes fill with tears and the joy he felt inside was enormous. Yoongi had lived and experienced so much without ever leaving the hospital grounds.

He hadn't realized how much they've done over the last six months until now. His hunger to live grew a thousand times more after seeing this.

Yoongi needed to get a transplant. He needed to get out of this hospital so he could do everything he ever dreamed of.

If he was able to do all of these things while being stuck here, he couldn't imagine what his life would be like if he weren't here.

"I wanted to give it to you so you could add your input. I think it would be nice if you write in it too. It'll be something that you will look back at one day and memories are always a beautiful thing to recall."

Bucket List [Yoonmin]Where stories live. Discover now