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Jungkook glanced at Taehyung who was typing up a report on his computer. He didn't think he made it obvious but apparently he was wrong.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked not looking away from his computer.

Jungkook quickly looked away. "Oh no. Sorry."

"You've been looking at me on and off for the last five minutes. Do you need help?" He wondered, finally turning towards him.

Jungkook swallowed nervously. Taehyung always had a serious expression that was hard to read. It was rare for him to smile or show any type of emotion other than anger.

Yoongi pissed him off quite constantly.

"Yeah. I, uhh...my computer seems to be frozen."

This wasn't a lie. It had frozen on his medication module but was too distracted with Taehyung that he hadn't attempted to fix it.

"Stupid shit is always freezing up. I hate the program we use." He mumbled getting up from his seat.

He hovered over Jungkook which made his heart rate beat tremendously against his chest. Taehyung's long arms were inches away.

He looked up at him and noticed how noticeably his adams apple was. His brown shaggy hair was just as beautiful as him.

"There. Got it."

"Wow. Thank you."

"Sure no problem. You can always ask me for help, you know. You don't have to keep quiet."

"Thanks." He murmured.

But how did he tell him that the reason he had been staring at him this whole time was because he wanted to ask him out?

As he attempted to concentrate back on work he couldn't. The thoughts were in his head and he couldn't escape them.

So he took a deep breath and finally went for it. The worst he could do was say no. Sure that would make him feel like jumping off a cliff but he'd get over it eventually.


"Stuck again?" He asked ready to get up.

"No, no, uhhh...actually I wanted to ask if you..."

Taehyung attentively listened and Jungkook felt himself get nervous again. He was a confident man. One that was never afraid to speak his mind.

Yet, staring at Taehyung's face made his mind go blank. His own tongue forgot to speak and his heartbeats were out of range.

"I heard there's this new movie out and it's really good."

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows with a chuckle. It was a truly heavenly sound and Jungkook would give a kidney to hear it again.

"That's a drastic change of topic."

"Well, I figured I should've started there. Supposedly it has good reviews."

"Really? What's the name?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know?" He asked with a confused smile.

"No I don't. Do you want to find out?"

"Excuse me?"

"Do you want to find out the name?"

Taehyung took note of how fidgety Jungkook was. How tense the air suddenly felt even though they had only exchanged a few words.

For a split second he thought Jungkook was asking him on a date. However, that was ridiculous. It had to be his brain playing tricks on him. He was only trying to hangout as friends.

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