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"Fuck, fuck, fuck." Yoongi groaned as he wiped his sweaty forehead. 

His hands were sticky and wet. He turned on the faucet to erase  the evidence from his skin.

As his sweat and hairspray went down the drain that's when he felt the nausea return. He quickly rushed to the toilet which was next to him and vomited the little food he had managed to keep down.

"Yoongi? Are you okay?" Taehyung asked, knocking lightly on the door.

"Uh huh." He murmured, flushing the toilet.

"Your family and friends are already waiting for you. I told them I'd check up on you. What's the matter?"

"Nothing, nothing."

"Do you need me to call Dr. Choi?"

"No—! I'm fine. I'm fine, see." Yoongi said, opening the door.

Taehyung analyzed him quickly. He furrowed his eyebrows when he saw his hectic hair. It seemed that he had tried to tame it down with a ton of hairspray but now it just looked dirty.

"Your hair is white. You put in a lot of hairspray."

"What? Really?" He asked, staring at his reflection in the mirror. Then he saw what Taehyung was talking about. The ugly white flakes.


"It's fine. You can quickly wash it and it'll be okay. Why're you so nervous? These are people you know."

"Yeah but...did you see anyone else there? Besides my family?"

"Oh yeah. Jeongyeon and Jin. Hoseok is too but through a FaceTime call."

"No, I mean someone else? Anyone?" He asked, paranoid.

"No. Are you expecting someone?"

"Oh no. Not at all." He murmured disappointed.

"Have you taken your medicine? Done your Afflovest?"

"Ahh. Get off my ass." Yoongi said dismissing him.

"Nice try but they pay me to stay on your ass."

"On my ass?" Yoongi smirked.

Taehyung rolled his eyes, "Hurry up and wash your hair and brush your teeth. I can smell that shit from here. You have vomit on your shirt by the way."

Yoongi looked down and saw the stain. He wrinkled his nose. He quickly removed his shirt and went to wash his hair.

Maybe Jimin wouldn't show up after all.


Once he saw the birthday decorations all over the room with his family and friends the vomit came up his throat. The large table had a yellow tablecloth and black balloons stuck all over the walls.

In the center, there was a cake that was covered with a glass container. All his friends were there, Jin, Jeongyeon, and Hoseok—present by FaceTime on Jin's ipad.

His parents were there too with happy eager smiles. Two empty chairs were in the middle and Yoongi could only imagine why.

The sweat drops multiplied on his forehead as he forced a smile and swallowed down his vomit. It's not like he could afford to lose weight either way.

"Happy birthday!" They all screamed.

"Thank you guys. You shouldn't have." He said with an awkward laugh.

"Come sweetie, have a seat." His mom said, walking him towards the chair. "I left one open for your special friend." She whispered in his ear.

"Oh! Ha! Yeah. Yeah." He nervously responded.

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