chapter 4: meeting undyne...(rewritten)

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Small time skip


After getting out of the wishing room via hole in the wall, we see some ancient monster text in the walls

I then read all of them, out  loud

Y/N: hmm let's see what this says "The War of Humans and Monsters."

I then go to another one

Y/N: " Why did the humans attack?
Indeed, it seemed they had nothing to fear. Humans are unbelievably strong.
It would take the SOUL of nearly every monster... Just to equal the power of a single human SOUL.

I already knew the power of a single human soul, but when it nearly takes the soul of nearly every monster, it shocked me, I then go to another one

Y/N:" But humans have one weakness.
Ironically it is the strength of their SOUL.
It's power allows it to persist outside of
The human body. Even after death.

I go to another one

Y/N:" if a monster defeats a human.
They can take it's SOUL. A monster with a human SOUL... A horrible beast with unfathomable power.

I go to another one

I then see an illustration of a strange creature...there's something very unsettling about this drawing

Y/N: well that drawing was unsettling *sees a flat form*well frisk there's the way to the other side *sighs*

Frisk looks at me, a little bit confused, they then look at the floating flat form, and realizes that they have to go alone

Frisk: do I have to go alone?

Y/N: don't worry frisk I'll find a way to get there at the other side

Frisk looks back at the flat form and gulps as they stand on the flat form, and it started moving, which startled frisk a bit they then look back to see Y/N and he give a thumbs up, as they were going they made it to the other side and, they then got off and look to the other side and sees Y/N not there.

As frisk was walking a sudden blue spear came out of nowhere, as they turn around they see undyne, and they immediately ran as fast as there little legs can go, after they manage to dodge all of her spears they made it to the long grass, as they hid undyne came and started to look in the grass before grabbing something and pulling it up, revealing it to be M.k, undyne was a bit surprised at this, as she thought she was chasing the wrong kid she puts him down and speed walks away.

Frisk then gets out of the long grass with M.k behind them

M.k: Yo... Did you just see that! Undyne just...TOUCHED ME! I'm never washing my face again...Man, are you unlucky. If you were standing just a LITTLE bit to the left...! Yo, don't worry! I'm sure we'll see her again!

M.k then runs and trips, face planting to the ground, he then jumps up and runs again

A few moments later

3rd POV

Frisk then sees Y/N talking to sans, and Y/N has a pink spot one his right eye, and Y/N notices frisk

Y/N: hey frisk, your finally here!

Sans: heya kid

Frisk: hi sans, and Y/N why is there a pink spot on your eye?

Y/N was about to say something, then sans pats his leg signaling that he wants to do the same thing that he did to him

Y/N: well frisk how about you look into this telescope first?

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