Eve sat the laundry basket down on the chair in the kitchen and grabbed the broom. She forced herself not to think of that day as she didn't want to remember him. She was free and that's all that mattered. But Eve had to remain free and that was the hard part in all of this. She'd heard Mrs. Paulson mention something called 'The Fugitive Slave Act,' that said that masters were able to hunt down their escaped slaves even in free states and bring them back to slavery. However, most people were capturing freed people who'd never been slaves and taking them down south all for the money.
No one except for Mrs. Paulson knew Eve was a slave. It was safer that way or so Eve thought. Eve walked into the sitting room and was about to sweeping when the door opened and Mrs. Paulson entered. She looked grand in her lilac traveling ensemble. Her long dark hair was pinned up and she wore a small hat. She closed the umbrella she'd been using to shade herself and looked up at Eve.
"Oh, Eve. I didn't see you there. How was your day?"
"My day's just fine, ma'am. How was your trip?"
"Oh, it was lovely. Celia is so excited about to staying here. I suspect she's more excited about a certain someone." Mrs. Paulson handed Eve her traveling jacket and Eve hung it up along with the umbrella.
"I'm glad to hear it. If you're hungry I have supper ready for the two of you."
"Oh, that's lovely. Celia is outside getting her things. Would you show her to her room, please?"
"Of course. Eve watched as Mrs. Paulson's niece climbed out of the carriage and walked toward the door. Eve thought her to be a nice looking young woman. She'd definitely have no problem getting suitors but, Mrs. Paulson mentioned a special someone and so Eve suspected she had a suitor in mind.
Eve never had any special suitors. While many of the other slaves on the Taylor plantation were able to couple up, Eve was forbidden. William had everyone so afraid he'd sell them she could hardly look in a man's direction for fear he'd run. Everyone knew Eve was his.
Celia entered the house and removed her hat and gloves.
"Auntie, you've changed the house since I've been here last?" Celia said looking around.
"Just a little. When my Samuel died I needed something to do to keep my wits about me. Oh! Where are my manners? Celia this is Eve my new housemaid. Eve, my niece, Celia."
"How are you?" Eve asked with a smile.
Celia frowned but managed a smile before responding, "I'm doing well. It's a pleasure to meet you."
"Eve will show you to your room. We have tickets for the opera tonight, Celia and you know a certain someone will be there."
Celia smiled so hard Eve thought her cheeks would burst. She'd like to meet the man who had Celia so happy.
"Oh I can't wait to see him! It's been so long. I wonder if he's forgotten all about me."
"How could he? You are his fiancé after all." Mrs. Paulson assured as she sat on the settee. Eve stood the broom against the wall.
"Should I get the two of you some refreshments?"
"A lemonade, please." Celia said not bothering to look Eve's way. Eve didn't mind she was used to being invisible for the most part.
"Very well."
"Eve you've done so well with the place. You are an amazing housekeeper. My last one I believed didn't know her left foot from her right." Mrs. Paulson said with a frown.
"I'm glad you approve, ma'am. I'll have the rest of the place swept up if you two would like to rest after your trip."
"A rest does sound good. Come, Celia. I shall show you to your bedroom instead. Let's leave Eve to finish her work."
"Don't forget the lemonade." Celia said as she climbed the stairs behind her aunt.
Eve walked into the kitchen and poured the cool drink. Celia reminded Eve of Colleen and that was saying something. Eve figured it'd be a long winter.


Simon felt the carriage come to a stop and he looked out of the small window. He was back in Philadelphia and was glad for it. He'd been away for so long and was glad to be home. Annabelle, his ever efficient housekeep greeted him at the door while his bags were being brought in.
"Welcome home, sir." Annabelle said with a smile. Simon tipped his hat to her and walked inside.
"How was your trip?" Annabelle was from Haiti and had escaped during the Haitian riots, coming to America and settling in Philadelphia. Simon had hired her after she had told him she worked as a housekeeper and Simon was so impressed with the way she ran a house he promoted her to head housekeeper.
"The trip was long, Belle. I'm glad to be back. Anything happen while I was away?"
Annabelle hung his coat up and took his hat. "You remember Mrs. Canner? Rumor has it she's having an affair with Mr. Davis."
"The grocer? Are you sure?"
"I'm only relaying what I was told."
Aside from her impeccable ability to run a household, Annabelle was a big gossip. Simon didn't need to read the paper to get his news.
"I don't believe it." Simon said shaking his head.
"Like I said, I'm just relaying the news. Oh! Celia Haywood is in town. She's staying with her aunt. Beatrice told me she saw them at the train station."
Simon's jaw clenched. He suppose he would have to go see her. She was his fiancé after all. It wasn't something he himself had chose, it was something that had been in the works since before he was born. Celia was a beautiful girl but she lacked depth. Her only worries were buying new gloves and hats.
"You will go and see her, won't you?" Annabelle asked.
"Yes, Belle. I'll go see her."
"Good. And don't forget you have tickets for the opera tonight as well."
Simon sighed. He'd forgotten about tonight. He was sure he'd see Celia there and so he would have to face the inevitable soon.
"Thank you, Belle. I don't know where I'd be without you."
"Only doing my job. I've food ready for you in the kitchen. Should I bring it to you in your study?"
"Yes. Thank you."
Simon walked off into his study and closed the door. He'd been in New York trying to secure a new investor for his business and it had went well. Now he was home and needed to get back to work. He took a seat behind his desk and sighed as he looked upon the stack of papers.
The sound of the knocking at the door made him smile and he got up to open the door. Annabelle entered carrying a tray of food that smelled heavenly and Simon was once again glad that he'd found her.
"Thanks, Belle. I've got it from here."
"I'm going to see about letting out your suit for tonight. We can't have you looking wrinkled in front of miss Celia.
"Thank you, Belle."
Annabelle left and Simon sat the tray on the desk. He inhaled the spicy aroma and his mouth watered. He had come to love the food from Annabelle's home country.
He took a seat and lifted the trays revealing his favorite, soup joumou. Taking a fork and digging in he tasted it and sighed in contentment telling himself the next time he went away on business he'd take Annabelle with him.

Eve helped Celia into her dress and shoes. She thought back on the times she had to help Colleen and how the woman would berate her the entire time, accusing her of bewitching her husband and that Eve was a woman of ill repute.
"I think the green ribbon would look lovely in my hair. Don't you, Eve?" Having never been asked her opinion before about someone's clothing Eve was hesitant to speak.
"Oh, yes. I think it would look lovely as well."
"Have you ever been to the opera?" Celia asked while Eve combed her hair.
"No, ma'am. Is it nice?"
"Oh it's just about the most amazing thing you'll ever see! There's singing and great story telling. Perhaps one day you'll be able to see it." Eve thought that to be a good idea. She wanted to experience all there was that came with being a free woman.
"I'd like that."
"Celia, do hurry. I'll not be late." Mrs. Paulson said she was entered the room.
"I'm almost done. Eve was just fixing my hair."
"Eve, while we're gone can you fix up some brownies? Simon loves them and I'd like to have him over tomorrow and brownies would be a nice gesture."
"Sure." Eve said as she placed the ribbon in Celia's hair.
"All done."
Celia looked into the mirror and smiled. She stood and grabbed her parasol and walked out of the room.
"Thank you, Eve. For everything. You've been such a great help around here."
"It is I who should be thanking you, ma'am. Now, go before you're late."
Mrs. Paulson chuckled and the two walked down the stairs. Eve looked up and saw one of the butlers opening the door for Celia who jumped back when she saw the tall man standing in the doorway.
"Oh, Simon? Is that you?" Celia asked.
The man named Simon removed his had and bowed before Celia. Eve looked him over. He looked real smart in his dark suit. His dark hair was slicked back and his eyes were a beautiful shade of green.
Green eyes. Eve tried not to think about those green eyes. These eyes however, were kind and Eve liked that.
"I apologize for startling you. I only came to give you ladies a ride to the opera."
"Oh, Simon aren't you thoughtful." Mrs. Paulson said with a smile. She grabbed her coat and slid into it before sliding on her gloves.
"Oh, Eve this is Simon Allen. Simon, my new housekeeper, Eve Taylor."
Eve smiled and extended her hand, "a pleasure to meet you."
"Pleasure as well. You're far too beautiful to be anyone's housekeeper." Simon said with a smile.
"Well she is and we need to get going." Celia butted in and Eve quickly released his hand.
"Have a good night, Eve." Mrs. Paulson called out before walking out of the house. Eve stood at the door and watched as she climbed into the carriage. Simon turned to her and touched the tip of his hat towards her before entering.
Eve waved goodbye until she could no longer see the carriage and walked back into the house, her mind focused on green eyes.

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