{ S1 } Comfort from the unexpected [FlowerHusbands]

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Jimmy and Scott hated each others guts, constantly insulting and mocking when one of them got the chance.

Jimmy had tried to make up with Scott so they could be acquaintances but was quickly shut down by Scott. Jimmy had given up on that choice and went back to the teasing.

The only times they would grin, smile, or smirk at each other would be when the other is annoyed or distressed.


Jimmy was minding his own business in the caves. He groaned in exhaustion, the search for diamonds was not easy and short.

He had been using stone pickaxes to mine through, only using his disintegrating iron pickaxe to mine ores and such.

As his stone pickaxe broke, he was going to turn around to make a new one before a beautiful caught his eye. His fins perked up and his tail swooshed gracefully. His eyes lit up with excitement and relief, he was grinning like he was a kid that had just gotten a new toy.

The cyan-shining ore surrounding by sizzling lava. It looked risky definitely, but Jimmy was sure he could get it. He needed at least one diamond from the mining trip and what could he lose from that?

A lot apparently.

Jimmy took out his cobblestone and bridged carefully above the scorching lava. He made sure to be very careful.

One thing he forgot to be careful of, was the light. He reached the diamond and was about to mine it. His body froze as he heard a low hissing noise. He only turned around and shrieking before being thrown and sunken into the lava, boiling to death. Jimmy yelled for help as he sunk more in the lava, not that it was audible anyways.

It was a slow death. The lava went deep...

SolidarityGaming tried to swim in lava.

Jimmy respawned at the main spawn. He buried his face away in his hands and let out a mumbled scream in frustration.

All of his items gone. He wanted to curl up and break down.

He took out his communicator as he heard a few pings from it, a hand still on his face (covering one of his eyes)

The usual 'Are you okay?' message from his sister, Lizzie. Jimmy did in fact start tearing up when seeing that message. He always responded with a 'Yes I am' but he just put down his communicator, not bothering to read the other message that had popped up.

Jimmy kneeled down on the ground, hand in his face again while his communicator was set beside him. He started to sob in his hands, hiccuping as he tried to quieten down.

There were two thuds, one after another. Jimmy assumed one of Lizzie, she had probably went to check on Jimmy when he did not respond.

Jimmy looked up as he heard chuckling from non other then Scott Smajor. He had decided to see Jimmy and make fun of him after seeing his death message.

"Jimmy?" Lizzie was slowly stepping forward, wanting to comfort her brother. "Do you want a hug?" she asked quietly.

The cod had stood up, arms to his sides now as he sniffled. His fins were pinned to his head.

Lizzie stood in front of Jimmy and opened her arms, expecting Jimmy to embrace her. Instead, Jimmy ran passed Lizzie and into Scott's arms.

Jimmy sobbed into the shorter's shoulder, Jimmy's head hanging low. The cod's hands tightly wrapped around Scott.

Scott was frozen stiff, and not because of the cold temperature of his empire. He blinked in confused, staring at Jimmy.

"Wha- huh-?" Scott glanced passed Jimmy, who was still sobbing at Scott's shoulder, to look at Lizzie, who was equally as confused as the cyanette. "Jimmy! what are you-?" Scott wanted to sound angry and annoyed but could not because of him feeling bad for the cod.

Scott never knew how to comfort people.

Especially in this situation.

So Scott hesitantly wrapped his arms around Jimmy and patted his back. "There, there-..."

When Jimmy just cried more louder, Scott tried drawing circles on the cod's back. "It's- uh, going to be okay-?" Scott tried comforting Jimmy, he sounded unsure when doing so. The elf felt Jimmy wrapping his cod tail around their legs.

Scott chuckled at Lizzie's glare, but she was smiling at him sincerely and respectfully.

The cod's sobs and sniffles had died down as he stayed in Scott's arms for comfort.

It took a few minutes for Jimmy to step away, his face red from crying and embarrassed, "Uh, thank you," he smiled slightly.

Scott rolled his eyes, acting like non of that happened. "One time thing, never happening again,"

"Right," Jimmy cleared his throat. He turned around to see his sister giggling at the two of them. Jimmy sighed and faced her entirely. "Pleeease don't say anything, Lizzie.

"I won't, I won't, for now," Lizzie laughed and looked at them smugly as she went off, flying with her elytra.

"If you do, I swear to make sure you'll never see the daylight EVER again!" Scott threatened. "I'm a man of my word!"

Jimmy smacked Scott in the arm, earning a quiet "ow" from the elf.

"Don't threaten my sister!" Jimmy glared, turning back to Scott.

"Oh? And what can you do, Mr 'I have nothing'?" Scott grinned and glared back. He crossed his arms, his stance screaming the word 'sass'.

The two were back to their normal behavior.


909 words

This oneshot was based on aaehikira 's video

Btw I'm starting to love those stories where Scott and Jimmy hate each other at the start so any story suggestions?😇

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