Chapter 11: Mizikk

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Mizikk is at the moment my most played character. She's level 89, and TWO BARS FROM NINETY (Flips table). It's quite frustrating.

Anyway, as with Summerbreeze and Rosadon, I have researched how to play an elemental shaman. Although she does have a restoration off spec, I'm deathly afraid to use it and usually only use it for emergencies. Such as a healer randomly leaving and we'll be waiting a while for a replacement.

Playing as an elemental shaman is really interesting considering I wear quite heavy armor, but I'm a caster. It's nice, actually, because I can handle being hit by mobs more and I'm not so squishy. I'm probably a bit noobish considering I've been gone for so long, and I never know if I should be using a staff or a one-handed weapon and a shield. It's more in-depth than you would think.

There's not much to say about Mizikk's history, considering I don't remember it that much. There weren't any totally amazing experiences with her, except for the fact that I leveled her AFTER a druid. That meant I had to get used to not cheating by using flight form. "Cheating" is a loose term I use for lack of a better word. Simply describing the use of flight form to slip down and grab herbs and flying away, not having to slaughter the mobs in the area before harvesting said herb.

Mizikk is my first Alchemist, and I really do enjoy it. It makes me feel good knowing I have to go out and search for this herb because I need it for some potion. There are also some really interesting potions available for creation. Such as an invisibility potion, or stoneskin - which turns you to stone, basically - and lots of things to help for raids.

I was a part of a pretty nice guild with her, but I'm fairly certain they simply fell apart. They tried to migrate from Tichondrius over to Dark Iron after Mists came out, (I joined them there) but not as many came as they previously thought. Someone else took over, and he was pretty cool. I was excited to help build a guild for once, but then of course I got cut off from WoW. I hope things worked out for them, but I kind of doubt they did.

Oh well, I still can't wait to get back to her and hit ninety!

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