Chapter 3: Another story of noobness

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After a long time playing my Blood elf, I decided it was time for something new. I did have quite an experience with my friend regarding the Night Elf starting zone, but I suppose I should've put that in the other chapter. It was a one time thing, and I really didn't learn much from it.

Okay fine I'll tell you. It's how I started on that server, anyway.

My friend told me to make a Night Elf on The Underbog server so we could level together.


We ended up getting ahead of ourselves when we went exploring the great tree of Teldrassil. We ended up in that spider cave that had level 5's and 6's, while we were only measly level 3's. I ended up falling down a hole to end up being surrounded by three spiders. Luckily, Night Elves have the spell "shadowmeld" which allows them to become invisible. I panicked and logged out.

I came back to her eventually, and managed to hearth out of that horrid cave.

Sometime later we were in Darnassus, the capital city of the Night Elves. Sometime between the whole spider incident and then I leveled to six. So we explored the city, which was absolutely stunning. Then there was the waterfall. I recall it clearly now. Me and my friend were on the phone, on speaker so we could play easily. We looked at the waterfall, and then she told me we should jump.

I never realized most people who had ever made a Night elf had done this.

We jumped down and hit a tree branch. So we died. We corpse ran back. We jumped again, because there was no way back up. She died, but I somehow managed to miss every branch and ledge, and then hit the water. She eventually got down there as well, and we spazzed around as we suddenly realized there was no way back up.

When I think back to this now I know that there is a small island that you can swim to that will take you back to the top. Of course, we didn't know that then.

I eventually decided to call in the expert. My dad came in and looked at our predicament.

"What did you do?"

Me and my friend explained.

"Ya'll are artards."

I can remeber that part clearly because we all ended up laughing for a few minutes.

Then he just swam us out to the edge of the shallow water, and the magical fatigue bar came up. When it popped up and eventually went all the way down, we died. So we got the spirit healer's resurrection and were back up top. Yay!

At some other point my friend told me there was this really cool place you could go to, but you had to go through a creepy place first. So we got down to the boat at the edge of Teldrassil and rode it to Auberdine. It wasn't "creepy" to me, but that's how she saw it. It was just a very gloomy place. We ran across the docks and got onto another boat, and it took us to Stormwind.

It was absolutely breathtaking. I stood there after I had gotten off the boat and as awestruck by the hugeness and beauty of the place. She showed me around and showed me all the districts, and she loved the Park. We were in Stormwind City, the capital city of the Alliance.

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