Chapter 5: Gimlil

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  • Dedicated to Gimlil

Gimlil, the nightelf druid I met on my Draenei death knight, Loyaltome. Gimlil, someone else, and I had partied one day on WoW. I met him because it was a day full of fireworks. On WoW, there are very few days in which fireworks are presented. I just cannot remember which.

I do remember having the best time, and he showed me and the other person (I cannot recall his name) secret glitches in Stormwind City. We were able to get to the top of the gate, before flying was allowed on Azeroth. I can remember the fun, jumping up onto the gate and looking down at all the other people. I have a couple of screen-shots on my old computer (which died D:) of the time we watched the fireworks.

The three of us lay on the ground looking up at the sky as the fireworks sparkled in the air. We talked of silly things, and told each other about our experiences on WoW. I remember he told me he lived in Chicago, and I thought that was so cool. I just met someone from Chicago! I never realized how cool WoW really was until then. I could speak and interact with people around the world.

Gimlil inspired me to make a druid. Of course, she had to have a ridiculous name. *cough*


Yeah, that ridiculous. The whole night-elves-dancing thing was in my head so I named her that.

She was the first character I had to get to level cap. It was amazing.

Back to Gimlil.

He helped me level Dance, and it was so fun having him tear through the stockades while I snagged loots and got exp. Then he migrated off the server. I was truly upset, but he sent me a letter saying he would get on his alt and we could level together.

I had been doing dungeon finder, and wanted to heal as a druid, but didn't have enough healing spells at the time to feel comfortable with it, so I dps'd cat form style until I felt cozy with healing.

This is the first time I ever encountered someone mean on WoW.

For whatever reason, I had felt the need to pop out and put heals on the other people of the group. Just little things. The real healer raged, throwing slang at me and saying "If you want to heal why don't you queue as a healer?!" and all that. I tried to explain I wasn't comfortable healing yet, and was just practicing. She (probably he, but the character was female.) continued to rage at me. If Gimlil hadn't been on for me to talk to in whisper, I think I wouldv'e broken down and cried.

You know what the kicker was?

She didn't heal. Nope. Not even a little. She just followed the group around raging and ranting at me as I tried to keep the group alive as she did nothing. I told Gimlil this, and he seemed to be as upset as I was. I finally finished the dungeon and got out of there as fast as I could, shaking.

Gimlil then asked if I wanted to run a dungeon with him, and I agreed, still queueing as dps.

Guess who got in the group.


I whispered Gimlil, "That's her! The one who yelled at me!"

She remembered me, obviously, and started raging and ranting again as I sat there silently, taking the beating. I was still younger then, and didn't know why she was yelling at me. I had apologized and had tried to return to doing what I was supposed to do, but she would not let up.

For those of you who don't know me, I am a "Goody-two-shoes" as most would put it. I don't get yelled at often because I almost always do what I am supposed to. Therefore, when I am yelled at, I break down.

I mean, I turn into a shaking, sobbing mess that looks like an absolute wreck. You would think someone would have physically harmed me for how much I cry. It's that bad.

So, having that random person raging at me was really hard to handle. Then my hero stepped in.

Gimlil just went off on her. Everything she said, he countered. Eventually he just told me we should leave the dungeon and do something else for a while. He was my hero, and still is.

I looked him up on the WoW website, and the only higher level night elf druid named Gimlil is on the Korgath server. Apparently he still plays, but I haven't seen him in ages.

Gimlil, if you're out there, reading this, I haven't forgotten you, even if you've forgotten me.

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