My World of Warcraft Story

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  • Dedicated to My Dad :)

So, the categories I have put are "Fantasy" and "Non-fiction"


The story is based on a game that is fantasy, but the story is about me and my experience with it.

I've gone over this story in my head so many times it's getting old. I write out the whole thing in my head, and imagine posting it on the forums of the WoW website. Though, the forums there are very... unforgiving? I decided to instead post it here instead. Nerds unite!


My WoW Characters (My mains)

Rosadon: (Yes that is where I got my Wattpad username from.) 85 undead arcane mage.

Mizikk: 89 goblin elemental shaman

Summerbreeze: 87 worgen feral druid

Inkelly: 84 gnome discipline priest.

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