Chapter 7: The Altoholic

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In WoW, there are people described as 'Altoholics.'

I am one of them.

An altoholic is someone who constantly creates new characters, or 'alts,' as in 'alternate' characters. Most people who play WoW have a 'main,' as in their main character that they play. My main character (at the time before I quit,) was Mizikk, the goblin shaman. I guess the others I have could be called my 'alts,' but I think all my characters above eighty are my mains. 

I have tons of characters, but the four mains I have are my favorite. They are the ones that I slowly fell in love with and never really realized it until suddenly I entered the world of end-content.

If you play WoW, you understand the feeling of finishing the end content, of actually accomplishing something, and feeling as though you actually mean something. That you exist, you are important, and you matter.

Each of my totally awesome characters will get a chapter, because I feel they have a story worthy of a chapter each.

I have quite a few actual 'alts,' although at the moment I can't recall any of their names.

That's actually quite sad. I guess not playing WoW for two months has really gotten to me.

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