Chapter 6: Love Punch!

Start from the beginning

"But Ama," Luffy started to say, before Sabo covered his mouth.

Thank you Sabo for keeping me safe.

"Y-you're Garp? Ace and Luffy's grandfather?" He asks, gaining his attention.

Garp's glare then directed at him. "Squirt, you mentioned about going out to sea, too."

"He's not a squirt! He's Sabo!" Luffy stood to defend his friend, despite the large bump present on his head. "We exchanged a cup of sake and pledged to become pirates!" He declared.

"He is such a big mouth," Ace said while on all fours.

"Oh," Garp started to crack his knuckles. "That means now there are three fools who want me to give them a real workout!"

At that I saw each boy's face break out in sweat before they bolted out the door, screaming.

"You can't get away!" Garp yelled, chasing after them.

I stepped outside to watch the chaos. Seeing that they already left the perimeter, I climbed the watchtower. I saw the path that they went on, but I couldn't see them. Only trees falling randomly and the screams gave away their location.

When Garp returned alone, I went to grab my medical supplies before going after them. After searching, I found them all beat up, smashed into either the ground or a tree.

Sighing I went to work patching them up. When we eventually returned to the bandits house, Garp and the rest were passed out drunk on the floor. We went up to our room, and the boys started to make a plan.

"If nothing is done, the old man will kill us tomorrow." Ace started them off.

"Even if we survive, he'll keep doing it until we give up our dream." Sabo continued.

"I don't want to die!" Luffy protested.

"We only have one choice." Ace said, getting all of our attention. "It's time to stand on our own!" He said with a smile.

"So we're moving out?" Sabo confirmed.

"We'll make our own place." Ace nodded. Luffy liked the idea.

"What about Amaya?" Sabo asked for me.

"We'll come get her when we're done." Ace suggested.

I nodded in agreement with a smile.

"Chi!" She confirmed from my shoulder.

"Just don't be too long, okay guys? I'll miss you otherwise." I said, earning a blush from Ace and Sabo and a grin from Luffy.

"W-whatever," Ace tried to appear unconcerned.

"We'll try to be quick." Sabo tried to appease me.

It was also funny how they would react to the littlest things from me.

They wrote a note for Garp and Dadan to read and signed it ASL.

"What about Amaya's name?" Luffy asks.

"She can't add it, or Garp will target her too!" Ace snapped at Luffy.

"In a way it's already there." Sabo said.

I smiled. "Yeah, you're right. I'll be the ghost member of ASL, because I'm hidden in the shadow of the A."

"Chi!" Chi cheered with me.

The boys all grinned at that before hanging the note and taking off.

I woke up the next morning to Dadan freaking out about the note they left behind. It was hard to keep a straight face, when they asked me if I knew where they went, but I managed.

When Dadan asked Garp what to do, he didn't seem to care. Silently giving them props for being smart. Dadan actually showed concern for the boys, yelling at him that they would be killed without their protection since they were so well known.

Garp just left, saying that his vacation was over, and that it was their job to shape them into navy men by the time he returned. Dadan freaked out, since he left everything to her again, before doing a complete 180 wishing him a safe trip back. Good times. Great entertainment.

It started to rain that day, which made me slightly worried for the group. However, I knew that they would manage, so until then I worked on my plane model, trying to perfect it.

After about two weeks, I heard Dadan come home, complaining that she would never worry for those boys again. Dogra and Magra had told her where to find the hideout earlier, so I guess she fell into a trap or something.

Later into the night I was woken up by three voices. I packed up my things and moved with them along with Chi to the new hideout. Once I saw it, my jaw dropped.

"This is so awesome guys!" I compliment their handiwork. They had built a treehouse at the top of a huge tree in the middle of the forest. Above their house was a ladder that led higher up the tree to a watchpost. A pirate flag that had ASL written on it flew in the wind.

Sabo had to guide me on the way there, so that I would activate any of the traps that they had set around. When I entered, I saw that there was a steering wheel on one of the walls.

Ace showed me where I could put my things like my aircraft model, boxes with my dials, journal, and a couple of books. I also brought all the medical supplies I had since I knew it would be needed at some point.

After showing me around their new base, we all went to sleep. We each had our own blankets now, and Chi got her pad to sleep on as well. Being nice and comfy and getting to see the boys put me in a great mood. One that allowed me to fall asleep peacefully.


It was fun writing this chapter! Hope you enjoyed! Until Next Time...


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