Chapter 10

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If It Acts Like An Ass, Slams Doors Like An Ass, Talks Like An Ass, Then It's Definitely A MacAss 

3 Months Later


The past couple of months have been completely amazing, until today.  Mac and I are a couple, well kind of a couple. At least a couple as much as you can be a couple but still not really kiss, touch, or date, then we're definitely a couple. We hang out together, he comes by the house and eats with us quite a bit, and when Steffi and I are allowed at the clubhouse, he's always with me. He'll throw an arm across my shoulders, hold my hand sometimes, kiss the top of my head or cheek, and I never see him with other girls now. He went from several girls a night, rubbing all over him, naked freaking skanks doing their damn best to pull him into their permanent orbit. Now, he mostly ignores them, he'll talk to them a little, but he never touches them or lets them touch him. Even Savanna, the queen of Skanktown doesn't get his attention anymore, and she's freaking pissed about it. Savanna is constantly hovering around him, serving him drinks, bringing him anything and everything that he never even asked for. I try to not let her see that she gets to me, but damnit, she does. And she knows it. She is always flaunting what goes on at the club when I'm not around, pretending she and Mac have been together when I know for a fact that he hasn't been with her. Well, not lately anyway, but he certainly has gone there in the past, many, many times over the years. But that is the past, he tells me I'm his future, and I'm not going to act like a jealous little girl and throw his past girls in his face.

So in the meantime, I let Savanna play her games, watch her act like the jealous pathetic bitch that she is. I will never stoop to her level, I won't play her game, and I'm not going to get in some chess game war with her, though, lets be real, there's no way that girl knows how to play chess.  The facts are that she is older than me, more experienced than I am, and she does have a history with Mac. But that's what she is, history.

Life has been moving along at such a positive and exciting rate that I'm getting a little bit nervous that there is a big fall waiting for me.

School has been great, I graduate in a few months with honors and a partial scholarship to UCLA, one of Steffis and my top choices. With my scholarship and the money that I've been earning modeling, I can pay for all of next year's tuition, along with most of my second year. I also accepted 2 modeling jobs that will start in September and finish in November. Those jobs will guarantee that with my scholarship and the money I've already saved, I will be able to pay for all four years of school without any student loans.

Steffi wasn't happy about my deferring school until the winter semester, but she gets it, how important it is for me to be able to depend on myself. Like, the sister she is, she is sad, but fully supports me. Jack is pretty calm about it, though he agrees with everyone else that I should let his dad and Mac pay for my tuition. He doesn't understand my reasoning, and to be fair, he probably doesn't care either. He just loves me, and he wants me to be around.

Stone, well Stone loves me like a daughter. I know this, I don't doubt it for a moment. Since I first met Steffi, Stone and Kat have taken care of me, loved me and treated me no differently than they treated their bio kids. He told me "I get where you're coming from, but you're wrong.".  Well, he's wrong. I need to do this for myself, prove to myself that if the worst thing happened, and I didn't have the Sanders family behind me, that I'd still be able to care for and look out for myself.

Mac, well hell, Mac is super mad, angry and not listening to me or even attempting to understand my point of view. I know he loves me and wants to take care of me, but this is important to me and he isn't even trying to listen to me. During our conversation today, he got so furious that he just started issuing ultimatums, telling me that I was letting him down, not respecting him as my boyfriend, making decisions without taking him into consideration. He just yelled these things at me, I swear it knocked the wind out of me. I was stunned and crying when he stomped out of the house and told me he'd meet me at the club later at the party. He told me to get a ride there with Jack or Steffi, and he'd "catch up with me if I could fit him in to my 'busy' schedule." He was just rude, flat out disrespectful of my thoughts, feelings and me, I mean, he didn't even let me talk. He just yelled over me when I tried to explain my reasoning, and then he slammed out of the house.

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