Chapter 8

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New Year, New Promises, But I'm Still Me, So I Need Actions Not Words

January 1

Lizzie - 17

Oh my god, what in the hell happened to me? My head is pounding, my throat feels like I swallowed razor blades, and I feel all hot and sweaty, and jeez, how do I feel hot, sweaty and still be freezing cold and shivering all at the same time? I'm shaking so hard that my teeth are chattering, and every part of my body is completely under all of my covers.

I'm sick.  Like I'm really sick.

Damnit, I had so much fun planned for today.

Oh MY GOD!!! I totally remember all that Mac said last night!

He slept in my bed, WITH ME, all night! I slept in his arms all night. In. His. Arms!! Well not technically in his arms as he was on top of my covers, but he did have his arm over me!

But Oh My Gosh, the horrible things he said to me!  He is such an asshole!

I roll over quickly looking to see if he's still here, but all I see is the empty spot where he had been last night, the pillow is cold, and still crushed down from his head. Glancing over to my bedside table I spot a piece of notebook paper. Quickly grabbing it I see it has Mac's messy writing,

Sweet Lizzie,

I had to leave early this morning for a job that dad sent Slater and me on. I'll be back in a few days. I'll call you and text you every day. I meant EVERYTHING I said last night. I love you Lizzie, and I'm gonna make everything all better. Call me when you wake up pretty girl.



No fuckin way are you dating that Dylan dick, call him and tell him you're not going.

Also, put our fucking picture back next to your bed!

Love you baby

Ok, kind of a super sweet note, but no to him bossing me around, and HELL NO to him thinking he can control me. Just because he confessed his feelings to me (finally!!) doesn't mean he's going to see me dance to his tune, no way.

But OH MY GOD!!! He really did say all that last night, and mean it! I can't believe that he loves me that he feels the same way I do. But now I kind of feel angry with him. Why did he play these stupid games for the past several years? We really need to talk more about that, fooling around with other girls, letting me see it, ignoring me, I mean, I don't really think he knows how much he hurt me! Well, he's going to find out how hurt I was, because we are definitely talking this all out.

I start to get out of bed when I again realize that I feel like hell. I am truly happy about Mac, but damn, I am in a world of hurt right now.

Reaching for my phone, I need to text Steffi and see if she has what I have. My phone lights up with a text alert, opening up, I see that I have 5 missed texts from MyHotFuckinMan?:

MyHotFuckinMan: Not cool naming me 'MacAss' babe, I obv needed to change that shit. No worries though, I'm sure you're all over this new name. And yeah, I broke into your phone, you've had the same fuckin password since you were 14...btw that's when I first started pervin on your sexy ass. Yeah, I just read that and it does look fuckin creepy and wrong. Creepy but true.

MyHotFuckinMan: You were out hard, I didn't want to wake you when I left, but I wrote you a note, and put some water next to your bed. Babe, fuckin sleepin next to you was the best thing I've ever experienced. Your body next to mine, just where it totally fucking belongs, heaven baby.

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