Chapter 5

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New Years Eve With Both A Jerk And A Gentleman 

December 31

Lizzie - 17

I can't wait for the party tonight! Steffi and I are going to a huge party at this cute boy, Dylans house. Dylan also lives in Ventura, but he goes to a private school.   We met him at a football game a few months ago and we've been hanging with him and some of his friends for a few weeks now. They're all pretty cool and fun, and the girls in the group have been really sweet too.

The New Years Eve party should be wild, everyone is dressing up, so we get to wear hot outfits and look cute. A band will be playing, and the party is going to be catered with a couple of different food trucks. With any luck there will be some fun boys that can take my mind off of a certain dumb ass biker.  Steffi is totally devoted to Slater, so even though she'll flirt and dance a bit with other guys, she isn't looking for a romance. Though Stef still has hope that Mac and I will end up together, I know better. I don't want to disappoint her dream of the two of us ending up with happily ever after with Slater and Mac. In fact I don't even want her to know that I am possibly making a plan for next year that won't even include her.

For a couple of reasons, I don't think that I'm going to be joining Steffi for the first semester of university. Even with a partial scholarship, I won't be able to afford paying for school without student loans. The thought of ending up after four years of college with hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loan debt makes me sick to my stomach. I've made quite a bit from modeling the past year, and I've got some leads on a few new jobs that might secure me enough in payment to pay off my next two years of school tuition without loans.

Stef and I always had the dream that we would go away to school together, live in the dorms, date our favorite bikers, then graduate as nurses and work in the same hospital. The older we get, the more that I realize that for me, it was all just a pipe dream.

Stef has her mom, dad, brother, and Slater to support her emotionally and financially. I know that Kat and Stone have already accepted that Slater and Stef will be together after high school, and they are all looking forward to her going to university.

The Sanders have always been so good to me, I know they love me like I was born one of them. Truthfully though, I know I'm not. I've enjoyed their love and support for years. They've protected me from Ronnie, from bullies like Savanna, and supported me in all my activities and school. I've lived in the shelter of their house, eaten food they've provided me, and worn clothes they've given me. I've even been driving Jacks old car, he lent his old truck to me so that I could drive to and from modeling jobs and track meets when he, Slater, or the other guys weren't around.

Because they've been so generous with me, I don't ever want them to feel like I'm taking advantage of them. So there is no way in hell that I'm going to let them help me with the cost of my tuition. I will work my ass off doing every modeling job that I hate in order to earn the money for school next year. And according to my agent, I really do need to work my ass off because it's getting too big.

I'm potentially up for a few big jobs, like REALLY big jobs. A major running shoe company along with an upscale yoga/ath leisure brand are just two jobs that would earn me potentially into the low six figures. I won't find out if I get the jobs for a few months, but if I do, I will be shooting at a few different international locations for a few months in the summer and the fall. If my plan works out, then I will defer starting school until the first of next year. Begin in the winter semester rather than the fall semester.

Steffie will not be happy with this change of plans, which is why I'm not telling her until I find out if I have the jobs or not. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. I love her more than a best friend, probably more than a sister. Stef is the kindest, most loyal person I know, and I don't like betraying that trust by keeping this secret, but for now, I do think it's for the best.

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