Chapter 7

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Captain Dumb Ass Reporting For Duty

January 1

Mac - 21

What in the fuck is going on with Lizzie? All I hear about lately, mostly from fuckin Steffi is some asshole named fucking Dylan.  Dylan is so hot, Dylan is so fun, Dylan is all about dating Lizzie. Steffi KNOWS that Lizzie is mine, why the fuck is Steffi trying to piss me off with all the fucking Dylan talk?

Then the girls come downstairs looking like fucking rock stars, hot as fuck, (not Steffi, she was just pretty, Lizzie however was like a centerfold) wearing tight ass dresses and fuck me heels. Then Lizzie just blows me off, and ignores me like she's been doing for fucking months. I mean, I kind of get it. I've had to stop all our personal in depth talks because I was getting to fucking close to exploding. I can barely tolerate being in the same room with her and not run over throw her over my shoulder and take her off with me.

The last couple of years I've been fucking anything that will let me. I've done it all; oral, anal, exhibitionism, threesomes, orgies, spanking, role-play, I'm fuckin every girl in every way I can to try and keep my mind off the one girl I CANT fuck. Cuz I'm waiting till she's 18 and out of high school, then just like my asshole buddy Slater, I'm gonna take my girl, claim her, and then I'm gonna marry the fuck out of her and that is my story. Every damn girl I've been with has been a piss poor substitute for the girl I truly want. When I'm fucking random girls I see Lizzies face, not the girl I'm with. Hell, I only like to fuck doggy style now, because then I don't even have to see the girl I'm with. Hey, it's a dick move, but they know up front, I tell em, "this is not a relationship, don't care if I ever see you again, let's just get our rocks off. I don't want a girlfriend, already got a girl I'm gonna wife up in a few years, this is only a fuck." Not my fault if they don't believe me, I NEVER encourage them. I tell them I'm a slutty dog who just wants to fuck. If they try to cling, then I get the hell away from them and I never go back for seconds.

I was in such a fuckin pissed off mood after the girls' left tonight, I didn't even want to go to the clubhouse. A major party was going on and I still couldn't get interested enough to go. Jack, Coop and Slater finally pulled me out and we hung at the club for a while, had a few drinks, played some pool, watched a few girls fuck around, but man, my mind was with Lizzie the entire night.  

I got sick of dodging Savanna and her constant whining, always bitching about wanting to be together.  I don't know why she doesn't listen to the words I say, but I've always been clear that there will never be a future between us.  I know for a fact it's not me she wants, she just wants a property patch and an old man.  I'm never gonna be that guy for her, she needs to look elsewhere.  I can't remember the last time I fucked her, and I'm pretty sure I was drunk when I did.  She's a bitch, I'm a dog, I probably deserve her, but no way in fuck am I ending up with anyone but my Sweet Little Lizzie.

I don't know how Slater's done it the past few years, he hasn't fucked any girls for at least a year. I know he's all about Steffi (fuckin why her, I DON'T know) and he's been mostly just waiting it out for her birthday and graduation. I fucked everything I could for a while, but the past couple of months, I just haven't been into it. I mean I see tits and ass, and I think yeah, I should tap that. But then I can't get interested or motivated enough to make an effort. To be honest, I've been thinking that I'm just not gonna be with anyone else till Lizzie ages up. I'm gonna hang with Slate and the guys, and just wait it out. I don't want to see that sad, flat look she gets in her eyes when she sees me with a girl. It fuckin guts me.

So now, fuckin Jack is telling me that Cage, the prospect who's manning one of the gates just told him that some douche in a truck is driving the girls in. He said that Lizzie is in the front seat, and the dick is holding her hand. Holding her damn hand. What. The. Fuck.

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