Chapter 1

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Mystical Nightmare And The Mom Of The Year

Ventura, Southern California

Lizzie - Age 12

"Damnit you worthless leech, I told you to grab me something to eat and a cold beer.  I pay for every thing in your lazy damn life, the least you can do is help me out when I ask!"  Her slurred and angry voice vibrates the thin walls in our small trailer park home.  Mom, or 'Ronnie' as I'm supposed to call her is as usual, hungover and super mad.  Something happened last night at the club she works at, so she's stuck home with me tonight instead of dancing at her job, which is where she wishes she was.  Ronnie is super vain, so the fact that she has a pretty banged up face, bruises and a black eye, along with scratches on her face and arms, totally pisses her off.  I don't know what went on at the club, but it must have been really bad since she's been totally angry and super scary ever since I got home from school.

"Coming Mo... I mean Ronnie.  I made you a sandwich and I have one of your beers, do you want anything else?  I can fix you whatever you want,  Gram dropped off some muffins and fruit yesterday, I saved you some."  I try to have my quiet, nice voice on, not my real voice, which she says 'grates on her last nerve'.  I know to talk soft enough so that it doesn't hurt her head, but also loud enough for her to hear my words, then I should be ok.  I also know that the less she has to deal with me, the happier she is.

Rushing into the living room that is about 8 feet from the kitchen, I can see that not only is she in a bad mood, but she looks like she's been in a fight.  A dark red and purple spot the size of an apple is near her left eye, and she has scratches on the side of her face and on her arms.

"What happened Ronnie, did someone hurt you?  Why are you all scratched up?"  I ask as I place the plate and drink in front of her.  I sit on the wooden chair across from the couch where she is lying down, close enough to do her bidding, but far enough away that she can't reach me with her super long and sharp finger nails.

"What the fuck do you think happened?  I got in a fight with Cindra, the new high and mighty bitch star headline dancer at the club, and now I can't dance until I heal up.  Diesel said that no one wants to see strippers with cuts and bruises, it ruins the fantasy.  When she says fantasy she pushes up her huge, and new breasts, and makes a kind of 'dumb girl' look.  She always tells me that I need to practice different looks like the 'dumb girl' or 'helpless girl' looks because it will make men do what I will want them to do.  I don't practice my looks, I don't want to be like Ronnie.  I don't want to trick people into doing things for me.

"What club?  The strip club or the MC?"  I'm not sure which place she's talking about.  She's a dancer at the MC owned strip club, but she is also a club party girl at the MC clubhouse.  I'm not sure what a club girl is, but it can't be good, because some of the kids at school tease me about it, and sometimes they tell me I'm gonna be a whore like my mom when I grow up.  A couple of years ago, I had a friend named Janie who stopped being allowed to play with me, because Ronnie isn't the kind of person Janies parents wanted around her.  I get it, if I had a choice, I don't think I'd want Ronnie around me either.

I won't be like my mom when I'm older though.  I may not know all about her life, but I know enough to see that she's not like other moms and dads, she's kind of mean.  I also know that she isn't nice to me, I don't think she even likes me.  My gram, Ronnies mom, does love me, she tells me and shows me all the time.  Unfortunately, this makes Ronnie angry, and then Ronnie doesn't let me go to grams house for awhile.  That's why I'm here now, I'm usually at grams, but Ronnie and Gram got in a fight, so now I'm stuck here at the 'Mystic Dreams Trailer Wonderland Park'.  I may only be 12 but I sure as heck know that there isn't anything Mystical, Dreamy, Wonderful or Parklike where I live.  It should be called the 'Scary Hot Dirty Parking Lot', but I'm only 12, so what do I know.  

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