chapter six

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It's been five days since you heard the news, and you're still shaken by it. You can't sleep because the face of that dead man keeps popping into your head every time you close your eyes. You also haven't eaten much because your stomach turns every time you picture his bones sticking out of his skin, and you have this uneasy sense... A dreaded feeling that someone is watching you.

Every day, you go to your part-time job to ask for your last paycheck, but the manager keeps making excuses, claiming that there was a problem with the money, that he needs the owner's approval before releasing anything, or whatever excuse he can think of at the time. When you think about it, you get the strange feeling that someone is preventing your escape.

Sitting on your bedroom floor, you counted the money left in your worn-out wallet. Your savings are limited and are used only to cover your daily expenses. That is why you need that paycheck to purchase a ticket out of this nightmare.

What they are doing is not right, but I can't go to the police. I'm not sure if that man's body has already been found or if they discovered anything that will make me suspect. I don't want to risk it.

"FUCK!" You slammed your hand down on the floor, gripping your wallet tightly. The lack of sleep, the constant fear that someone is going to get you, the smell of that godforsaken place, and watching that man decay in front of you... All of this is causing you to lose your head.

I have to go. I need to go, but how?


Standing in the dark, Izana walks in front of you and watches you sleep for a few minutes. He could see tears still in your eyes while you hugged the stuffed toy your siblings left. He slowly bent over so he could see your face closely.

"Those tears aren't enough, y/n. I want to see you suffer and beg for my mercy. I want to see you ruined just like what you did to me," he whispered quietly but firmly. He then tucked your hair behind your ear and leaned in a bit closer to whisper. "This is just the beginning," he said, kissing your cheeks.

You quickly opened your eyes when you felt something cold brushing against your skin. Frightened, you quickly sat up on your bed and opened the lamp. "Who's there?" You shouted in a trembling voice and turned your head left and right to look for him. "I know you're here. Show yourself!"

When you see that your room is empty, you slowly calm down. Chuckling nervously, you ran your palms on your face up to your hair. "Get yourself together, y/n! It's been a week, and nothing happens. They will not find the body. No, they won't, so stop overthinking!" You quietly scold yourself as you touch your left cheek.

"You're out again, Izana. Did you visit that human?" Kakucho asked, standing in the hallway with a cup of coffee in his hand. Izana had just returned from god knows where. It's rare for him to leave the house every night for no apparent reason other than hunting.

"You sound like a mother. I just went out for a walk."

"Since when did you become fond of walking outside?"

"Since when did you become like a nagging housewife?" Izana replied and loosened the top button on his shirt. He then went to a small table in the corner of his living room, rolled his sleeves, and poured himself a glass of whiskey.

Kakucho pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "Look, it's okay to play games with humans if that's what you like, but be careful. You let go of that human that easily, knowing that she knows about our existence. What if—"

"What if what? What if she runs around telling people that two vampires bought her from an auction and held her captive for days?" Izana sipped his drink and chuckled lightly. "Can you hear how stupid that sounds? Do you think people will believe her?" he continued, striding towards the black-haired vampire. Kakucho gulped as he saw Izana's eyes darken.

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