chapter sixteen

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"What are you doing?" Izana asked, raising his eyebrow.

Yukari came to a halt and smiled. She then took a step closer and traced Izana's skin with her finger. "As I've said, I'll help you with your bath," she replied in a seductive voice.

She stopped when Izana held her wrist, removing her finger from his skin. "I don't need any help, Yukari," the white-haired vampire replied in a low, cold tone before turning his back on her.

Yukari clenched her wrist as she stood there, watching Izana leave.


The next day, you and Kakucho are preparing breakfast together. It's intended to keep you busy and take your mind off of things that are bothering you, but your thoughts continue to wander around, particularly about the relationship between Izana and Yukari. By the looks of it last night, they seemed close.

I thought Izana hated humans; then why is he gentle with her?

"Do you like my face or do you have a question, y/n?"

You snapped out of the trail of thoughts. "Wha—am I staring at you for that long? I'm sorry, it's just that..." You paused and shook your head. "Nothing,"

"You know that you can talk to me, y/n. I mean, we're friends, right?" Kakucho said, glancing at you before he stirred the soup in the pot.

"Yeah, I know," you smiled, and transferred the chopped carrots to a clean plate.

Kakucho placed the ladle down and dried his hands using his apron. After that, he faced you. "Then, tell me what's bugging you."

You stared at him for a while and then took a deep breath before speaking. "Nothing is bugging me, but I am curious about something."

"About what?"

Your eyes begin to dart around while clearing your throat. When you make sure that no one is around, you lean in close to whisper, "I thought Izana hated humans, but he's close with Miss Yukari, huh?"

Kakucho was taken aback by your question. He never once thought that you would be curious about Izana's relationship, as he always sees the both of you on the verge of killing each other.

"I can't say anything about their relationship because Izana is a reserved person, but one thing I noticed is that Yukari is Izana's favorite blood servant."

"Ah, I see."

"Are you okay, y/n? You sound different today?"

"Oh! I'm good. Maybe I'm just... bored or something. There is no internet or television in this big ass mansion," you reasoned, scratching the back of your head.

"I'm sorry. Izana doesn't want those things inside the mansion, but you can use the library! There are a great selection of books there, and I'm sure you can pick something that you will like."

"I'll make sure to check it out later."


How did I end up here?

Standing in front of a big black door, you're tightly gripping the tray of food that Kakucho prepared. Unfortunately, it was Izana who instructed him last night to have you deliver his morning meal.

This man really rubs it in my face that I am his... Argh!

Taking a deep breath, you calm yourself before knocking on the door. You don't want to start a fight early in the morning because you don't want to waste your energy any more on that rude vampire.

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