chapter eight

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"This is her fifth attempt to escape within two weeks; I must say, she has guts, and you have the patience to deal with her... That's rare," Kakucho said as he set a cup of coffee on Izana's study table.

"I have patience because toying with her is so much fun; she fights back."

Kakucho shook his head slightly. "I don't know what's going on inside your head, Izana, and I still don't understand why, of all people, you're so obsessed with her."

Izana's eyes widened for a split second, and then he scoffed in annoyance. "Me? I am not obsessed with her, Kakucho. Watch your mouth."

"All right, all right. Relax, jeez. Anyway, here's the file on our next target. His ex-fiancée wants him gone by next week," Kakucho said, placing an envelope on the table.

Izana reached for it and read the file. "Shion Madarame," he mumbled. He then turned the page and saw a photo of a woman. "Isn't this the one who begged on her knees in front of us just to take the job? She's broke, right? Does she have the money?"

"Yes. She paid in full."

"Huh." Izana rubbed his chin and gently swung his swivel chair. "Humans can really do anything when desperate. Pathetic."

"According to her, he's a cheating-abusive bastard that preys on teenage girls. The last straw was discovering a folder full of her young daughter's pictures taken without any consent."

Izana scoffed. "They have called us monsters for hundreds of years, killing most of our kind, but look how disgusting they are." He paused for a while as a faint sigh escaped his lips. "Anyway, where can we find this bastard?"

"He's always at a bar called Elixir. We can take him from there whenever we want; do you want me to finish the job so you can rest?"

Izana closed the file and raised his glance to his friend. "No, I'll get him; you stay here and bake, cook, or whatever." The white-haired vampire rose, tossed the file on the table, and walked out.


I swear to god, once I'm free of this tie, I'm going to rip that vampire to pieces. You thought as you tried to free your hands. As punishment for your previous escape attempt, Izana bound your hands and feet to the bedpost.

You came to a halt when you heard the door open, and when you saw Izana enter the room, your blood immediately boiled. You shouted at the top of your lungs, cursing him repeatedly. As you spend more time in that mansion, your fear of him has gradually faded and is now replaced by anger.

"Woah. Relax! No matter how loud you scream, I won't understand it if your mouth has a gag," he said, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"And whose fault was that?" You said in a muffled voice that sounded gibberish.

"I will take the gag off, but you have to be a good girl and promise not to bite me, okay?" The white-haired vampire asked, but you didn't respond; instead, you glared at him, hoping that he could feel your anger through your eyes.

Izana held your chin, tilting it up a little, but you resisted his grip. He scoffed, then leaned in close before speaking. "I've noticed that you're becoming more brave by the day; I thought I was breaking you, but it turns out you're getting stronger, huh?"

You attempted to speak, but the gag muffled your voice once again. Izana sighed and moved closer to untie it from behind. He's so close that you can feel his warm breath brushing against your skin, causing your body to react and send this mysterious heat all over.

Even though your body is reacting weirdly, you don't budge and fight his dominance by not breaking eye contact. And as soon as the gag fell to the bed, you immediately leaned in close in an attempt to bite him. You managed to get his lower lip and gave it all your strength to make it bleed. Izana was taken aback for a while but quickly reacted by pushing you away.

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