chapter fifteen

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Several days have passed since you returned to the mansion, and you haven't seen Izana anywhere. Kakucho said that he had business to attend to, which gave you a bit of relief. You don't want to face him just yet because of what happened.

Begging him is not what's messing with your head for these past few days. For the safety of your loved ones, you are ready to kiss anyone's feet. For your siblings, you are ready to sell your soul to the devil just to see them grow up in a peaceful and safe environment.

It's the kiss that keeps replaying in your head. Even though you were on the brink of passing out that day, you still vividly remember the damn feeling, and it was different from before... the time when he passed the water on you.

It was more... gentle. It almost felt like he was longing for something.

The worst part of it is that you didn't hate it. You didn't even try to push him away; instead, you kissed him back, and it makes you angry at yourself.

"He's the enemy! It's just a matter of time before he disposes me. Why would I let that kiss happen? Stupid, stupid, self!" You want to give yourself a big smack on the head for even thinking about that kiss.

Argh! Don't think about it. I should enjoy the time he's gone. Guessing from what Kakucho said, he might be away for too long. Now's the time to breathe a little.

Nodding at your own thoughts, you relaxed as you grabbed the book from your nightstand and started reading where you left off.

It's kind of frustrating how you managed to read the whole paragraph but didn't understand any of it... At all.

"Fuck this!" You grunted and were ready to throw the book across the room when you heard a knock on the door. Coming to a halt, you gripped the book and let out a deep sigh to calm yourself.

"y/n? Are you decent?"

"Ah! Yes. Please come in."

Kakucho opened the door and peered into his head. "Just a head start. Izana is coming home."

...well, I spoke too soon, huh?


It's a quiet dinner. The chilly mansion is now full of tension, and only the sound of silverware can be heard in the dining area. You and Kakucho were about to eat dinner when Izana decided to join. Of course, the friendly atmosphere between you and the black-haired vampire was replaced with silence as you became wary of Izana's presence.

You still despise him... that's for sure, but you can't deny the fact that your siblings can now have a better future because of his help. And now it's your turn to keep your end of the deal.

To be loyal to him until your last breath.

What does it mean? How do you show him your loyalty? By killing someone when he asks you to? By burying human bodies just like he instructed you before? Or by luring more victims into his mansion?

But the real question is... How far can you go for him? Are you willing to commit these heinous crimes for his satisfaction? Are you willing to betray humans for a vampire? Can you endure it all? Can you live for the rest of your life knowing you played a role in someone's death?

I really sold myself to the devil, huh? There's no turning back now.

"Carry on with your conversations. You don't have to be stiff around me, y/n," Izana suddenly said, causing you to snap out of your trail of thoughts.

"I don't have anything to say."

"Hmm..." Izana hummed and continued eating. Once again, the large mansion is filled with silence. The heavy atmosphere is too much for you, to the point that you can't even taste the food in your mouth.

playing god | k.izanaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin