chapter eighteen

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"I've taken care of the man who shot Yukari, and just as you ordered, I erased that man's entire bloodline."

"You didn't spare anyone?"

"Yes, I didn't spare anyone."

"Great job, Kakucho. You can now resume consuming blood."

"Thank you, Izana." Kakucho bowed before turning around. As he was about to exit Izana's study, the white-haired vampire spoke.

"Oh, and tell y/n to come to my room at dawn."


A knock on the door caused Izana to stop reading. A bit puzzled, he raised his head and looked at the time. 10:00 pm. I instructed her to come at dawn. He thought to himself.

Placing the book down, Izana calmly spoke. "Come in,"

The huge black door creaked open, and Yukari entered. She's wearing a thin peach silk nightgown that clearly shows the silhouette of her figure through the fabric. The white-haired vampire didn't react and just raised his gaze to see her face. Her cheeks are bright red from blushing, but she still stands there with confidence. Who wouldn't be? With a body like hers, she knew men would have a hard time rejecting her.

"Why are you here, Yukari? You should be resting," Izana said, standing up. Yukari smiled and approached the vampire.

"You haven't had your blood in a week, so I'm here to fulfill my duty."

"I can take care of it. You need to recover first, Yukari."

"But I am fine, Izana. My wound is healed thanks to your power."

"I can only heal shallow wounds. You're lucky that the bullet didn't hit your vital organs."


Izana walked past Yukari and held the doorknob. The blood servant stiffened as she felt the cold treatment Izana was giving her, even though she was clearly throwing herself at the vampire. 

"You should rest. Exhausting yourself will just slow down the recovery process."

For a while, the room was silent. Clenching her fist, Yukari felt embarrassed. She had just been rejected in the coldest way possible, and it felt like her pride had been stepped on. Izana sighed and opened the door without waiting for Yukari to answer, but he came to a halt as the blood servant suddenly spoke. "I'm really fine, Izana. You can use me again."

"Yukari," Izana called in a firm tone. There's no hint of any emotions... not even a little.

Yukari clenched her fist a lot tighter until her fingers became pale and then faced the white-haired vampire. "You know that I have liked you for a long time now, Izana, right?"

Izana sighed and closed the door. "I know."

"Kakucho said that once a blood servant starts to have feelings for you, you quickly dispose of them. If you already know how I feel, then why didn't you dispose of me?"

Izana pursed his lips. Kakucho was right. Since she looks just like his childhood friend, he can't bring himself to leave her alone, which led to the confusion. "I am telling you this now, so that we won't have any more misunderstandings. We only have a professional relationship, Yukari, nothing more."

"But I've been your blood servant for almost ten years now. Are you telling me that in all that time, you haven't felt anything for me?"

"No, Yukari," he said in a firm tone, making her tears well in the corners of her eyes. "You're my blood servant, and that's only our connection,"

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