chapter two

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"Kidnapping someone with all of these armed people around, Isn't this a bit risky for us, Izana?" Kakucho asked. He and his friend are walking to the venue inside the Bonten's mansion. They were among those who had been invited to a private auction. The majority of the participants are Japan's wealthiest individuals and due to the items that were auctioned, this event remained underground.

"Are you forgetting who we are, Kakucho?"

"No, but I mean... We've been peaceful for over a hundred years, and I don't want us to be discovered, especially now that there are only a few vampires left. This place is full of eyes. It's dangerous for us to kidnap someone here, Izana."

"Humans are weak, Kakucho. They're fragile and easy to break. Even if they find out who we are now, I can easily shut their mouths without touching them."

"I know but..." Kakucho sighed before speaking again. "I don't know... I have a bad feeling about this."

"Are you underestimating my power?"

"No—no! That's not what I meant."

"Then you just have to trust me and stop overthinking things. We're vampires, Kakucho and we are superior to these lowlife creatures," Izana replied, fixing his white gloves. They stopped in front of an elegant double door that was decorated with real gold even the door handles. After showing their invitations, the two guys wearing black suits opened the huge door for them.

"Welcome, gentlemen. Right this way," A beautiful female wearing a black tight dress greeted them. She then escorted the two young men to their seats.

Izana searched around the room for his intended victim, and after spotting the target, he turned to face the woman beside them, caressing her shoulder to draw her attention. When the woman looked into his eyes and immediately went into a trance.

"We'll be fine here, Thank you for your time," he said with his gaze fixed on hers. He proceeded to slide his hand down from her shoulder to her arm until he reached her hand. He took her hand in his and leaned in to kiss her knuckles seductively. She suddenly snapped out of her daze and quietly went away.

Kakucho watched the woman walk away and when she was out of sight, he returned his gaze to his friend. "Do you want me to take him outside?" Kakucho asked.

"No, let's finish this auction first; I'm curious about what they're auctioning," Izana said in a monotone. He then walked ahead of Kakucho and sat behind his prey. Kakucho follows his friend, sitting next to him.

The black-haired male slightly leaned to his side so he could whisper. "We don't have time to play around."

"Relax, Kakucho. We're going to have a great meal later."


You, on the other hand, stayed in small room and was forced to wear the tiniest lingerie that exposed almost all your chest. Those men also handcuffed your hands with a chain attached to it as if you were an animal in a circus. 

After a few minutes of waiting, they took you behind a stage and made you wait again for god knows how long. When someone announced the last piece of the auction, one of the guys pulled the chain, dragging you to the stage.

"And for the last piece of item in our collection!" the host exclaimed, and with that, the guy carrying your shackles hauled you into the middle of the stage. The spotlight that was suddenly focused at you, blinding your eyes. It took you a few seconds to adjust and when you opened your eyes, you notice the swarm of men... Even women, sitting comfortably in front.

"This is a last-minute addition to our list of items that's why she's special. She's obedient, innocent, and most importantly, a virgin. For those who love virgin and obedient toys, this is the one for you! The bid will begin at one million."

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