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Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time
You and I drink the poison from the same vine

Opening my eyes, I try to reach for my phone but a weight on my waist stops me, I look down to see Newt sleeping peacefully beside me. Newt. Sleeping. Beside me.

What. The. Fuck.

I gently lift his arm off of my waist and reach for my phone. 12:36. Newt stirs next to me, he slowly bats his eyes open trying to remember where he is and what happened. "Y/n?" he mumbles, oh damn, that voice. "Good morning" I smile at him as he sits up, "Why am I in your bed?" he asks groggily, rubbing his eyes "Was gonna ask you the same thing" I yawn "We didn't..." I look at him "Nah, trust me if we did, I would've remembered" he smirks, I grab a pillow and whack him over the head with it "That's for being gross" I shout at him, he wraps his arm back around my waist tackling and pinning me to the bed. His hair flops over his eyes messily as he looks down at me, "I win" he smiles before leaning down and kissing me on my cheek.

He releases me from the bed, gets up, and walks towards the bathroom leaving me alone in my room. I leave the warmth of my bed and get dressed putting on a pair of shorts, a strappy crop top, and Newts hoodie, I unplug my phone, leave my room, and walk downstairs and into my kitchen getting out two bowls, cereal, and milk. Newt walks down the stairs "Hey what's your address? Lizzy's dropping off some clothes for me" he asks covering the microphone on his phone "It's A5 Gladeinton Avenue" I say shoving cereal into my mouth, "A5 Gladeinton Avenue, ok see you soon, I love you too, bye Lizzy" he hangs up the phone and walks over to me pouring himself a bowl of cereal. "So why exactly do you need clothes dropping off for you?" I ask munching on my food, "I'm staying with you today, to make sure you're okay" he replies pouring milk into his bowl. "Aw you care" I say mockingly, shoving him lightly "Yeah don't let it get to your head" he shoves me back avoiding my bandaged arm.

After breakfast we start loading the bowls into the dishwasher, I'm trying to get my bowl to sit correctly when a shimmering above me catches my eye, looking up I see Newts pendant hanging around his neck and dangling over the dirty plates. "Newt?" I ask as he closes the dishwasher door "Yeah?" he looks back up at me, I reach down and touch his necklace, the leather is coarse and worn down like he hasn't taken it off in months, I slide my fingers down to the pendant, it's a small capsule with a screwable lid, the metal feels cold against my fingers, "What's in it?" I ask looking back up to him, his face falls a bit "It's a letter" he says covering my hand with his. "From who?" he leans back onto the countertop, "From me" he replies glancing back at me, a look of confusion washes over my face. "You remember how I said I saw you in hospital because I had a check-up" I nod "A couple of years ago, I was diagnosed with the same disease that, took my dad and, I was unlikely to survive it" his watery eyes are glued to the capsule, reliving his past. "When it was at its worst, I wrote a letter to Lizzy, in case I did die, I put it in this necklace and haven't taken it off since, so if it does ever become as bad as it was, and I do have to leave her I can give her something she can keep to remember me by" he tilts his head back to me, his eyes brimming with tears. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him into a hug, stroking his hair as he squeezes my waist. "I've never told anyone before" he whispers facing me and cupping my head in his hands "Promise not to tell anyone, even Teresa, I don't want to be treated differently just because I'm sick" I place my hands on his cheeks mirroring what he's doing to mine, "I promise" a smile reappears on his face as the doorbell rings. "That'll be Lizzy, I'll go get it," he says wiping his eyes, placing a kiss on my cheek, and walking towards the front door. I feel my face heat up, I brush my fingers across my cheek where he'd just kissed me.

"Y/n you fucking slag" I hear a familiar voice shout, Teresa rushes into my kitchen dragging Newt behind her by his hair. "Care to explain what he's doing in your house?" she says eyeing me up and down "And why you're wearing his hoodie, again" She lets go of him and crosses her arms, "Relax T, he stayed the night" her eyes widen "Stayed the night? You little shagbirds" she laughs "Please tell me you used some protection, I mean yes I do want nephews and nieces but not this soon, let me live a little" I shake my head at her. "We didn't fuck T, he just slept over," I say getting her a glass of water from the tap "Boo, boring" she mutters as I hand her the water. "Why are you here anyway T?" I ask holding the sleeves of Newt's hoodie over my hands, "I left my shit here remember" She places the now empty glass in the sink and starts walking to the hallway "Oh fuck yeah, wait here I'll be right back," I say to Newt as I follow Teresa up the stairs and into my room.

"So, you honestly expect me to believe that you two shared a bed and nothing happened, you guys didn't kiss or anything," Teresa says as she picks up her bags, "I don't really remember T, I mean, I remember trying to kiss him but said he didn't want to" I pass her the trainers she left by my door "But he always kisses you when he's drunk, what was so different last night?" I pull the sleeve of Newt's hoodie further down my arm, covering the bandage "I don't know T, I guess maybe it was because I actually like him now" She sits on the edge of my bed, patting the space next to her "Listen, I'm telling you this because I love and care about you" she says as I sit next to her "What?" she takes my hands in hers and looks me dead in the eye "I think he might possibly like you too y/n"

"You think?" I smile at her, "Bitch are you dumb? I was joking he obviously likes you. He couldn't keep his fucking eyes off you downstairs" she says standing upand walking towards the door "Just promise me that when you two get together you'll double date with me and Thomas" she winks at me leaving the room. I follow her down the stairs and to my front door "Bye T" I say hugging her goodbye "Love you" she responds hugging me back, "Bye Teresa" Newt says hovering behind me. Teresa opens the door and waves before letting it slam shut behind her leaving me and Newt alone again.

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