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From the daylight, runnin' from the daylight
From the daylight, runnin' from the daylight
Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time

I spent the next two days at home, I couldn't go back in after what happened in the stairwell, after what I'd said. Teresa and Fry have been blowing up my phone for the past two days. Rolling over in my bed I feel the sheets shift around me as I curl myself into a ball. I need to get up I can't keep lying here, I push the sheets off of me and sit up, my phone lights up on my nightstand. It's from Teresa, I pick up my phone and answer her call "Y/n where the fuck have you been?" she asks frantically "Sorry T I didn't feel well" "Ok well answer our messages next time" Fry says "We thought you were dead" I wish I was "No I'm all good, sorry I was just really tried and felt sick" I get up off my bed and walk towards the bathroom "I'm gonna go guys, I haven't left my bed all day and I really need a shower" I say turning on the water "Ok bye y/n, love you" "Bye" Teresa and Fry say before I hang up on them. My phone returns back to its lock screen, 19:48. I open Spotify and press play on my shower playlist, American Teenager by Ethel Cain starts playing, I slip off my pjs and step into the shower letting the hot water run over me.

After washing my body and hair I step out of the shower wrapping myself in towels and pausing my music. I walk back into my room and change into a clean pair of joggers and a crop top before snuggling back into my bed and turning on my laptop, I unlock it and open Netflix, pressing play on The Book of life. As the movie starts, I unlock my phone and check on my snaps. After responding to everyone I return my attention back to the movie watching Manolo begin his bullfight for Maria.

My phone buzzes, I ignore it keeping my attention on the movie, it buzzes again and then again, I glance down to see who is spamming me. I'm filled with shock as I read the notification, Newt is typing... Newt sent you a chat. I pick up my phone and half swipe the message. 'Glade now' it says, I open the chat properly and type back 'What?' his bitmoji pops up and start typing immediately 'Come to the Glade' he types 'Why' I respond 'Just come' 'It's important' he exits the chat. I pause my movie and get up exiting my room and walking down the stairs, I slip on my trainers and exit my house locking the door behind me. I start walking towards the Gladeinton football club pitches or more commonly nicknamed 'The Glade' the cold air breezes past me making me wish I put on a jacket before leaving.

The gate creaks open as I walk into the dark field, I turn the flashlight of my phone on trying to make out my surroundings "Newt?" I shout into the darkness "Where are you?" I walk forward using the light from my phone to guide my way. "Newt? This isn't funny where are you?" I wrap my arms around myself trying to stay warm, shining my torch on the goal post in front of me. "Y/n" I hear behind me, I spin around to see Newt behind me. He's wearing grey cargos and a cream hoodie that reek of weed, his hair is limp over his forehead. "Newt what do you want?" I say turning down the brightness on my light, "You weren't in school, I wanted to make sure you were ok" he says walking towards me "Well I'm fine, ok. I'm gonna leave" I say trying to leave before something that neither of us wants to happen, happens. He grabs my arm stopping me "Don't leave" "If I stay, you're gonna kiss me again and I don't want that happening" I reply freeing my arm and walking off. He chases after me "Y/n, wait please" I stop in front of the equipment shed at the edge of the pitches and turn to face him. "What?" I cross my arms, trying to stay warm, he walks past me and sits on the steps leading up to the shed, patting the space beside him signalling for me to sit down. "Sit" he says "I'm good thanks" I reply "Y/n" he pats the step again, "For fucks sake" I uncross my arms and take the seat next to him, "And don't even think about trying anything" I say shuffling away from him.

He reaches into the pocket of his cargos and pulls out a small plastic bag, opening it he pulls out a half used joint, "You want some?" he offers me "Why? You wanna kiss me again or something?" he pulls the joint away from me "Fine then more for me" he says lighting it and inhaling. "Give it here" I sigh taking the joint out of his hand and raising it to my lips, breathing in the smoke.

After passing the joint back and forth I begin to feel the effects of it, I take one last pull before handing it back to Newt and watching him stamp it out. "About that stuff I said at school the other day" I begin turning to face him "I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have said that, you're just so jarring sometimes and I my mouth just moved before I could think" he looks away from me and up to the sky, "It's the fact that you weren't wrong though, about me seeing you so I wouldn't cut myself" the cold wind starts pricking my skin, I wrap my arms around myself trying to keep in the warmth. He moves his hands to the edge of his hoodie, unzipping it, taking it off and repositioning the pendant on his necklace "Take it" he says handing me the hoodie "I'll be fine, don't worry about me" I reply handing it back to him but he puts it back in my hands "Just take it you're probably freezing in that" he says gesturing towards my top, I take the cream hoodie and put it on, sliding my arms down the sleeves, pulling the hood over my head and zipping it up all the way, it's softer than I expected and a bit too big for me but it's warm so I'm not complaining, I can smell the weed on it but it's overpowered by something else. It smells like him.

I look back over to him "Thank you" I mutter, he shuffles closer to me, sitting so closer our legs are touching. "Can I ask you something?" he asks me "Yeah of course" "Why do you hate me?" I'm taken aback by his question, I didn't always hate him, but he's always hated me. "What did I do to make you hate me?" so he doesn't remember, of course he doesn't, he doesn't know what happened, what he caused. "You should know" I reply "I don't though" he's turned his body to face me fully "Then think about why I would and you might figure it out." we sit in silence for a few seconds as he thinks, "I can't think of anything"

I look back over to him, his blonde hair sprawled messily in every direction, his dark brown eyes fixated on the ground. I reach my hand over to him and gently touch his cheek, turning his head so we are facing each other again. "You know, you're actually quite nice when you're not sober. I prefer you like this" I say a small smile forms on his lips "Maybe I should get high more often then" he responds, I pull his face closer to mine "Newt?" "Yes y/n?" we're so close are noses are nearly touching "Can I kiss you?" I ask before he presses his lips to mine, closing the gap between us.

I feel him place his hand against my waist as he gently pulls me onto his lap, his other hand pushes the hair away from my face as he rests it on my cheek. I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him further into the kiss while he slides his hand under the hoodie, his fingers feel warm as he softly runs them across my back, brushing them against the fabric of my top, sending chills throughout my body. I reach up and start gently tugging on his hair causing him to pull me closer towards his body leaving no space between us.

He disconnects his lips from mine and touches my forehead with his "You don't even understand the things I wanna do to you right now" he whispers breathlessly "Then why don't you do them?" I whisper back looking directly into his dark brown eyes "Because you hate me" his gaze softens as he stares back at me "Don't remind me" I say pulling his lips back on mine and running my hands through his hair.

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