𝘼 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙡𝙥𝙤𝙤𝙡 𝙤𝙛 𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨

Comenzar desde el principio

Ryan's pov:

My mind was just not working. I was feeling so much guilty that even I cannot express due to me breaking that news to her she fell down and fainted and now is being taken to the emergency ward. My god what have I done , "shit" I murmured.

After one week , I got to see her safe and sound coming back from the ward in a wheel chair wearing a gloomy face.

The diagnosis mentioned that due to huge shock she had fainted and even her irregular food intake during that incident and other things mattered and the major one was that she faced a huge shock after hearing her sister's condition. I am to blame for it, damn it man.

She smiled when she came up to me and I helped her get down the wheel chair and made her sit down in the normal one and she told me, " You look so pale , what happened?" I said as much calmly as possible," no no dear nothing has happened, am fine ". She did not believe me and checked my forehead and said, Go and have your food, you look like you are going to faint and smiled a little."

I said, "No I am  repenting and going to make everything all right , actually I am guilty for hurting you so much , I gave you such a shocker-" all I could say when she for the first time after school days hugged me voluntarily and murmured in my ear, " No Ryan due to you and only you staying by my side I feel so much better otherwise maybe I would have left this world myself ,only you can rejuvenate me , thank you for everything." I was so soothed by her words no one will be able to understand rather than me though my first instinct would have  been to kiss the hell out of her but couldn't because as everyone knows she does not believe in dating so , I did not ruin the moment just kept on holding her until she freed herself from the clutches of the hug.

She said," Go take some rest , you are suffering because of our family". I was about to say that you are one I mostly care for but stopped because now was not the time for more confession but it was a gloomy moment for all of us . I love her and will continue to do so even if she does not love me back .

After 1 week

Mom and I left the hospital to come back home with father though I was discharged before but insisted on staying with mom for  her moral support, we still did not tell her about the circumstances going on for Tia because we need to brace ourselves for the consequences that will follow after she gets to know. But eventually we will tell her , it is like life never gives you a break you have to run within the stipulated frame of time otherwise you are eliminated brutally to be honest.

Ryan insisted on staying with me but I refused because already he has done so much for us and I could not for ask more so he went home . I had dark circles and my stress was doubling over as I was unable to attend my college classes and Laura was helping all she could and yes Ryan too and my other whatsapp groups too because they came to know the condition I was in and insisted on helping me, well atleast this was something to be happy about.

Mom was resting and I kept a keen eye so that she did not escape bed much as doctor recommended and all her medications were taken care by me and I do visit my sister almost everyday to only find she sleeping calmly as if in deep sleep ; the once most cheerful person now a sleeping beauty, whenever I feel like crying a lot, I just happen to leave the room and cry and not let her feel that her sole sleeping is crushing me from within and I cannot do anything to protect her.


Present time

It was like everything was going in the right direction after all this turmoil and mom was getting alright because her time period of bed rest and medications were almost over her workplace too agreed to give her this time period to rest and father's work were also going alright, but then after all these came the day to go to the court to face Claire Thompson and Amrit Dubey. Day 1 went comparatively smoothly as me and father took over the proceedings from our family side and they were present with their associates too , I could pretty much see from the far corner of the opposite bench ,Claire's father shooting me a death glare to which I did not even care because all we are here are to present the truths and win over the case and make them deserve what they deserve that is the punishment.

𝑻𝒐𝒐 𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒚𝒆𝒅Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora