26. Hell is over

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I felt energy flow into me as I took on the other shadowed silhouette. It punched effortlessly as I placed my hands where it hit defending against each hit as I waited for another opening. I felt another rush of emotion as it reached kicked at my side, taking hold of it leg I kicked it were it hurt. I didn't know if it really hurt there since it was a shadow but I was having too much fun to care. It quickly dispersed into nothingness as I felt another round of claps coming from the green haired freak.

"I didn't know you were skilled in combat as well. You've surprised me yet again."

"I'm a UA student, I spent months training for the entrance exam so obviously I'm trained in combat you coward!" I shouted tightening my messy ponytail to get out the way.

"Well let's see how skilled you are then."

"Finally, not going to hide behind your weak shadows now." I laughed running to him.

"Well you've proved yourself worthy of going against me buttercup!"

Determination etched on both our faces as we charged at each other smiles on our faces each stride we took closing in on each other.

Wed clashed together as he quickly took the first move punching me in my cheek. I felt a small crack in my jaw as I responded quickly punching him in the lower rib. He tried another punch this time to my stomach but I quickly placed my hand in the way as his fist clashed again my parm.

He more punches forcing me into the defensive. He didn't seem to relent throwing one punch after another never changing in power. 'He's a lot better than those shadow things, I've got to think of a way to put him on the defensive, his moves are too quick.' Dodging another punch to the face I spotted and opening going for it immediately. Pulling back my fist I threw it at his chest but that was my first mistake. I had left myself open.

He was quick enough to quickly grab my wrist and punched harshly into my ribs before another one came down on my stomach. As I gasped for air he tripped me off my feet pushing me to the ground as a pain crunch sound erupted from my ancle.

I let out a painful screech before I shut myself up biting on my lips to try concealing the pain.

"Oh your so going to pay for that!" I whisper for gritted teeth as he stands over me foot stamping on my ancle.

"Let's see if you can stand before shouting threats buttercup." He retorted crazed smile on his face as he took his foot of my ancle.

Another wave of pain came through as the pressure disappeared. But I needed to get over it. I refused to let him win.

Gaining every piece if strength I had left in me I pushed myself up painfully as rose from determination refusing to surrender to him.

"COME AT ME!" I shouted placing my arms into the defensive stance.

He ran to me a smile on his face as he pulled his arm back ready to punch. But I wasn't going to let him get to me like last time. Waiting for the perfect moment I concentrated my balance onto my toes of my broken foot as he began closing in I took a deep breath taking my other foot of the ground and kicking it up high and swiftly as it landed on his jaw, the kick to his jaw forced him back a few steps as he fell backwards against the wall clearly in a daze. Limping over to him as fast as I could I punched at his face making sure he was definitely out of it before I could walk, well limp to Mina.


"Mina" I called. 'I hope she got out of it okay.' I though squeezing my eyes closed as I tried to walk another step.

"Mina!" I called yet again.

"Mina! Please Mina!" Leaning against the wall I slowly felt the fatigue of the fights come at me.

The Agonising truth (BackugoxOC)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora