Mind meet Fire

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Sohan did not expect something to happen… The Ultra Magnus was Bowing in front of him begging him to take over a certain mission the Magnus was assigned for…
“SoundWave I will do anything! Just please, Please, PLEASE! Take this mission” Uziel Begged, Sohan was too stunned to even answer he just stand there confused and the Cybertronians around them stare at the two confused and surprised.
Uziel was not the type to beg especially to a con- so this is something they didn’t see every day…
Sohan Quickly recover from his shock and he shake his head before fixing his stands “Query: What mission do you require for me to take over?” he asked, Magnus quickly push a File to The Decepticon TIC hand, SoundWave step back before opening the file.
[Mission: Help, Observe.
Target: Rodimus Prime/Hot Rod ‘Hotaru (Rodion) Audel’
Destination: Britain, Cyber University in London(Author made up the school name don’t try to look it up-)
Mission report back to: Optimus Prime or Elita One.
Problem: Rodimus Has been feeling down and Insecure of his Life in campus and In his College, He is not In the Greatest Mind, His mental is as described ‘Plane Wreck’ and so is his Emotions through out his year in College.
Conclusion: All you need to do is help Rodimus when he’s in difficult situation, No need to always be there for him 24/7 just be there when he needs someone to talk to. report back to Optimus or Elita Through Mail every once a week •Report must include Rodimus State of Condition•.
Mission lasted: until Rodimus is Done with His Study might be around 3 to 4 years
Faction for mission: Any Faction.
Minimum requirement of recruit: 1
Mission Accepted by:________
Give this Mission file to your Leader once you fill it out.
Optimus Prime.           Lord Megatron
________.                          ________.]
…. What kind of mission is this?! Sohan had to reread it 5 times, so this mission doesn’t include fighting any random aliens or bad guy- “Please SoundWave… I really can’t survive 3 years only dealing with Rodimus, The kid a menace” Uziel beg… ah so that’s why he doesn’t want to accept the Report.
“SoundWave: will Think out it, No need to worry” he said before taking another step back and leave, Uziel sigh in relief 
While making his way to his quarter he reread the mission again, there was a certain Message behind it and he knows it… this mission was not just about observing Rodimus this was also to Be his somewhat Therapist? That’s so easy to see through the Writings… 
After a few minutes he finally arrive to his Quarter, his quarter looks more like an Apartment… entering it will lead them to a single Living room added with a kitchenette, then a stairs leading them up to the Kids Bedroom and His Bedroom each room has their own bathroom, Then there’s a single room next to the living room for his pets.
Usually for normal Cybertronians they only have 2 room in one quarter and one of them are the bathroom. The main room always mixed with the bedroom but since he is count as a commander he had a more… apartment like Quarter.
The kids was busy playing games… again, they didn’t go to school because Sohan was privately tutoring them… others could say he is a bit too overprotective of them.
After he observe his kids for a few minutes, Seeing as they play multiplayer games and Competing against each other… his gaze went back to the file he was holding and opened the file.
Orion was worried for his Son Situation, And For someone who had To take care of a Troublemaking kids… Sohan know how it felt, especially that This was the first time Rodimus was far from his parents… to another whole Country… Rodion was his only Son… his only child.
“Ruan, Francis pause the game, I need to Talk” He told them and the two turn to look at him before they paused their game and made their way toward their Father.
They both look up at him confused and curious of what he wanted to talk about, he flip the File to show them about the mission and they both read it “Uh… why are you showing us this?” Francis asked confused.
“I have intentions to accept this mission, But I will need to leave you two here with the others…” SoundWave spoke, kneeling down to their height.
They both look at him surprised “What?! Leaving us are you serious?!” Ruan shouted, Sohan nodded, He can't take care of his boys while also looking out for Rodion who in description…. Having an unstable emotions and mental health… “Don’t leave us” Francis mutters.
Sohan heart clench, But he let out a sigh and placed the File down on the ground to ruffled both of their Head “No need to worry, Megatron will look after you two” that did it apparently…
Both twins sad expression turn to excitement “Really?!” and Sohan nodded, Oh he know Meaker going to spoil them a lot… but as long as when he left they can be happy he’ll be at peace “and I promise I will call twice a day” “Trice!” they both said In unison as they lifted their hands showing 3 fingers up and Mohan nodded “Sure” 
And they no longer have problem with it- “can you also send stuff? Like Souvenirs!” and they received another nod…
They both cheered “Then what are you waiting for get out of here! Go! Go!” both of them starting to push their father out “H-hey! I still haven’t sigh-“ “Gooooo!!!!” and then they push him out of his own quarter and slam the door in front of him…
………… Wow-
“Kids I haven’t pack up” he knock on the door and he could hear rushing and then running… then after a minute of Waiting the door Slide opened and The twins push out his Luggage and A Bag, Sohan Mouth opened staring at it before the door slammed in front of him again…
WHAT THE FUCK??? Then the door Slide open and The Twins threw his Laptop bag and the Mission file at him thankfully he catches it before it could hit the floor and crash- then the door slammed closed in front of him AGAIN “come back when You’re done with the mission! And don’t forget to send Gift!!” they both shouted through the door.
Sohan stand there for a moment… wow why is he even surprised how his kids decide to kick him out- “what is going on here?” Stamos asked as he made his way toward Sohan, he observe the Whole Situation confused “are you going somewhere?” he asked.
Sohan nodded before pulling out a pen and Inserted his Information into the file he was holding
[Faction for mission: Any Faction.
Minimum requirement of recruit: 1
Mission Accepted by: SoundWave ‘Sohan Walker’
Faction: Decepticon 
Give this Mission file to your Leader once you fill it out.
Optimus Prime.           Lord Megatron
________.                          ________.]
He sign in, He should give this to Megatron next “Hm? A mission? For how long?” Stamos asked leaning closer to look at the Mission “3 YEARS?” he shouted.
Sohan Nodded “Are you sure you wanted to take this mission?” he asked and Sohan nodded “SoundWave: Understand Optimus Situation, Rodimus is not in the bright place right now” he told.
Oh… oh now that Stamos think about it… wasn’t it what happened to Sohan’s wife in the past? About the twins… she was not in the brightest place either because no one was there to support her and she was falling into despair piled by family issues, Work and School. “I… I see, Be careful” He told and Sohan nodded.
“where are those idiots!”
“Patience SinnerTwin, They will arrive soon”
“Patience?! Seriously?! Don’t tell me what to do” 
“I am Your Commander, it is my Duty” Husan opened his eyes to meet Silvally’s Glare “And I suppose we need to start talking about how you get yourself involved with the torchbearer twins while we wait for them” he added.
Silvally Glared deepen if it was a weapon it would’ve went through Husan’s Armor “and Why do you care?” she put her hands to her hips “Because I am worried for our reputation, I is bad enough we are called Monsters… I do not need to feel shame when I see Pyra Magna” he told her.
“Shame? What are you?! Since when do you even care” Silvally rolled her eyes unamused by Husan’s Answer, she folds her arm in front of her chest before looking away.
“I always care, You guys just never wanted to open your eyes to this side of me” He told her this time he was the one glaring… Silvally mutters something that he couldn’t catch, He Raise a brow confused “What was that?” he asked “None of your concern” she quickly told him before walking away.
Keeping her distance from him… he doesn’t have time for this! He took out his phone and Called Scara.
There was 4 rings before his calls were answered 
→What’s Up Commander?~
That sweet voice always know how to calms him down… “Nothing, I’m just waiting for my team and… I suppose calling you is just to past the time?” Husan told as he made his was to the other direction of where Silvally is so the Terrorcon wont hear his conversation.
She’s a gremlin when it comes to new information and he fears that- (he wont admit it though)
→Ah~ I see… so How was your day?
“Decent, actually… bad… I can’t get any work done and I’m frustrated” he admitted as he let out a low growl, he could hear Scara giggling from the other side of the call.
→stay Strong Husan! I believe in you~
That word of encouragement… the Technobot Commander really can be supportive and cute when he wants to but most of the time outside his room he is None of those- Husan is Disappointed…  but he truly understand that. He himself after all have another different personalities in front of people he truly trust and people he Just hang around with…
“hey, Are you up for a date night? Tomorrow?” he offered, He could hear Scara humming as if the young adult was thinking about it for a moment.
→I’m Down, Where are you taking me?
He finally answered after 10 second of just humming “Nothing special, Just there’s this restaurant I want to take you to” Husan told.
→Ooo~ should I wear something nice?
“I told you it’s nothing special just wear your usual cover and we’ll be fine” he told him.
→just making sure, So what time? So I could clear my schedule.
“Maybe around 6:40 Pm?” he asked
→Alright, see you tomorrow night~ and do your best!
“See ya”
And with that the calls ended. Husan moved the phone away from his ear before his gaze went down at the Phone in his hand, He liked Scara… he loved him… he truly loved him, He would do anything for the Young Man but Little by little he just felt like he’s no match for Sion.
Even if Sion had told him it’s fine… and the SixChanger tried to get close to him, He know the SixChanger tried to be friendly to him but… he felt like he just doesn’t deserve Scara…
He wasn’t like Sion, He was nothing like Sion… now this made him wonder what Is it that Scara liked about a person because it’s clearly not their look or their genders… Scara accepted him right away, Accepted his Reckless desire to be together like it’s nothing.
Was it because He felt the same? Or was it because he saw something else?
There is no way Scara would be that easy going, especially the fact that Sion told him How hard it was to earn the Technobot Commander’s Love and trust… but How come Scara just give it all to Husan? Without even considering it?
He felt like Scara is more of an adult than he is, Like the Guy knows things he didn’t even know about himself…
Trouble in Paradise?”
“shut up SinnerTwin, And no There is no trouble in Paradise” he glared at the Person that Dared to interrupt his Thoughts.
Silvally look at him smugly before looking away “You know that Torchbearer oldest twin who was it? SkyBurst? I think she’s cute” “SinnerTwin” Husan Warned her “what I’m just saying maybe I should you know ask her out… geez talking to you about this is hard because you always have a huge judgement about everything” She growl rolling her eyes.
“Don’t try to ask her out, I don’t want to hear complain from Pyra!” he told her “I mean, You can’t really stop me… Your only authority over me is being my Commander, You don’t control my love life” she taunts “SinnerTwin” he called her again as another Warning to shut up and She did, She let out an annoyed huffed and pouted before shutting up completely…
That was the first though he Had When He saw a familiar figure standing in front of the class introduced as the Class what?! New Professor?! Rodion sat up straight, His body tense… 
He could feel Sohan eyes Looking back at him, did he do something wrong? Rodion shake his head and look away breaking eye contact…
After a few hours had passed, Class ended for the day and Rodion leaves as quick as he can.
He was stopped with a file in front of his face, He stumble back and his back hit Someone, He look up and flinch away.
Sohan didn’t react, Rodion look at the file and back at Sohan before slowly reaching out for the file, Sohan allowed him to take it. “What is this?” Rodion asked confused before opening the file to see the Mission Information… he hold himself from Blowing any bubble emotions! But Sohan could see Rodion grip on the file tighten and his hands were Shaking.
And the re a Smile appear on his face, Sohan could see that it was very much Forced “oh… He… Put it as a mission” Rodion Mutters, His eyes were going blurry… crap he was about to cry… but not a good cry, He was disappointed, the fact his own father thinks his situation was some kind of mission for someone else to deal with it? Like… his father just send a babysitter to him?!
HIM?! Rodion closed the file and closed his eyes, His smile turn to a thin line but he was trying his best to keep it on his face… why? Sohan wasn’t sure why he was trying to hard to pretend he’s fine… Rodion push the file to Sohan’s Chest “Thank you, Sorry to disappoint you but go back to The HQ and tell my dad I don’t need some babysitter” he told before turning around to leave.

Rodion lays on his bed, He look up at the ceiling...
Why must they treat him like a child? Like… there are more children and childish bot than him and they didn’t get these kind of Embarrassing treatment… only because he’s His parents only child doesn’t mean they can just treat him like this…
There was a knock on his door “Come in” he told as he sat up slapping both of his cheek to cheer him up before the door was Pushed open “what do you want? Didn’t I tell you to go back” Rodion Mutters Glaring at Sohan.
“SoundWave: Not going anywhere, Until Mission ends” Sohan told in a monotone Voice “WELL CANCEL THE MISSION! I’LL PAY YOU TO DO SO” Rodion shouted “I don’t need a babysitter ok! I don’t need a Damn… Caretaker!” ‘I need a Friend, I need someone who truly would be there for me not because of a Mission File’ he wanted to say those words but his tongue was tied.
He bit his lower lips and glared at the bed he was sitting on, Sohan shifted before pulling Rodion’s Trashcan from the side to The middle of the room “What are you doing?” Rodion asked annoyed, He doesn’t like things in his room being Put somewhere else… Sohan look down at the trashcan it was made out of strong metal and he pulls out a lighter before burning the trash inside to see what would happen.
“Hey! What the hell!” Rodion shouted before stumbling out of bed, he was about to push Sohan from the fire but he stop when Sohan Pulls out the file, Opening it to show it to Rodion…
And without hesitation he Dropped the File down to the burning Trashcan, Rodion eyes went wide… in a Cybertronian rule if an unfinished Mission file was burned on purpose it means the Mission is Abandoned… Sohan was abandoning the Mission right in front of Rodion eyes, What is he trying to do?
After the Mission file turn to dust, Sohan Made his way toward Rodion “SoundWave: Understand, Rodimus: Doesn’t want Caretaker, Rodimus: NEEDED Someone Willing to help without Commands” SoundWave Told… Rodion took a step back, Sohan could read him like an open book…
“SoundWave: Willing to be there for Rodimus, SoundWave: Understood Rodimus struggle” He told “You’re just Saying that to make me trust you… or make me feel better knowing the fact my father thinks it’s a good idea to give me a babysitter” He glared at the ground.
Sohan didn’t move for a moment, Rodion though he was right but Then Sohan move to Kneeling in front of him “Rodimus: In pain, Mentally pressured, Emotionally unstable, SoundWave: Willing to be there for Rodimus, With or without mission report” SoundWave spoke again.
“SoundWave: could be Loyal to A prime” “ok that’s getting out of hand- get up SoundWave” Rodion quickly Pulled him up from his knee, ‘why was SoundWave even trying so hard?’ “SoundWave: been through Similar Pain, Feeling of Uncertainty and abandonment” Rodion flinch “Did I say that out loud?” he asked pointing at himself.
He could see Sohan hesitating for a moment before nodding “so… how did you get through it?” “someone help me through it” Sohan answered “a Friend?” Sohan Hesitate again before he nodded “Most likely” he told.
Rodion gaze went to the Trashcan in the middle of the room before he made his way towards it, He look down at it and the inside of the trashcan only filled with Ashes now… he kneel down “I’m guessing this was the first time you just heard about my issues?” he asked and in the corner of his eyes he could see Sohan nodding “how did you even get your hand on this mission? My dad went to you? No that doesn’t sound like him” Rodion stand up before grabbing the edge of the Trashcan.
Sohan flinch But Rodion didn’t seems to feel any heat from the Trashcan as he move it back to one of the Corner of the room, The trashcan was made out of metal it should’ve been hot when being touched after something was burned inside it… Sohan tilted his head to the side curiously his Eyes lock on Rodion’s hand as the younger man pull it from the Trashcan… this finger didn’t change color… “Are you going to answer me or are you going to keep being creepy?” Rodion asked.
“Ultra Magnus: Ask SoundWave to accept the mission” that earn a dry laugh from Rodion “of course” The young prime mutters before walking back to his bed and sat down “So… what are our situation now? What are you to me and what am I to you?” Rodion asked Sohan think for a moment before pointing at himself “Professor” and then point at Rodion “Student” Rodion raise a brow and then Sohan finger Move pointing at him and at Rodion again “Allies, Friends, SoundWave: Will help Rodimus as Much as SoundWave can, until Graduation and more”
“and… more?” Rodion tilt his head forward “SoundWave: Mission Has been burned, SoundWave: Give Himself personal mission… Mission: Understand Rodimus, Help as much as SoundWave can, SoundWave is… Rodimus Support” He Told “Mission ends: after Rodimus Graduation but SoundWave will always lend a Shoulder to cry on and an ear to Listen” SoundWave added.
He was trying so hard to earn Rodion Acceptance why? Why would anyone even do that? Rodion doesn’t understand, If he was wearing his armor right now his spoilers will give out a confused gesture. “so… did you bring any of your Cassettes with you?” Rodion asked, Sohan Shake his head… oh that’s too bad. It would be less awkward if Ruan or Francis is here… those two could always somehow light up the Awkwardness.
This was not the first time they met each other of course, But Most of the time when they do meet each other they don’t interact that much… this was… the first time they actually talk to one and another without anyone else in the same room with them… and Rodion felt a bit awkward tension between them.
He pulls out his phone form his pocket “uh can I…. Can I get your Number?” Rodion asked raising his phone up toward Sohan Direction, Sohan took the phone and nodded before entering his number to Rodion Contact before returning the phome to the prime.
“can I, Give it a try? Calling it?” and Sohan nodded, Rodion click on the number and Clicked to call it… there was a meow of a cat somewhere and both Rodion and Sohan Flinch befor Sohan pulls his phone out from his pocket and Gesture to it showing that it was coming from his phone all those cute adorable cat meows it made Rodion giggles “You have one of the most adorable ringtone” he laughed before cancelling the call and Sohan’s phone stop meowing.
“Cat Meows: Relaxing, SoundWave: Like cat Meows” He chuckle “Cats are awesome Creature” Rodion smirk at him, Sohan nodded Agreeing to his statement, Cats are very awesome, Rodion felt more relaxed when Sohan Nodded… ‘Does SoundWave  Likes cat?’ he ask himself “SoundWave: Adored Cats, Cats: Magnificent Creature, They’re beautiful” Sohan Answered.
Rodion gave a nervous smile “I said that Question out loud again didn’t I?” he asked and Earning a Nod from Sohan “Does Rodimus Like cats?” Sohan asked “I think they’re Pretty chill and Cool, they’re pretty likeable” Rodion nodded, He hold himself from bursting into laughter when he see’s the excitement look on Sohan’s eyes… it seems like he had answer correctly.
“So Where are you staying now? I mean… do you stay in one of the dorm room or do you stay outside the school?” Rodion asked “SoundWave: Stays in an Apartment not far from here, SoundWave: Will send Rodimus the coordination” And Rodion Quickly Wave both of his hands in front of him when Sohan turn his phone on to text him the coordinate “wow! Wow! Slow down Buddy, I was just asking you don’t have to” Rodion told.
Sohan Shake his head and send it anyway “For emergency” he told.
They talk for a few more Hours before Sohan Notice the time and Excuse himself Out, Rodion offered to walk him home but Sohan refuses and told him to Take some rest instead…
When Sohan Arrived in his Apartment he pull both his Glasses and His Mask off and click a Transparent button on his Headphone that was around his neck, The Headphone Suddenly transform and Covered his face with his original ‘SoundWave’ Mask, he let out a sigh… this is more comfortable.
He pulls out his phone and texted Megatron
[mission Burned, but I will still be here Until he’s graduated]>
<[Burned? SoundWave what did you do? It is unlike you to do something that reckless]
[Rodimus doesn’t like the mission, He is… Very emotionally unstable, SoundWave had to do something before he start thinking Optimus Didn’t trust him]>
<[ah… I see, Tell him I said Hi the next time you guys meet, I hope he is… at least in good Physical condition?]
[Rodimus, Has lost weight, Seems like he’s having trouble enjoying to eat, He had Sleep in class… bags under his eyes, He is struggling and had been trying to hold himself up, He does get along well with others but the look on his eyes are distance, He only Get along to give them alibi that he is not a Member of The Cybertronian.]>
[Rodimus also Have an Uncontrollable panic attack every time Something happens that he can’t handle, He had doubted himself so many times and it seems that Putting him away from the HQ where we feel safe is a Bad Idea, But I will assist him as much as I can to go through this. I haven’t check for any self inflicted wounds or any wounds, but Rodimus looks weak. He had been careless for danger Situation and Seems like all he needed was not a Babysitter but a person to understand his pain and To Hold him when he’s about to fall, He needs a friend… that’s why Rodimus hates the mission file because it looks more like Optimus Send a Caretaker or a Babysitter to him, making him believe his Mental state is making his own Father untrustworthy of him]>
[Rodimus seems to have been having several nightmares, causing him to lose sleeps]>
<[All those information in just a day, SoundWave you really are impressive]
[How are Cassettes doing?]>
And he received a Photo from Megatron, Ruan And Francis was in Megatron’s Kitchen arguing about something, It seems like the Decepticon Leader was Teaching them how to bake… Ravage was there, he was sitting on the counter watching them, RatBat was on the ceiling, LaserBeak was no where to be found but She’s probably on Meaker’s Shoulder and BuzzSaw was There on Francis’s Head.
{Male Panther- Ravage}
{Female Black and Red Eagle- LaserBeak}
{Male Giant Bat- RatBat}
{Male Yellow Hawk- BuzzSaw}
It made Sohan Smile behind his mask.
[May I Video call?]> 
<[of course SoundWave]
When he Video called His Heart was Overwhelmed by how much the Cassettes says they missed him already, They told him about their day and Said that Megatron was Awesome (Lol)… apparently the Decepticon leader has been spoiling them with Treats- of course… When they tell him about it Meaker put a finger to his mouth and let out a ‘shhh don’t tell dad’ clearly he know Sohan could Hear him-
And what makes it more adorable is that all his Cassettes at once shushes back repeating What Meaker just said and then look back at the camera like they just fucked up- Sohan holds himself from Dying of laughter… ‘You did Not hear Anything’ was what Ravage Collar Told him.
The collar was made by Shaan, Specifically for Sohan’s Animal Cassettes (he is still working On the ones for the combiners), And The collar has worked well the Animals could communicate and Understand them, It made Sohan Feel like he didn’t just have 2 sons… he have 5 sons and a Daughter. And no matter how Smart, Sassy, and Mature they are… they still act like a Child when Talking to him.
He called them cassettes or his children and the other called them the same when they need to address all of them.
The call lasted for 2 hours before Sohan had to end the call with the excuse of Getting some rest
A month has passed.
Teaching was not that difficult for him, the Major Rodion Pick was something he is Mastered in, a Criminal Justice Major… Surprisingly it wasn’t art.
He expected Rodion to pick something like art or engineering, well at least it didn’t take Sohan long to remember his studies in the past. Thankfully some of the College student aren’t as rowdy as… High School kids.
“Public policy is the method of addressing the needs of citizens by a government…” Sohan slowly walk closer to a certain seat and Tap on the Table a few times, Rodion open his eyes and raise him head “oh come on” he murmured glaring a t Sohan.
“sit up Mr. Audel” Sohan finger gesture for him to stand up, Rodion let out a groan but he Sat up and stretch his back.
Honestly it was very visible of How Sohan Pays more attention to Rodion than the other student, if someone else was asleep in class he would threw something at them or Shouted for them to wake up, But the way he treated Rodion was way softer than he did with the others… it is a very visible Favoritism, But of course Rodion end up in more detention than the others.
So they aren’t sure if it’s favoritism or Hatred- or both… Because if the other student skipped a class they would only earn a warning and smack on the head while Rodion would Be locked in the Detention room, Dealing with Sohan lectures… and A bunch of Homework.
It's clearly Visible how different Sohan treat him, it seems like they both has known each other for longer than other expected.
After class ends for the day and everyone Leave, Rodion stand up and made his way to the Professor’s desk “I’m not going to be in detention am I? I haven’t slept well last night, I was thinking if I could… get some rest” Rodion put up a pleading look on his face as his front body lean forward to the desk, His face was pretty close to Sohan.
Sohan Observe his expression and it didn’t take long for him to see that Rodion Was saying the truth… a nightmare huh? Sohan Sigh and Stand up grabbing his files “Get some rest Rodion” He mutters, He could see the excited and happy expression on Rodion face.
“Have you eaten anything?” he asked as they both made their way out of the class “Uh…. No?” “Breakfast?” “No? I don’t have time” he said making a 👉👈 gesture with his hand nervously “Rodion the class Started at 11 am, you have enough time to grab breakfast” Sohan Scolded.
Rodion look away nervously… “do you… not have the urge to eat?” he asked softly, Rodion avoiding Sohan from looking at him has given enough proof, Sohan sigh.

“What is this?” 
“Eat” Sohan told as he put the plate of food on Rodion’s hand and sat down next to him on the bed “I don’t feel like it, is there anything like a snack instead?” Rodion asked pushing the plate to Sohan’s hand, Sohan did not complain or Scold him instead he stand up and move away to put the plate on the counter “I’ll go out to buy you some Less heavy food, Do you want anything else?” he asked.
Rodion look and him before shaking his head “call me if you want anything else ok” Sohan told before leaving the room, The silence came back to him…
Rodion put a hand to cover his Mouth, why… why was he felt like he wanted to throw up when he see’s the food? It’s just a simple toast and egg… what is happening to him? He bit down his lips and force his eyes shut.
He just doesn’t feel like eating anything at all… he wasn’t sure how long he’s been shutting his eyes or how he had fallen asleep but when he opened his eyes he was laying on his bed and Covered with his Blanket…
Sohan was there patching up his Hand… his Hand, Rodion sat up and forcefully pull his Hand away “Whatdoyouthinkyou’redoing?!” he was panicking “patching you up, It is unhealthy to keep those injury unattended” Sohan said softly, he was… not mad? He was not blaming Rodion… Rodion hold his arm closer to his Chest still with that terrified look on his face…
He could see how Sohan body tense when seeing his expression but the man turn his head away and walk toward the Bag of Grocery… was he disgusted? Or did he think Rodion is weak? The negative feeling started to fill him again… Rodion hands were Shaking.
“Here” he snapped out of his mind when Sohan Offered a bag of chip, a… bag of Chip? Rodion accepted it.
Sohan sat down on the Bed and they both fell into silence as Rodion opened the bag and Slowly eating the chips… in a very slow motions 2 minutes for a single piece of chip… and another 2 minutes for another one… it was so slow.
And he stopped after the 10th chip, He Handed the bag back to Sohan “You should eat more” Sohan told “I’m full” Rodion lied “just… give me a bottle of water” he added, Sohan did not complain… he only nodded and went to grab the bottle of water, Handing it to Rodion.
He didn’t finish the water either, he only take 6 gulp before putting it away, He Lay back on the bed and covered all his body with the Blanket, leaving only his face Visible “I am Not disappointed in you, I am not disgusted or think you’re weak, I will not be mad at you” Sohan mutter softly.
“I… used to know a friend, a Very close friend of mine who… I know your reasoning and hers are different but please, Let me help” He told softly, His eyes gaze toward the young prime who look back at him “Promise you wont tell anyone? Especially my Parents” Rodion mutters and he earn a nod from Sohan “if you let me Help I’ll let you see my face” Sohan offered.
Rodion raise a brow, No one… well except for Sohan’s Cassettes, Megatron and StarScream… and Sohan’s Sister- no one has ever seen His face “Promise?” “only if you let me help you and keep it a secret” Sohan Says.
“can I take pictures?” Rodion teased “as long as you don’t show it to anyone” that is not a ‘No’.
Rodion sat up and offered his hands to Sohan, Sohan smile behind his mask before gently hold both of the young Prime’s Hand and roll up the sleeve…
It hurt him, How much pain the young prime had given to himself… Sohan traced on the Cuts on his Hands, His touch was gentle and comforting… Rodion might still be a bit tense but he tried to relax “Is… is this all?” he said, Rodion look away “Rodimus…”
“There’s… some around my stomach, And Feet” Rodion mutters.
Sohan didn’t get mad, He didn’t let out a sigh… he nodded before Standing up to grab the Med-kit and Return with it “let’s Make a Deal, Open your shirt and I’ll took off my glasses” Sohan told “I don’t think that’s a fair-“ “You’ll see the difference” Sohan interrupted.
Rodion hesitate for a moment but he took off his Shirt now feeling a bit expose, There were cuts around the part where his hand could reach… this was self inflicted… not Abused by anyone, It was not difficult to see the difference, Sohan felt his heart clench…
“So… do I get to see that eyes behind Those Glasses?” Rodion teased trying to lighten up the mood, one of Sohan Hand reach up to pull his Glasses off from his face slowly, and Rodion could clearly see the difference…
He felt like those eyes are staring straight to his soul… Rodion surprised look was visible and It made Sohan nervous… but he didn’t put his Glasses back “how?” Rodion asked “H-huh?” “How did it… that was a normal glasses and not your Visor, How did it hide this” Rodion mutters.
One hand reach out to touch Sohan’s Face, He trace on the Eye lash… how did they just… become non existing when Sohan wore anything covering his eyes, And His eyes were gold… they were… beautiful gold… “It’s a Glasses Made by ShockWave to hide it, I don’t really like how feminine my eyes made me look” Sohan told shaking his head.
“I Dislike my face” Sohan Told, He tense up when Rodion hand went down to his Mask, a Finger went under the mask… and he felt his heart start panicking… “Relax, I just… want to see, You need to trust me if you want me to trust you” Rodion whispered before slowly pulling his mask down…
Sohan mind was panicking and his heart beating so fast when His mask is fully pulled down, Exposing His Face… Rodion just stare at him, Observing his face… “It’s… SoundWave why did you hide this face from the world” Now both hand has cupped His Cheek and pull his face closer to the prime who now look amazed at him.
Sohan Mind calmed down and he start to control his Heart beat, Rodion was not mocking him? “You’re Gorgeous” “Don’t… Rodimus Don’t” “I’m just saying the truth” Rodion chuckle as his finger brush to The Beauty spot under Sohan’s Left eye, It was down enough for the mask to cover.
Sohan face was unexpected… it looks nothing like he imagine, How old is this man and how come he still looks like he’s in his 19?! “I want to take a picture” Rodion mutters before looking around for his phone. 
Sohan Wasn’t sure how he should feel, The first time Meaker reacted to His Face was surprised and Then accepting while Stamos has become a blushing mess… Rodion was surprised and amaze? Adoration? 
{Short red Hair, Blaze Caidyn, Nickname Blaze.
Uses He/him
Code Name Blaster, Autobot Communication Officer (also The main Broadcaster for any Autobot-Decepticon news)
Age around  36-38 years old, Height 6’1 feet
Loud, Childish and very Friendly, He accepted others the way they are and sometimes even encourage them to find themselves, he is very chill for someone who is known as Loud and Obnoxious. He has very high respect for others preference and even when he met new people he politely ask their pronounce and their Name. Such a Homie
Short red Hair Covered by a orange Beanie, Blue eyes}
{Medium Black Hair, Sonia Bladina Walker, Nickname Sonia 
Uses She/Her
Code Name SoundBlaster, A Data collector and currently the Current Decepticon TIC while SoundWave is gone
Age around 34-36 years old, Height 5’8 feet
She’s competitive especially when it comes toward her brother (Having a One sided Rivalry with him) she always tried her best, trying to proof she is not someone to hide behind her Brother Shadow, She wanted others to see her as her own person! She’s very determined and prideful… and Her words are very blunt, Others might even think she Lack empathy (you can say she’s the definition of a Goth girl with Social Issues)
Medium black Hair with red Shading, Gold eyes behind Red Visor}
Blaze was in the middle of Staring at the Screen, as usual doing his job, His Cassettes weren’t with him at the moment… and the control room has been quiet, It has been very quiet since Sohan wasn’t around, No Cybertronian for him to annoyed the shit out of…
The door slide open and a familiar steps of a high heel echoes through the Room, It brings smile to Blaze’s Face as he lean back to his seat.
A Pair of Hand Wrapped around his neck from behind and a head was placed to his shoulder “Slow day?” “Very Slow, it felt like this day would never ends” Blaze whined.
hm~ you’re not wrong, It has been a slow day…” Sonia hums before leaning away and slowly move toward Blaze’s Seat and sat on his Lap “Wow, Hey we’re at work” Blaze Chuckle but he did not push her Away.
Sonia Lean her head to his shoulder and her finger Trail on the design on his armor “Correction, You’re at work… I’m not” She Purred before kissing his neck “Hey, SoundBlas- Sonia… chill”, He nervously laughed as his hand gently caress her hair “I just want to Show my Boyfriend some affection is it so wrong?”, she whined.
“Come on, You’re Brother Ain’t here doesn’t mean you can do this” Blaze Sigh, even if he says that… He loved her the way she is, Always so Affectionate towards him, even if sometimes she shows affection not in the right time. “Actually, the fact that He's not here we can fool around” Sonia Nuzzled to his neck.
Oh Sohan is going to kill him… If Sohan Was here he would already pull his Twin Sister away from His rival and Glared at Blaze… That Glare could’ve killed the Autobot Communication Officer-  “Sonia, Babe… if your brother found out, I’m totally dead” Blaze mutters looking away.
Sonia glared at him “Seriously? He’s not here right now to be a cock-blocker” she huffed “Babe I rather wait for Him to consent on this, I mean… he would kill me” Blaze Whispered, She pull herself away before kissing his Lips passionately.
He tense before kissing back, after a minute they pull away and she tuck her hair back from her Face, Her visor slide away showing her Golden eyes Looking at him Hungrily “He’s Not here, He wont be here until 3 more years… we have 3 years to mess around~ and only because he’s 4 minutes older than me doesn’t mean he can control my life” She Whispered before kissing him again…
Sohan is going to kill him… Blaze Was not Afraid of His rival but he is definitely afraid of His rival when His rival was giving him that threatening death glare every time he’s with Sonia… Sohan really disapprove of their relationship but Sonia was Stubborn and Still cling to him…
He felt like he’s in the middle of a Secret Sibling Rivalry or something-
“Sonia” he whispered out as her hand trail down to his pants
“SoundWave isn’t here, We have enough time” The Woman purred at him… Sohan Is definitely going to kill him when he found out.

“Something wrong?”
“I just felt like I want to kill someone” Sohan Told as he glared at the wall, what is this feeling inside him? Why was all of a sudden he started to become angry? He wanted to end someone’s life… definitely not Rodion but Someone…
Rodion look at him confused before nervously look away “It is not you do not worry, I will never bring you harm out of my own self conscious” Sohan Try to comfort him, And it worked… Rodion Face lit up before he start talking again.
Rodion start to ramble about things, Sohan was glad his mood has been lifted… 
‘maybe I should Shut up, I’ve been talking for too long… I might make him Uncomfortable’ Rodion though “Nonsense, Keep talking I wanted to hear you talk” Sohan quickly answered “Did I say that out loud again?” Rodion asked, Sohan nodded, Rodion didn’t remember he was a loud thinker but it seems nothing can go pass Sohan’s observation.
“Ow! Hey what the hell?!” the young teen demanded as he was pushed back to his seat, There were 5 more student surrounding him and one of them was the one holding him in place while two of them Holds his hands on the table, he tried to struggle and Kick with his leg but he was weaker than them.
There was a teen standing in front of him holding a bottle of oil and a match, The teen look down at him with those hatred in his eyes…
“We have warned you not to get Close to her” the teen told, The one that was forced on his seat… his eyes went from wide to a glare “This is what it’s about?!” he blunty out angrly…
He has no other intention other than to be the Girl’s Friend, She looks down the first time he met her and… he just wanted to cheer her up, and she had find comfort in him… it seems like the other boys didn’t like that…
The oil started to be poured down on the Teen’s hand, He struggle to get away from them “YOU’RE SICK IF YOU THINK THIS WILL SOLVE EVERYTHING!” he shouted again trying to free himself…
The Last thing he see’s before everything turns red was the burning Match being dropped to his hand…
Everything went red…
He wasn’t sure what happened next but he heard Screaming… and he heard Siren… but there’s one thing that Always stuck to him at that moment…
He smell smoke, He felt warm… from the inside it felt so warm… his hands weren’t hurting, No His body weren’t hurting either… it’s like… he couldn’t feel the Fire touched him but eh felt warm… and… when he comes to his senses he see his Parents calling out for him…
They were in their Armor, Their Cybertronian armor as they called for his name… why are they calling for him? They can’t seems to get to him, The fire… it was in front of them? Why was there fire?
He look around confused and realize he was surrounded by fire… and he look down at his hand, The fire on it fades… he can’t feel the fire, He turn to look at his Parents again, they were calling his names…
He felt the fire dance around him, They were greeting him? Celebrating? He slowly made his way toward his Parents and… when he walk pass the fire, He couldn’t feel the Burn…
“Hotaru are you ok?!” His mother asked worriedly as she cupped his cheek, He look at her confused and dazed like he try to understand… but his gaze landed on someone else in the crowd…
He know who it is… he knows that Cybertronian armor very well, His gaze locked with Shaan… and Shaan gave him a small smile and nod before disappearing in the crowd, His mother immediately hug him, Crying out a few words he didn’t even Listen to…
Ever since that Incident He had been pull out of the School, he wasn’t sure what happened to those 5 teens, he wasn’t even sure what happened to the girl they even obsessed about… he cut all ties with whoever or whatever Happened in that school, The news paper only revealed him as the Victim.
Which is what he is but… deep down he started to feel like… maybe he was not the Victim…
He had realized what he can do that day... He had Realized that… something is wrong with him, Something is always wrong and the more he explore the Unknown thing… the more he search for what is inside him…
He came to Shaan’s Lab door, and Knock without Hesitation…
When the door slide open that was the day where He had Learn, Where he had understand who he is…
Shaan had Trained him secretly behind his parents back, Behind Uziel’s Back and Everyone else’s back… Shaan had Shown him what he truly can do, Had helped him to control this unknown inside him… And Had Told him how he came to be what he is now…
He was an experiment…
His parents had wanting to have a child ever since they got married but they failed every time, And they both turn to Shaan for help… Shaan had given them a Potion And he was the result…
He wasn’t sure if he should be mad or not... This made him feel scared, cornered and alone… but even if he feels that way Shaan Once reminded him that He was not the only one Who was born different, There are Cybertronians that have the same Miracle as him…
Yes the Phase sixers have the Same miracle and That was what he always thinks until he come across Silver who can Control 30% of Electricity… he was no Phase Sixers but he have those miracle? Rodion look at him awed, How the Aerialbot Commander could be so comfortable in showing his power…
Maybe because Electricity isn’t a Raging Lion… It isn’t a Flaming Fire that could Burn everything down… it was not The bright Red colored that everyone Feared…

Rodion woke up in a Cold sweat and he look around the room “N-No No No! Out out!” he Told as he jump from the bed and tried to shoo the fire away, This always happens…
When he’s having a nightmare or a flashback of the past, the fire always went out of control! “Come on! Go!” He panicked but in the end he manage to get rid of all the fire…
He grabbed his phone to check the time… shit, He Skipped the first class- Sohan is Going to be So mad at him… just when he was about to leave the room the door slammed open, Rodion flinch and Jumped back when he was faced with Sohan Angry Glare… “I- I overslep-slept… I-I… I was About t-to look for y-you A… Look I… I’m sorry for… accidentally skipping Class” Rodion Apologize as he fidget with his hands and Sleeve Nervously looking away.
Sohan look at him up and down, He could hear Rodion Mind spinning around, Screaming and Crying… Sohan hold back his anger “It’s fine, Just for today You don’t need to go to any class I’ll just put you as ‘Sick’ in the journal don’t worry” Sohan told, He could hear Rodion mind suddenly go blank as He flinch.
“May I… come in?” Sohan asked “S-sure” Rodion step aside as The Decepticon Communication Officer came in, He look around the room and notice a part of the room have Black mark… and there was Hole on the carpet caused by fire, He turn to look at Rodion and he could hear Rodion mind taking so fast, faster than Blurr speaking… Sohan couldn’t read his mind and it Frustrated Him! It’s like the words just came in and came out in 1 second.
He put a hand on Rodion’s shoulder and Rodion’s Mind went blank again as he look up at Sohan… his face was still panicking “I’m not mad, Don’t tell me about it if you’re not ready, but I am here for you” Sohan told… and then Rodion mind started to clam down… there was a sweet melody playing in his mind as his shoulder relaxed.
just like that’ Sohan smile behind his mask…
‘everything will be fine’ He heard Rodion’s Mind told… ‘He… wont harm me’ it added.
That didn’t surprise Sohan, Rodion has been a bit Wary of him from the start, It doesn’t surprised him if it was because the young prime was afraid of being hurt by him… “I won’t harm you, I will never harm you” Sohan whispered out, He can’t help but Answered to those conflicted mind… he wanted to reassure Rodion that he is in good hand.
Rodion look up at him with a nervous smile “I said that out loud didn’t I?” he asked and Sohan didn’t hesitate to Nod, He lied… but he doesn’t want to make Rodion uncomfortable…
There’s things Rodion did not know about him and things he didn’t know about Rodion, Of course he didn’t use his power just for fun… he Read others mind, Feel their emotions and see their dreams only when he felt like it is necessary, And In Rodion’s case… he need to activate his power at all times… even if the young prime was smiling his mind was in a dark place, When he’s asleep Sohan can see through his dreams and those aren’t good ones…
Rodion constant Nightmare… and His Flashbacks of Some kind of Fire… and Shaan… worried Sohan, He wanted to contact Shaan and asked but he’s afraid if Shaan would only caused more trouble in his hand, So he kept his mouth shut…
But Behind Rodion’s back he had been researching of all those Burning Buildings and Fire incident, It was a bit difficult to find the article… like the government has banned for anyone to find it, and Without Ravage and LaserBeak with him he have no one to help him search for it.
“I’ll buy you a new carpet and maybe fix that” Sohan pointe dat the Corner of the ceiling where it is black like there was just a fire there… “you- you don’t need to, I’m fine with this” Rodion told looking away nervously… 
Sohan shake his head “But I don’t” “hey This is my Dorm not yours” “You are correct, So Is Student to move out?” Sohan asked as he turn to fully faced Rodion “Uh… Yea? I mean it’s not really necessary to stay in the dorm, Mist student stays here because Apartment were expensive and they lived far-“ “Stop” Sohan Snap his finger in front of Rodion’s face.
“pack up your bags, Your stuff all pack it up you’re moving with me” 
Rodion tried to stop him, He really is trying to but In the end here he is standing in the middle of Sohan’s apartment. “Look I told you I don’t need you to watch me 24/7” Rodion complained as Sohan entered with his luggage.
“I’m not doing this because I Want to help you in every way I could, Clearly leaving you alone in a room at the end of an empty Hall” Sohan told, Why was he so worried? Rodion looked at him confused before he look away “I can take care of myself” He doesn’t like it when He was treated weak…
“I know you can, And this is only because I need to make sure you’re healthy ok…” Sohan Told as he step closer holding both of Rodion’s arm.
Rodion Look at him, Sohan could only Hear static of noise in Rodion’s mind… why? Why can’t he read it? Something is Blocking him from fully reading what Rodion was thinking, he couldn’t read His mind and He could only feel a hint of Rodion’s emotions when he touch him… it almost the same like How it didn’t work on SoundBlaster… no… this felt more like the Phase Sixers…
Or SilverBolt….
Something, Some kind of inhuman power is blocking his own power to fully Read Rodion like an open book “Fine” Rodion said snapping him out of his Thoughts.
“But if I’m living here I want that Mask off your face” That Received a Flinch from Sohan “That’s Like saying You eant me to take off my Shirt” “No it doesn’t! And we can make it a sort of Repayment for forcing me to lived here” He fold his arm and pouted.
He turn his head away like a child, Sohan Sigh and his hand went up to pull his mask down and Slide his glasses up, Showing his golden eyes. Rodion glance at him and smile “See it’s not that hard” He reach out to pinch Sohan’s Cheek… oh it felt like pinching a Soft Mochi even if it doesn’t look like it.
“stop that” Sohan Slapped his hand away playfully. “But your cheek is so soft~” Rodion whined before reaching out to touch it again but Sohan stopped him.
“n o”
“finnneeee” Rodion whined and step back “So… where’s my room? I’m not sleeping on the couch am I? Or with you… that would be weird” “Ew what? No, you have your own room… do you think I’m an idiot?!” Sohan asked looking offended before he point at a door “That will be your room, Mine next door… only rule here is no throwing party and No Bringing anyone here For sex or making out” Sohan Pointed at him.
Rodion now the one that look offended “Why would I do the second One?! I don’t go around fucking people or being fucked” He huffed looking away “I don’t know, You teens do weird things” “Teens? You know saying that with that face… if I don’t know Your age I would though you’re 19” He smirk giving Sohan a Playful Glance.
Sohan Frown before he reach to hold his mask and about to pull it back up before Rodion stopped him “I was Just Joking! Don’t pull it up!” He whined pulling Sohan’s hand away from the mask.
Sion Sat down and stare at the night sky… it has been half a month they’ve been here, Soon they need to return back to the HQ for another Mission.
He close his eyes, He misses him… they haven’t got enough time to spend with each other lately… he put a hand to his face as he let out a shaking Sigh.
If he was Honest, He’s afraid… he’s actually afraid, Scared… and Anxious when Scara told him about Husan… He was afraid that One day Scara would Think that He is not worth to hold on to… It hurts him to think that one day The Terrorcon Commander could’ve fully replaced his place by Scara’s Side.
He tried to act cool, Accepting and He tried to get to know the Commander a little better because Husan was someone Special to Scara… and He respected that… it hurts him when the first time they truly introduced to each other, Husan Had Said that Scara was his.
But he had manage to keep calm and Laugh it out… He doesn’t want to show his insecurities and Anxiety especially not to Scara… No… Scara couldn’t know about it, Never… 
“are you ok?” 
Sion lazily move his hand away from his face and he opened his eyes to glance at Olivia who was standing next to where he sit “Yea, I am…” he Lied, She sat down next to him and they stay like that in silence.
Her presence near him calmed him down, Any of the Phase Sixers presence near him calmed him down… “Where’s BlackShadow and Tarn?” he asked finally breaking the silence “Asleep” Olivia answered.
“Can I be Honest with you?” Olivia told, Sion raise a brow before sitting up straight “yea, Always… what’s up?”
He could see Olivia was fidgeting with her hand “Do… do you ever miss your previous life?” She asked quietly “I… I do… I, even if I don’t know what my life is before the Cybertronian I felt like… I have people that I used to care about and, it Conflict me that I can’t seems to remember them” She added as her gaze went to look at the ground.
No matter how horrible they are, No matter what they’re job are… deep inside they’re all just Human, Sion stare at her for a moment before he shrugged “I don’t know, All I remember about my past is being surrounded by Wolves…” Sion Answered.
“I might not know how you feel, Maybe because I never have the feeling of yearning toward people I used to care, Maybe because I never have one before this life… but I know that What ever you’re going through… it wont stop haunting you until you Find the answer you wanted” Sion Spoke softly, He put a hand to her head.
“All 4 of us has lost things in our past life, we had forgotten that life… But if you are Seeking for answers… I could ask Megatron for permission” Sion told “Do you think bucket head would agree? We’re weapons SixShot… we were meant to hurt and not to Feel these kind of emotions” Olivia closed her eyes and look away.
They were meant to hurt others… they were Living breathing weapon of mass destruction, undefeatable. Emotions should not be something they even should feel…
“Want it or not we are still human inside Olivia, As long as you have empathy, An emotions and A Brain to think you’re a Human… even if you lack one you’re still a Human if you have the other two” Sion Reminded her before gently stroke her hair, Quietly reassuring her that he’s there for her… and would always be there for her.
Her lips turn to a thin line trying to not smile as she lean her head to his shoulder and they stay like that for the whole night… Slowly she falls asleep as he hum a lullaby of a melody through out the night.

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