New Year

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This was uploaded at the start of 2023 in ao3 so this is a little late here but enjoy

“Silvally, It’s been awhile”
{A Jet black hair with a shade of Grey. Loden Hadrian Conan, Nickname Loden.
Uses He/Him.
Code Name Long Haul, A Members of the Constructicons and An ex Military.
Age around 40-45, Height 6’11 Feet.
He knows when to keep his mouth shut, at the same time he doesn’t… it’s a little complicated, he’s Mysterious and quiet but the more someone Is Close him the more open he is toward them. Honestly He’s not that Hard to read he’s like an open book but Sometimes You need to read between the lines to understand the meaning written in the book.
Short Curly Jet black hair, red eyes behind red visor.}
Silvally glanced up at the taller Man, She smile and nod “It has hasn’t it Dear Cousin, How’ve you been?” Silvally Ask using a sweet and calming tone, She rarely speak like that unless it was with someone she truly knew or trusted. “Doing Decent, How about you?” Loden ask.
“I’ve been doing Excellent lately” Silvally lied, Loden Chuckle “Yea Right, You haven’t got any right amount of sleep haven’t you?” Loden ask, He was worried for her health of course, even as Decepticons it doesn’t mean they can’t worried about each other’s health. Silvally let out a Nervous laugh “I guess you caught me, I haven’t been able to sleep this past few… weeks” Silvally look down at the ground.
“Why didn’t you come to me? You know this was our agreement, if You can’t sleep in the Terrorcons Place you can always sleep in the Constructicons” Loden Offered, Silvally gave a weak smile and shake her head “I don’t want to bother any of you, after all you guys are always so busy with your project” Silvally sigh.
Loden glanced around the Decepticon Break room, No one was around. He lifted a hand and pat Silvally “You know we still treat you like you’re a part of the team” Loden Reminded her, Silvally sigh again, She knew that… and that’s why she try to avoids spending too much time with any of the Constructicons. She hated how she felt like She belongs there but at the same time she felt that It’s not for her.
“so, Change of subject… are we going to throw a new year Celebration party like last year?” Silvally ask, She knew that was a dumb question they always throw a party for new year “Yes we are, The Constructicons are working on it as usual and surprisingly the new Autobot Gestalts team Offered to help, And I heard two of their new member will arrive this month” Loden explain, Silvally nod silently telling him that she’s listening.
“Have you… met the Torchbearers in person?” Silvally ask, Loden Pause before shaking his head “no, I haven’t but Commander Scrapper have he said Commander Pyra Magna isn’t as narcissistic as Commander MegaEmpress… So I guess I can tolerate that” Loden look away, Silvally giggle “Oh were you afraid that She might be as narcissistic as MegaEmpress? To be honest that would be a pain!”.
“Well, Last time MegaEmpress ask The Constructicons to Make her and her Gestalts their own Base outside The Underground HQ, But Scrapper Decline it because Her design is just a giant statue of herself… she apparently want her new Base… looks like her” Loden sigh, Silvally didn’t stop giggling, She gently pat Loden’s Arm “there there, At least you don’t have to hear her 24/7” Silvally teased.
“Anyway about the new year Party, Are you going with anyone?” Loden ask, Silvally shrugged “I was planning not to go there, It’s too loud for my liking and… too much people, You?” after answering Silvally ask back “Well… I’m Going of course, Pretty sure I’m going to be one of the first people to be there because Scrapper would want all the Constructicons to Work But at the same time fan attend it” Loden answer.
“And would Bone Crusher ditch it again?” Silvally teased, Loden Groan he forgot about That one Particular Gestaltmate “I’m not sure, I don’t want to deal with it” He Sigh looking away. “you know if going to loud places made you scared why not try going with someone you trust? Like how BreakDown always Go with Commander MotorMaster or Dead End, Isn’t there anyone you would be comfortable being near with? After all you’ve been missing out on a lot of New year Party” Loden suggested.
Silvally look at his with Unsure Stare before she sigh and shake her head “not sure” she whisper looking at the ground “I can ask Scrapper to Accompany you, I remember how you used to be Most comfortable near him” Loden Offered, Silvally shake her head “I rather not bother any of you, After all… all of you are very busy and I’ll also be busy… so Rather not than Struggle with Schedules” Silvally chuckle.
Loden nod understanding, Yeah The Constructicons are very busy every day there’s rarely a free time or a vacation for them, and Silvally is a Highly trained assassin that Meaker always send away… meaning that she is also very busy doing her job, And he forgot to count the many Work she have to do. “are you still a puppeteer?” Loden ask out of the blue, Silvally look at him funny “what?” she ask him to repeat his question.
“Are you still Doing things With Puppets, Sorry I don’t really know what puppeteer do” Silvally chuckle and shake her head “no I don’t, No longer a puppeteer… why did you ask?” “ah, you see SkyDive ask me if I know anyone that can help him making a few puppets for the Students in his class” “Oh, I still can Make puppets, You can tell him that I can help I’m sure I’ll find some free time to do it” Silvally spoke, Loden nod “Sure I’ll inform him that I found someone that can help”.
21 days later
“hi There! I’m Julie, My code name is JumpStream and this is my Beloved Wife Dawn, Her code name is Dust Up” Julie Introduce them, Pyera Smile and nod “It is a pleasure finally meeting the both of you, I am Pyra Magna, Your Active Commander… this two are the Toshani Twins StormClash and SkyBurst” Pyera Glanced at the twins, Storm Wave at them with a Welcoming smile While Skyla just nod.
Dawn Smile behind her mask “We hope that we can be a Help to you” She spoke Softly, Pyera chuckle and shake her head “no need to be so formal when with me, I want the two of you to Treat me as if I’m just a Normal Subordinate or a Family Member, after all Gestalts are Family!” Pyera Smile.
“But still I would Be glad if You Follow my Order in missions” She nervously laugh, Julie giggle “Of course Ma’am! To be honest, I’m a big fan of The Cybertronians! I always want to be One myself and this day is so exciting!” Julie Spoke “I know right! I was very surprised too when I got the letter that I was invited to be one of the Cybertronians, I thought it was a scam until Optimus came up to our apartment door” Storm ended it with a nervous laugh while Skyla Tried not to laugh. It was a ridiculous incident where Storm decide to write back and said ‘I don’t Believe this letter until the real Optimus walk to my Apartment door holding his whole Cybertronian ID and Confetti’ and Apparently Orion takes that as a challenge and did it… there was… quiet the awkward ridiculous silence until Orion Pull the confetti and Glitter papers Are everywhere.
Storm was laughing while Skyla stand there with Her Mouth open didn’t know what to do, Behind Orion was Elise and Jazz each holding a Trombone and Start playing It Horribly… after that that’s how the twins got here… till today Skyla wasn’t sure how to face the Autobot Leader, while Storm was still laughing about that incident until now.
“10 more day before the new year Party, You four should Start preparing, I need to go meet Scrapper and help him with the Planning” Pyera Spoke she turn to look at Julie and Dawn “Do you… I guess you two would want one room right? Or two Separate room?” Pyera ask, Julie look at Dawn and Dawn look back at Her “One room Please” Dawn Spoke.
“ah ok, Here’s the Code, Storm can show you which room it is” Pyera handed Dawn a piece of paper before leaving the Torchbearers shared Quarter. Storm take a peek at the paper before pointing at a door next to the Kitchenette “that’s the room, We can help you two unpacked if you guys need a hand” “I think we’re good, You two should start preparing for the… uh… new Year Party” Julie spoke, Storm and Skyla nod “You can call us if you need anything, Our contact all are already Saved in your Cybertronian Phone!” Storm spoke.
Julie and Dawn nod they wave at the Twins before leaving to unpack their stuff.
“So… where do we start?” Skyla ask her twin breaking the silence “Uh… Not sure… clothes? Dress? Or uh… do we even have anything to wear for the party?” Storm Ask back, Skyla Shake her head slowly.
“We should go Help Pyera… tomorrow we can go shopping” Skyla Offered, Storm Nod and the two rush out of the room.
After a few minutes they finally arrive to a big Ball room “whoa” Storm breath out “oh are you two looking for Pyra Magna?” A Woman ask walking over to them she was carrying a Box And her Scarlet hair seems to be tied back to a Pony tail “yeah, we were hoping if we could help around?” Storm spoke, Scarlett smile behind her Mask “of course! I’ll take you to her and she’ll handed you your assignment, Follow me” Scarlett spoke turning around the twin Followed her.
“BoneCrusher!” Scarlett Shouted, A man with Jet Black Hair Came up and walk toward her “what is it?” He ask “Hook said he needs your help, He’s at the second floor” Scarlett spoke glancing up at the open second floor, the man nod before leaving.
{short Spiky black jet hair, Bolan Cranston. Nickname Bolan.
Uses He/Him
Code Name BoneCrusher, A member of the Constructicons
Age around 34-38, Height 6’2 Feet.
He does Listen to Scrapper but at the same time he always find a way to make the Constructicons Commander Frustrated, Aside from that he’s a Perfectionist and maybe a little too obsessed with Perfection… when Other see the Battlefield as a Messy Blood bath he see’s it as an Art, the Beauty of War.
A Short Spiky black Jet Hair, Green eyes hidden behind Red Visor}
“So… uh.. who are you?” Storm ask toward the Scarlet haired Woman “I’m Scavenger” Scarlett answer while focusing her Eyes in front of her, it didn’t took a while until they finally see the Gestalts Commanders they were all here… well not all of them.
Holly Was Helping Oracle setting up a few things while Scy tried to discuss about the Blueprint with Meaker and Orion the Twins look around hiding behind Scarlett looking for their Commander, They both Found her She was Standing not far from Husan they seems to be discussing something, Husan have that worried but yet Annoyed Look of his face while Pyera seems to be begging for something.
“what is she doing?” Storm ask curiously, she slowly let go Of Scarlett’s shirt and was going to make her way to her Commander before a Silver haired woman stopped her “shhh, don’t disturb them… they’re busy” Megaera Spoke pulling Storm back behind Scarlett who Gave a respectful Bow to Megaera, Megaera Nod at her.
“Why is she begging?” Skyla ask, Now she’s curious too, Megaera gave the Twins a Knowing and yet Mischievous Look “You Twins will find out when the Party Start” Megaera Spoke.
Meanwhile In the other Side of the Conversation Husan Was Of course getting annoyed and MORE worried “Commander Please, The Twins haven’t been in the brightest Spirit ever since they Didn’t Meet RipperSnapper” Pyera whined, The Twins has been a handful when they’re in their Free Spirit But When the two lost their Spirit Pyera wasn’t sure what to do, Even they still act the same she could feel how gloomy and sad they were.
“Commander Pyra, I told you that he’s dangerous… especially to be near the people that doesn’t know what he can do” Husan Sigh, He cross his arm Pyera has been Begging and Asking him to allow The Twins to Meet Ripton but He always decline “But they look So sad I can’t handle It” Pyera whined again, Silver Walk up to them “Just say Yes Husan come on, She’s been asking you for an Hour now” The Aerialbot Commander nervously chuckle.
Husan stare at him with a worried look and look back at Pyera “I’m trying to protect your Gestalts here Commander” Husan spoke “Protecting? You let CutThroat Kept Poking On Strafe… everyone in this whole HQ know how those Two Hates each other and you didn’t tell him to back down” Mohan Joins in “Well Became I CAN’T told him to do shit! CutThroat is just different he’s… he’s dangerous in different ways and Strafe… Strafe know what he’s doing…” Husan Spoke looking at the ground.
“Only because the Twins are new doesn’t mean they can’t handle what’s coming” Pyera Huffed, She doesn’t like it when someone Disrespect her Gestaltmate like that! “Its not that… ughhh fine! Fine! I gave up, I’ll Force him to Attend the Party” Husan Finally gave up, it’s no use arguing with The Torchbearer Commander especially when Mohan and Silver was on her side.
“Thank you so much!”.
“Yo! Pyra!” Megaera Shouted, Pyera look at her Direction noticing the Twins were there with Scarlett. Pyera Gave a private Signal toward Megaera using her hand, Megaera smile at her and Return the signal Pyera sigh in relief, she walk toward them “Hey Twins what are you two doing here?” She ask.
“we wanted to help” Skyla spoke “What were you and Commander Hun-Grrr talking about?” Storm ask, Pyera smile “It’s a secret” She spoke.
“Our Mission is Longer than I thought, I had to Inform the Team about it” Strahan Spoke as he took a sip of the Coffee In his hand “Awe… are you Disappointed? I don’t, I think this is a nice Change… just you and me~” Cutler Chuckle.
Strahan tried to hold his Groan, He touch the back of his neck and he let out a hiss of pain “if I spend another month here alone with you, I’m so going to Lost so much Blood just because of the Hickeys” Strahan Complained. His neck felt numb it hurts, He didn’t expect Cutler’s Teeth was that Sharp, yes his claws are sharp but Teeth too?! “But aren’t you the one that Give me Permission?” Cutler Dramatically Whine, Strahan glared “Shut up” He look away.
Cutler Smile and sat down next to him “To be Honest… I missed my Brothers” Cutler spoke looking away at the Direction of the Window where Snows start to fall, Strahan glanced at him, And his Fingers Gently Wrap around Cutler’s palm “You’ll meet them again” Strahan Spoke, Before his other hand grabbed his laptop “for now we need to finish our work” He spoke, Clicking the code.
He should Start going back to Investigate their first Target, They have manage to secure the Weapons from the 2nd and The 4th target, The 3rd are still in progress and he kept getting dead ends in the first Target… and He blame Cutler for it. When Cutler Glanced at him and then at the Laptop Screen his Smile dropped. He notice the picture of his Parents was on Strahan’s laptop Screen.
He quickly Grabbed Strahan’s Shirt and Pull The Technobot toward Him and Kiss him passionately, He lay Himself on the Couch Pulling Strahan down with him. “Cut-“ Strahan Broke the kiss trying to say something but Cutler Pull him for another kiss.
Slowly Cutler feet kicked the laptop away “Sorry Stra, Can’t Hold myself” Cutler lied, He just need no buy more time… so Strahan wont see the truth, So that he wont have to… see Cutler’s past.
“I... need you... right now, Please~" Cutler purred, Strahan Stare at him confused before he sigh in defeat and kiss Cutler’s cheek “Fine, One round and that’s it… I need to go back to work” Strahan Spoke, Cutler Nod.
Strahan Groan and sat up, He Look at the clock… 12 Am?!? WHAT THE FUCK?! DAMN IT! He lifted a hand ready to Punch the Man that was sleeping peacefully next to him but he stop when his Fist almost hit Cutler, His whole arm start to Shiver and he pull it back. He can't do it...
He look around looking for his laptop, Where the hell did Cutler Kick it? He Slide down from the bed the moment he stand his feet gave up on him and he falls to the ground “Fuck” He cursed glaring at the ground.
But He’s not giving up, He crawl near the Wall and slowly pull himself up With the support of the Wall, He can’t feel his feet… slowly he try to walk, Every step he takes he almost fall flat to the floor.
He notice his Laptop was on the floor next to the couch he make his way there, before he could grab it he felt arms wrapped around his waist and pull him back “I’m Impressed you still can Walk” Cutler Chuckle darkly, Strahan could feel a dangerous Aura coming from The Terrorcon, Cutler pick him up Bridal Style. He gave Strahan a smile but Strahan felt threaten by the Smile...
Something about it isn’t right.
“Why don’t we go back to bed hm? It’s to early to work and I’m sure your body is still too tired to do anything, you shouldn’t force It” Cutler Spoke His tone was sweet and Adoring but Of course there’s a hint of Thread in it, Strahan Gulp and slowly and Cautiously nod. Cutler smile widen before Carrying him back to bed, He put Strahan down and went to lay down next to him.
Strahan didn’t say anything while Cutler Fingers ran through his Hair playing with it “I Suggest you not to look into the Family’s History… just straight on giving them the location” Cutler whisper to his ear there was a dangerous Venom added in every single word he said, Strahan Was tense… “I-… why?” He ask.
“Just Listen to what I said and No one gets hurt, We get to go home… isn’t that what you want?” Cutler ask, Strahan slowly nod that is what he want… but he also want to make sure that he check everything “good, Now get some rest” Cutler gave a quick peck to his ear and nuzzle his face to Strahan’s Hair.
Strahan let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding, he Glanced at Cutler who was now of course already went to Sleep, the more Cutler told him not to look at the Family’s Background the more he became curious of it... especially when the Roraey Family Are a Mysterious bunch, and The Daughter always try to talk to him every time they come to Visit… and he realizes how Annoyed Cutler is when someone else became so close to Strahan…
But something doesn’t feel right and he needs to find out Why or what isn’t right, ever since the first Incident Cutler smacked his Laptop away Strahan has been keeping track of When or Why Cutler did it and all of it Always happens when he looks up about the Roraey Family, Other than that Cutler never bothers him… and now Cutler is warning him not to do it? Something isn’t right, Cutler must’ve know something.
5 days has passed Everything was back to as it usually is, Cutler seems happy and the Dangerous aura is gone, But Strahan still feel a little Uncomfortable and he try to hide it “CutThroat” Strahan called, he was sitting on the bed while Cutler was just went out of the Bathroom. “hm? What is it Dear?” Cutler ask Giving a Teasing tone at the last sentence “Is there any… I want Ramen, Can you buy me one?” Strahan ask.
“oh, Sure is that all you want?” Cutler ask Strahan nod, That would buy him enough time… “wait maybe a few snacks too?” Strahan added “which kind?” “uh… I don’t know you choose, I’m not familiar with the snack in this Country” Strahan spoke.
After Cutler left Strahan pulls out his phone, If he can’t search in his Laptop he can Do It on his Phone, 26 Days here and he still can’t get a hold of the Roraey Family’s history, He needed The Files to be able to track down who might gave them the Cybertronian Weapons…
Nothing was out of the ordinary, Strahan had to check All the Families History, Apparently the Mother side of family is from Spain, There’s also History of How great The past generation are, apparently this company was Inherited down to generation for 102 years… see this is easier than to look it all one by one!
He wasn’t sure why Cutler Even ban him from Searching it up… not until he met a familiar face in the Family tree.
Cutler Takeshi Roraey
Strahan Eyes Widen, he accidentally dropped his phone… why Didn’t he realize this from the start? Could Cutler be the one giving them Cybertronians Technology? Strahan mind was puzzling he was confused and surprised. The Door Open and Cutler walks in “Hey St-“ He stop his word and He Stare at Strahan who stare back at him this time failing to cover his ‘Crime’ Strahan looks terrified.
He felt like he’s Hyperventilating, Why is he so scared of Cutler all of a sudden?! Cutler stare at him before he slowly put the Bag down and went toward Strahan he reach a hand out “Are you Ok?” Cutler ask still clueless of the situation, Strahan open his mouth to speak but no words came out. How could he be so blind? Working with someone that might be the suspect…
Cutler glanced around the room and notice a phone on the floor, he move away from Strahan and Took the phone off the Floor, The Screen was still on and Strahan panicked even more when Cutler Stare at it… Cutler let out a Growl and Crush the Phone with one Hand… and dropped the now broken Cybertronian Phone on the ground, Scattered.

He glared at Strahan there was anger… but also emptiness… like being glared at by a dead Body “I told you didn’t I?” Cutler Spoke in a low and Dark tone, Strahan Gulp “Why are you so difficult? Is it so hard for me to ask one Single Thing to you?” Cutler Continue.
Disobedient… I’m trying to Protect you from the Fire, But what did you do? You decide to Ran straight to Lava” Cutler started to laugh, It was a Maniac Laugh, An empty laugh with no good Intention “Strahan Fearghus, You have Officially made me Frustrated and Disappointed. And you have truly amazed me once again” Cutler Spoke his eyes were Dangerously glaring at Strahan.
“Did… was it you? That… gave them the Cybertronian technology?” Strahan manage to speak “No… My Brothers Isn’t in it too” Cutler Answer, He walk toward Strahan and push the Technobot down to the bed “But that’s not the Main Problem here” He spoke.
“CutThroat… wait please! I’m sorry ok! I just need to see because I need to get to the bottom of the company” Strahan Plead, Cutler Growl became Louder “I told you to leave it alone” He bare his sharp Fangs Toward Strahan like an Angry Carnivores. But the difference is that he’s not angry he just felt… empty.
Cutler pinned him to the Bed “Do I really need to teach you how to Not Disobey my Order? Strafe” He Ask darkly.
None of us are leaving this place Until you learned your lesson” Cutler Snarl…
This is going to be a long… week” He whisper to Strahan who let out a ggas “WAI-“
“something Wrong?” Light ask noticing The confused and concerned look on Nova “Strafe’s Phone went off… I tried to call it but it said that the numbers unavailable as in… offline” Nova answer.
“Affan did he pick up your call?” Nova ask the Messy Reddish Orange hair man shake his head “no… it just said the number is offline”
{Short Messy Reddish Orange Hair, Affan Brenner Tecguaret, Nickname Affan.
Use He/him
Code Name AfterBurner, A member of the Technobot or An Explorer Scientist.
Age around 22-26 Years old, Height 5’4 Feet
He H A T E S Authority and Rules, Jf there’s rules he wont hesitate to Break it! And no one can stop him from Doing it! He’s Brash and Hot headed, He can’t control his Anger and Usually lash out over something so little. And Knowing that ScatterShot Didn’t even become a Real Authority Figure in his life he felt Glad for that and hope it would stay that way, He doesn’t like being told what to do.
Short Messy Reddish Orange hair, Blue eyes behind Blue Visor}
“I’m wonder what went wrong, He told us he wont be back but… so suddenly his phone Number went offline… it’s not… possible” Light Whisper looking down at the Glass of Water in his hand. “He was with CutThroat-“ Nova Spoke before Affan slam both hands on the table and stand up “If That damn hawk hurt him I will tear it apart” he Snarl.
Nova shake his head and gently sat Affan back down “Calm down AfterBurner, I’m sure if anything happens Strafe Can Handle it” Nova try to Reassure his Gestalt “Don’t tell me what to do” Affan Glared but he did it anyway, He stops Shouting and just rest his head on his Palm while looking away from the other two Technobots.
“Now I wonder if he can attend the New Year Party, it wont be the same without Strahan around” Light sigh disappointedly, The other two didn’t show but they both do feel disappointed. “Damn it… who am I going to Get drunk with in new Year” Affan Whined “Vortex” “No, Not him… Anyone but him” Affan snarl. “I don’t think Vortex Drink Alcohol… Alcohol have specific affect toward those who wore a Helicopter Model Armor it can glitch their system even when they’re not wearing their armor or any technology… so I’m pretty sure Blast Off would keep the alcohol all away from Vortex...” Light Explained.
“but I know who does drink, Hook! And SlingShot too!” Light Suggested, Affan huff “it wont be the same” “yeah I know” Light gave him a weak smile.
New Year Party…
The ball Room Was Crowded! Decepticons and Autobots are all here, Well not everyone but It’s crowded enough to Make it seems like everyone Attending.
LONG HAUL PUT HER DOWN!” Scrapper Shouted at His Gestaltmate, Loden was Holding Scarlett up with one hand like she’s a child while next to him a man can’t stop giggling. None of them are wearing their armors instead they wear Appropriate Clothing, The Guys wore suits but of course as the Symbol of Constructicons the suit is colored Greenish dark while Scarlett was Wearing a Red Scarlet Dress with a hint of Green.

{Messy fluffy Black jet Hair, Michael Maison, Nickname Michael
Use He/him
Code Name MixMaster, A member of the Constructicons (probably also A Scientist or a biologist or probably a witch you’ll never know)
Age around 31-36 Years old, Height 6’0 Feet
Is he a cat? No he’s not, He’s a Psychopath with the love of mixing stuff up, But of course he’s a Cat person- anyway-. He’s Playful and Overly Friendly of course if it’s not in a Battlefield, But when he’s in the Battlefield… you might want to run as far away from him and his weird… mixing Hobby. Probably also the Joker, Who knows? You? No you don’t… do you?
A Fluffy Messy Black Jet Hair, Magenta eyes :DD}
“But she’s so Small she’ll get lost” Loden Spoke, while Scarlett was Staring at her commander with a nervous smile silently begging him to help her down, Next to Scy his second in command was Laughing.
{Short black jet Hair, Hollis Oliver Denver, Nickname Hollis.
Use He/Him
Code Name Hook, A member of the Constructicons and also the main Decepticon medic aka the Head Medical Officer (or what ever they called).
Age around 32-39 Years old, Height 5’8 Feet.
His Arrogant and self confidence match up well with his Talent, he’s a Multi talented Doctor able to help in any kind of Situation from a small minor Dentist Issues to a Dangerously life threatening Operation. If you aren’t sure what to do He’s the right person to call. He’s the opposite of Scrapper’s modest and Patience attitude.
A Short Black jet hair, Blue eyes Hidden Behind Red Visor}
She’s 5’0 FEET! It’s an average Height for Woman! You’re 6’11 Feet! You’re the giant Not her being Small” Scy Half Shouted this time trying not to let His Patience slip away again “But last time she got lost” Loden Whine "I didn't actually... You just can't see me when I'm in the crowd" Scarlett nervously laugh.
“Put her the fuck down Loden!” Scy Cursed, He glared at Michael “And I Told you Take off the Cat Ears!” Scy scolded “But I look good while Wearing it!” Michael Talk back still giggling… Scy didn’t know how he even manage to lead these group while all they do most of the time is disobey him like this “where’s BoneCrusher?” he ask.
The other Constructicons gone silent and look at each other before looking around them, Michael shrugged “He probably ditch out the Party the moment it start” He Spoke, Scy groan while pinching his nose he is so done! He want a vacation from them! He felt a tap on his shoulder “what?” he ask annoyed to his surprised it was Megaera, She was Smiling.
Megaera was wearing a Short tight dress only wrap around half of her chest to her Knees, with her classic Grey Color and her hair was decorated with Many tiny Butterfly with the Color of Purple, thankfully she didn’t overdo her makeup like last time “You look like you need a rest from them Commander, Why don’t we go over there?” She offered to him tilting her head towards where the other Gestalts commanders are.
“uh sure, Hook you’re in Charge” Scy Spoke before letting Megaera Grab him by the hand and led him to the Other Gestalts Commanders, Hollis only nod glaring at Megaera while she didn’t notice.
“Are you Jealous?~” Michael broke the silence “NO I’M NOT! BACK OFF” Hollis Quickly snarl at him, Michael gave him a knowing and Taunting cat Smile Before His Head got smacked By Scarlett “MixMaster… that’s not nice” Scarlett warned him.
Hollis cross his arm in front of his chest glaring at the ground, He hated the fact that Scy Told him to keep their Relationship private and only the Constructions can Know, It’s bullshit! If it were up to Hollis everyone here would already know Who Scy belong to.
“geez Possessive Emo Much Doctor” Michael Spoke again, this time Loden Let out a Ha but stop himself while Scarlett glare at Michael “Shut up!” Hollis Glared at him.
“Wow Really? Now you want me to meet them?” Ripton Stare at Husan Skeptically “Pyra Magna beg me to Let you hang around them, Just… don’t Do anything that would Cause conflict” Husan Warned him. “you know I’m always about Perfection, When did I even caused any Conflict that I can’t handle? Made a perfect Trouble and Know the perfect solution” Ripton Smile smugly.
Husan just sigh, next to him Bolt was as usual when New year party he was Clean and in the good mood, Cutler haven’t return from his mission while Silvally decide to sit this one away again. “you two go on ahead I need to do something first” Husan said gently pushing Bolt to Ripton side before leaving.
The two stare at one and another before they both shrugged and went into the Ball room, The moment they enter Bolt was already out of his sight… fuck he can’t let his youngest brother roam around alone here he’ll get lost no matter how much they have attended this party, Ripton was about to go looking for Him he stop the moment he see’s a Certain someone in front of the Chocolate fountain holding a Strawberry, He Walk toward her.
“Careful there Kitty, You might get Chocolate on your hair” Ripton Playfully move Storm’s hair away from her face, Storm Eyes Glanced up at him and it widen she let out a gasp dropping the strawberry on the carpet “How did you? When? Senpai! How are you?” she Hugged him, her hair wasn’t tied it was Flowing free and the ribbon that used to tie her hair is now a Bow behind her Hair with a very long ribbon, She was Wearing a simple blue dress with a Water like Design, and the color Was Teal it resembles the Torchbearers color.
“I am doing fine, How are you? Where’s Sky?” He ask Gently patting her head, Storm let go of the hug one hand on his chest “She’s Somewhere, How did you know It was me? And not Sky” Storm ask Curiously before Ripton could answer a similar woman walk toward them “Senior” Skyla Greeted, Well they do look the same… especially with their hair down, the two looks identical even both their Ribbons are Teal, Same Height, Same Body Shape, Same Dress, Same expression, Their Voice are almost similar…
“Well, Skyla Doesn’t like Berries, and you were holding a Strawberry” Ripton Spoke, one hand lifted Strom head up by the Chin before gently removing the Hint of Chocolate on her cheek, She blush.
“and You love chocolate, Sky Prefer Vanilla… the way you move is more careless, And it shows more emotions… it’s not that hard to Tell the two of you apart” He chuckle, the Twins look at him surprised but with sparkling eyes of amazement, No one had ever Tell them apart since they were kids. And no one was ever that observant of them.
“that’s Creepy how you know senpai!” Storm Pointed out “I’m a Spy I always Observe every little detail of the things around me” Ripton admit. Storm Pouted before smiling and Gave him a Peck on his cheek, She Push herself away from him “But That was cool how you can tell us apart!... Hope you Didn’t mind me doing that” She nervously rub her arm.
Ripton was frozen in place for a moment before he quickly shake his head “it’s Fine” He respond, Glancing at Skyla who seems to be a little more distance than the last time they met, Something mist be wrong “Sky? Is Something wrong?” Ripton ask, Skyla look up at him and smile before shaking her head, Storm pouted at her Twin “Skyla! If something is bothering you, you can always tell me” She whined.
“Nothing is wrong, Hey… Mind if I borrow you for a moment?” Skyla Ask Wrapping her Arms around Ripton’s arm “Sure” Ripton nod and The Torchbearer pull him away, Leaving Storm on her own, She tilted her head confused before Shrugging and Went back on eating.
When they’re far enough from Storm and far away from the crown Skyla Stop and she took a deep breath before letting out a sigh “I… overheard Commander Hun-Grrr and Commander Pyra Magna conversation The other day” She started, Slowly letting go of Ripton’s arm she stare at the ground.
“you got in trouble because you Hang around us, For a month we didn’t see you because you weren’t allowed to be anywhere near us… why didn’t you tell us that… being near us got you in trouble?” Skyla Ask She glanced up at Ripton with those sad and worried Look on her face, She reach up and her thumb brush along the Mark on his neck “what caused this? Is it because of us?” She whisper, She was devastated…
Ripton Didn’t say anything he just let her talk, He notice Her eyes were glassy she was about to cry… he grabbed her, Turn her Around his chest touch her back. He lifted her head up and Kiss her forehead “Don’t cry” He whisper.

Transformers Human AU!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat