Another Step forward to our relationship

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Ships- 🫒❄️🪶🐱🕸️🍞🐺

“C-Commander” Husan felt his back touch the bed slowly, his Breath starting to become more heavier, his face was heating up and his heart was beating so fast. Scara was sitting on his Chest staring down at him with those Mischievous Lustful eyes “w-we Shouldn’t-“ “Shhhh” Scara shushed him, Putting a finger in front of Husan’s Lips.
Scara slowly lean down “we both know you wanted this” He whisper to the Terrorcon Commander’s Ear it made him shiver before Husan felt a pair of Lips touch his… it felt so right .. but something behind his mind was telling him it’s wrong.
Husan awoke with a jolt “ah!” he felt cold sweat falling down from his face, what the fuck did he just dream about!!?! He look around the room he was in his own room… and no sign of Scara, So it was all just a dream… “what the fuck was I dreaming about” He groan holding his head using one hand, He felt so ashamed of himself!.
It made him feel worse knowing that to Scara he was someone The Technobot Commander comfortable being with, and now? He felt like he can’t face Scara at all! He wanted to apologize for the dream but if he did Would Scara look at him with disgust? He hated himself right now…
The door Slide open “Commander, You look like shit are you ok?” Silvally ask, Husan mumbled something she couldn’t understand “what was that?” Silvally ask confused hoping her Commander would repeat what the hell he just said “I said… get out of my room and get your ass ready for Training” Husan said with a snarl, But it wasn’t affective toward Silvally who just smile at him “Training? You still injured, If you end up ruining the stitches your Private Doctor would be Heartbroken” Silvally teased.
HE’S NOT MY- UGH!” Husan turn away Glaring at the Wall, It’s not pike him to stop mid sentence especially in an argument or a chance to defend himself “I-… I just need some time alone” Hisan Sigh, He wasn’t sure if that’s the right option but for now he doesn’t feel like talking to anyone, Silvally seems to understand she gave a silent nod before slowly walking out of his room “if you need anything, I’m just one call away” Silvally told him before the door closed behind her. Now The Terrorcon Commander is left alone in his room.
He decide to get up and Get a cold shower to deal with his little Problem.. the moment he went out if the Bathroom he heard his phone rang he went to pick it up ‘Scara’ FUCK! Just the moment he started to calm down The Technobot Commander had to call him, He nervously answer.
→C-Commander! How are you? I’m just checking in, I hope you didn’t torn any of the Stitches.
Just hearing his Voice made Husan’s Heart Skip a beat, And he literally could hear his own Heartbeat going faster… he wanted to hear that Voice Again and again, He put a hand to cover his mouth since when does this Obsession start Taking Over?!?!!!
Husan can’t get himself to answer…
Still No answer, He could feel the Confusion from Scara.
He felt like an Arrow just stab him in the Heart, He wanted to hear Scara said his name again… he wanted to hear Scara Called him again…
→Um… Husan… Are you there?
Scara ask nervously, Husan shake his head and clear his throat “Uh yeah I’m here, Sorry I was lost in though” he admitted sheepishly.
→Oh? What were you thinking about?
“it’s Nothing Important… But can you uh… call my name again Please?” He felt stupid for asking that! He shouldn’t have asked something like that! That just sounds creepy!!
→huh? You mean Like… Husan
Husan smile, his name sounded so perfect coming from Scara’s Mouth “Yeah, Sorry it must’ve been a weird request” Husan Apologized, He could hear Scara Laughter from the other side, Oh how it sounded like a melody of music…
The door slide open in front of Husan “Commander?” Husan called, he step inside room as the door slide behind him, Scara wasn’t around which is rare, He wonder where the Technobot Commander could be “ScatterShot?!” he called out again, This time he could hear a noise behind one of the door “Over Here Hun-Grrr!!” He could hear Scara shouted from that Location.
He went to the door it slide open in front if him, This was some kind of Garage, Scara was busy fixing His Cybertronian Spaceship. The place was a mess! “What are you doing?” Husan ask trying to act normal, Ignoring the fact that Scara only wear Short and A chest Binder “It got badly damaged from my Last mission, I’ve been trying to fix it” Scara sigh, He was not an Engineer… but he know how to fix his Cybertronian Spaceship.
Scara move away from the Vehicle and stretch his arm in front of him before walking toward Husan “Alright let’s check on your Injury” Scars pat Husan’s Chest before walking pass him, Husan waited for a few Second before Following Scara back to the main room “Sit on the bed, I’ll get my stuff” Scara pointed at the bed.
Husan went to sat down on the bed he glanced at Scara “Don’t you think it’s better if you wear a More appropriate Clothing Commander?” He ask, Scara let out a hum after gathering his medical Stuff he went so sit next to Husan “What? What to worry about it’s just you and me in this room, And it’s been so hot Lately!” Scara whined at the last part, Husan Gulped and look away.
“Take off your shirt” Scara Ordered “W-WHAT?!” “take off your shirt so I check on the injury Commander!” Scara started to Growl, Husan did as he was told “What’s Up with you? You’ve been acting weird since this morning” Scara asked as he remove the bandage and change it to a new one, Husan didn’t answer How can he?! If he really said the truth Scara might think he’s weird and if he lied Scara wouldn’t trust him at all!.
After a few Minutes they Finally finished and Scara let out a sigh, It’s unlike them to stay in an Awkward silence, Even if they stop talking it usually gave off a comfortable silence not awkward...“Look… Commander… If something is wrong you can talk to me” Scara Look up at Husan “It’s… A Little Embarrassing” Husan stare at the ground “More embarrassing than our first time talking?” Scara teased it earn a chuckle from Husan “maybe not as embarrassing as that”
“last Night I just got a... Strange Dream a wet dream” Husan Groan and cover his Face with both hands He was expecting for Scara to kick him out of his Room but instead Scara let out a laugh “Commander stop laughing!” “ahahaha! I’m sorry! It’s just- hahahaha” Scara can’t stop laughing, Husan Sat up straight and Grabbed both Scara’s shoulder and Look at him straight in the eyes “Stop… laughing” Husan was Flustered, His whole face was red.
Scara Pat Husan’s chest “Ok Ok… I’m done laughing” The Shorter Commander Spoke “shouldn’t be embarrassed about it, Every guy Have that moment of theirs” Scara Chuckle “just like how every woman have their Moment on Menstruation” Scara Smile at him, Those are normal things, Husan knew he shouldn’t be embarrassed but… having those kind of dream About Scara? He felt guilty “yeah, You’re right… thanks Commander” Husan forced a smile, His Hand slide away from Scara’s shoulder.
Scara Stand up and went to Put his Medical Equipment back to it’s rightful Place before Asking “So who was In that dream of yours?~” he teased, Making Husan Flinch and look away “It’s Not Important” Husan finally speak managing not to Shutter, Scara Glanced at him with a Taunting Smile… fucking hell Husan wanted to die! “Commander Hun-Grrr?~” Scara gave a sing song tone, Husan felt his Heart just had been shot by a cupid arrow, That was adorable!.
“If… I say, You’ll be mad” Husan sigh “How am I supposed to be mad if it has nothing to do with m-… oh primus it was me wasn’t it?” And silence falls, Husan didn’t give a clear answer but he could feel his Heart was beating so fast that he was sure Scara could Hear it, He try to avoid looking at Scara, He doesn’t want to see The Technobot Commander’s face right now “Hun-Grrr?” Scara Called breaking the Silence But Husan Still didn’t answer, He felt like he was about to cry.
“Husan?” Scara whisper his name, Husan put a hand covering his own mouth, God this was the end- he knew Scara would never talk to him again… he felt Scara walking closer toward him… a Hand gently touch his hand “Husan?” “Scara Please! Let’s not talk about this anymore” Husan Finally manage to let out, He closed his eyes, He felt his body was Trembling… “ok… But just so you know I’m not mad or Disappointed… You don’t need to be scared to say the truth to me” Scara spoke softly.
That does made him feel a little better… Husan move his hand away from his Mouth, He was about to cry thankfully he didn’t cry in front of the Technobot Commander. He finally look up At Scara who was standing in front of him, Scara was Smiling down at him and his Gaze was Soft and Comforting… “I’m So Sorry, I- I try to earn your trust… and at the end… fuck I hate myself” Husan Look back at the ground “You did earn my Trust, In the end? Here we are” Scara chuckle.
“Don’t you think it’s weird? The fact that you Find out I want to fuck you while all this time you gave no interest in Sex?” Husan ask Confused, He look back up at Scara who gave him a Smug Smile, Scara let out a hum before stepping back and went to pick Computron up “not at all… and Who said I have no interest?” Scara Gave him a Mischievous look before putting Computron in the Garage and lock the door.
Scara walk back toward Husan “you know I already knew about this situation since this morning when I called you” Scara chuckle “And you act like you’re so Innocent” Husan glared and Scara nod, He Sat On Husan’s Lap, Putting Both Hand on Husan’s Shoulder “You know… why don’t we make that dream of yours to a Reality?” Scara Purred, nuzzling to his Neck.
“what do you say Commander?~” “I-… P-Please...Co- Command- Commander...” Husan shutters.
“… Ok… so… where’s Hun-Grrr?” Scy ask confused, it was rare for Husan to be late… The Commanders look at each other, The door slide open they expected Husan but instead it was Holly “Hi Hi!” Holly wave his hand and Orion waved back, The Protectobot Commander sat next to the Aerialbot Commander “Wait I’m not the last this time? Woah!” Holly ask excitedly “No you’re not, Hun-Grrr haven’t arrived and MotorMaster is out on Vacation” Oracle Sigh.
“So Only Stunticons Gestalts is out on Vacation?” Holly ask confused they all nod “I was supposed to be too but I end up getting busy so My Vacation is being Pulled back a little, But my gestalts all are in Vacation” Megaera Sigh “same here” Silver Nervously chuckle “Why have I never got Vacation?” Holly ask annoyed “Every time we gave you a vacation you said No! Or You just keep coming back to work” Elise Explain “oh right…” Holly Remember now.
“me and Oracle’s Vacation is next Week, While Pyera and Elise’s Is next Month” Scy Spoke, Meaker got a ping on his Phone, He took it out a message from Scara… he open the message
<[Borrowing your Commander]
There was a Picture Of Scara laying On Husan’s naked Chest and the Terrorcon Commander was asleep, There was… evidence of Hickeys and Scratches on Husan’s body, Meaker’s Eyes widen realizing what’s going on he almost Choked On air, He slam his fist on the Table making a loud Noise, Making the other Commander stop talking and look at him confused, Meaker turn his phone off he was Embarrassed- “Megatron?” Orion Ask confused, Next to him Elise glanced at Meaker and then at his phone “Did StarScream do something stupid again?” Elise Ask.
“No! let’s start the meeting now!” Meaker Ordered, Megaera Pointed at the door “But Commander Hun-Grrr haven’t arrived yet” “AND HE’S NOT GOING TO ARRIVE ANYTIME SOON!” Meaker Shouted “and why is that?” Oracle Ask Curious “He’s Sick!” Meaker Lied.
“Ok… calm down…” Orion whisper trying to calm Meaker down “I need a Bleach” Meaker Whisper back glaring at the Cracked Table “I think I saw something that I shouldn’t” Meaker Spoke again “can I see?” “Elita One” Orion Glared at his Wife who gave him a smug cat look.
“Ok… Ok… I have Out of conversation Question…” Oracle Spoke “ask Away” Pyera Responded “How come we all Ignore the fact that Hot Spot’s armor is Purple now?” And they all turn to look at Holly, Yep… it was not blue but I was Light Purple “I may or may not accidentally use the wrong Paint” Holly try to defend himself “How did you mistaken it?” Silver ask confused “Because It’s me???” “Fair enough”.
“We’re lucky my room is At the end of an Empty hallway, You’re so loud” Scara Sigh sitting on the edge of his bed while Husan was already awake covering his body with The blanket and looking away to the other side of the room “Give me a break! You knew what you were doing in the first place and it’s not fair!” Husan Half shouted “one of my advantage for Learning Human body anatomy” Scara Proudly spoke.
Husan felt Embarrassed and Flustered and he just want to Disappear… he closed his eyes Trying to go back to sleep but his Peace was Quickly disturbed when he felt A pair of Lips Touch the back of his neck, he let out a yelp “ScatterShot!” He could hear Scara Giggling behind him before gently Biting the back of his neck, Husan whole Body felt frozen and he let out a loud Moan, His whole body shivering. Scara pull away giving the Terrorcon Commander a Mischievous look “you’re adorable” Scara compliment kissing Husan’s cheek.
And Everyone though Scara would be the Sensitive and shy one- “I’m Not adorable, You are” Husan Glared at him “Did you really had to add another one? You know I’m going to have difficulty on covering these up” Husan complain, Scara Finger gently brush through the mark he just made behind Husan’s neck and he let out a hum “Yea, Yea sorry about that, you’re just so Cute I can’t help it” HOW THE FUCK DID THEY CHANGE ROLE?!? HUSAN WASN’T SURE AT ALL But what he knew is this Scara is Hot-
Husan sat up “So Commander… where do we go from here?” Husan ask, the smile on Scara’s face disappear and he look down to the bed, He slowly intertwined their Fingers “Not sure, Friends with benefits? Fuck Buddies?” Scara ask back “no, I was thinking… Starting a Romantic Relationship? As in… dating?” Husan suggested nervously, Scara smile appear again on his face “Sounds good to me, Let’s build up from there” Scara lifted their hands and Kiss the palm of Husan’s hand, Husan Flinch he look away blushing it made Scara Giggle.
“When it comes to these Stuff you really are shy, It’s… adorable” Scara Compliment nuzzling to Husan’s hand “I’m just not used to this stuff, and… how come you’re so confident? I thought you’ll be shy” Husan Ask “Let’s Just say… I get more confident the more nervous my partner became” Scara smile “well you’re going to be very fucking Cocky when we’re alone now aren’t you?” Husan Glared and Scara gave him and Innocent Smile before kissing his palm again “S-Stop It!” Husan pull his Hand away from Scara.
Husan slide down from the Bed grabbing his Shirt from the floor “I forgot I have a meeting to go to” Husan sigh “Oh don’t worry about it, I told Megatron that you can’t join” Scara wave at him, Husan glanced at the Technobot Commander “what?... Did you say to him?” Husan ask starting to get Nervous, Scara pulls out his phone and Show him the text he send to Meaker, Husan’s eyes Widen and his face turn Red out of Embarrassment.
He tried to grabbed Scara’s Phone but he was too Slow, Scara turns it off and put it out of Husan’s reach “Commander! That is an Inappropriate Picture!” Husan Tried to get the phone from Scara but he fails, Scara might be smaller but he’s faster and More… Mischievous “Whaaaat??? Come on, I think it’s a good pic” Scara teased “He’s Going to Fire me!” Husan panicked “oh come on you’re over reacting, He’s not going to Fire you” Scara Chuckle “Commander Please! Give me that phone” Husan Plead “Give me a kiss on the lips first then I’ll give you the phone” Scara pointed at his Lips, Husan Whole body felt heating up and he Quickly look away “N-N… Never mind, Do… do what you want” Husan was Flustered.
Scara giggle, This was adorable! Shy Husan was adorable!! He wanted to make Husan Flustered even more! “What’s wrong? Backing down now? Awee are you that embarrassed?” Scara teased, Husan didn’t answer he just look away glaring at the Wall “Husan~ Husan~” Scara called his name again and again making him more and more flustered. “be- b- Be Quiet!” Husan finally glared at him, Scara just smile at him Innocently.
There was a knock on the door “Come In!” Scara spoke loud enough for the person behind the door could hear, The door slide open revealing Meaker holding a few Papers “ah Hello Lord Megatron~” Scara Greeted him, Husan wants to die!!! He felt so embarrassed!!! “Lo-Lord Megatron! Forgive me for not arriving at the meeting! And for the picture Scara send!” Husan Apologized “Calm down Commander you’re not in trouble, Put your Shirt on first and ScatterShot wear a more proper Clothing I will need to explain to you about what we discussed in the meeting earlier” Meaker Wave at them.
Husan quickly put his shirt on, while Scara just lay on his bed and cover his body with the Blanket “Commander ScatterShot I told you to wear an appropriate clothing not covering yourself with a blanket” Meaker Sigh, “I don’t want to move~” Scara whined “Husan get him some Clothes” Meaker Ordered “Yes Sir” Husan went to grab some Clothes for Scara.
A few minutes later they both sat on the bed while Meaker was explaining to them what the meeting was about, And the situation because of the last ambush, He was glad that both of them actually listen… Unlike how the other Commanders sometimes didn’t even care to listen… Megaera always too focus on her Appearance, Holly got distracted really quick even if he listen, Elise got bored the next 30 minutes and decide to sleep, Oracle only listen to what Orion said and ignore Meaker’s word, Silver tried to listen but he always got distracted by Holly who ask him random question and the only one that actually listens are Scy and Pyera…
“And here’s are the papers that I would need you Hun-Grrr to read” Meaker Gave a stack of Papers to Husan “Hm? What do I do after I finished?” Husan ask “Gave them back to me, Now… I’ll leave the two of you alone… and Hun-Grrr... You might want to cover those marks on your neck” Meaker Cough Nervously, Husan body froze and he blushed while Scara just Smirk glancing at him with a Predatory look. Meaker step back before leaving the room.
When he left the door closed behind him, he could Hear Husan Screaming at Scara about something there was a little shuttering in his word and then a loud thud and a moan that’s definitely from Husan, Meaker quickly ran away, He’s so not going to be a part of this! Kids and their energy…
Husan run as fast as He can, Covering his body using one of Scara’s Red Cloak, instead of Going to the Terrorcon Shared Quarter he went to the Megatronia’s shared Quarter he Quickly knock on the door, He really hoped Megaera is still around!!, the door slide Open revealing a very confused Megaera “What’s Up Commander?” She ask “I need your help…” Husan whisper, She could see how distressed he looks and he definitely look like something beat him out or he just woke up the point is he looks messy even his hair is out of place… and it’s usually is out of place but this time it looks different?
Megaera step aside from the door “Well, We can talk inside if you want” She offered, He nod and step inside the door slide behind him “Who’s Cloak is that? I don’t remember you having any Red Cloak” Megaera Pointed out, And she doesn’t remember any of the Terrorcons having Anything Red Colored, Husan didn’t answer… “ok… sit on the couch, I’ll get you a glass of water” Megaera spoke again before go to the Kitchenette to grab a glass of water.
When she Return Husan was already sitting on the couch, He looks tense… she definitely felt like something is wrong with him “Wh-where’s Your other Gestalts?” Husan finally spoke, Megaera put the Glass of water in front of him before sitting next to him “They’re off, vacation… I’m not because I still got work to do” Megaera spoke “what about you? What’s going on here… it’s like 3 am in the morning Commander” Megaera asked worried.
Husan didn’t even realize this was already the next day “Can I uh… can I use your Shower? After that I’ll explain” Husan nervously ask, Megaera slowly nod “Yea sure” She stand up and gently pull him along, It wasn’t the first time Husan ask that, and When something is happening that’s out of his control He always ran to her… same goes the other way around…
When they arrive at Her Room Megaera let go of him “I think I still have your Clothes around here somewhere” She said before turning away to look for the Clothes “You can take off your shirt out here and put them on the Bed I’ll wash them off later” Megaera pointed “Thank you Commander” Husan sigh in relief, Forgetting why he was wearing the cloak in the first place, He took it off and lifted his shirt up to take it off, He really need a shower…
She turn to look at Husan “Mhm, You’re welcome besti- OH PRIMUS WHO THE FUCK DID THAT TO YOU?!?!” Megaera shouted almost dropping the clothes she was holding, Husan flinch “w-Wait… ca- Calm down, I told you I- I’ll explain later” Husan wave both hand in front of him in defense while Megaera look surprised and worried mixed into one “It’s- It’s Nothing bad I- I promise” Husan tried to calm her down.
“Ok… but I’m hoping for an explanation after you clean yourself” Megaera spoke, tossing the clean Clothes at Husan before leaving the room.. oh boy he knew he’s in trouble with the Lesbian woman-
After the shower he felt Refreshed! His phone buzz and he look at the new message
<[Sorry about yesterday love! No hard feeling?]
It was from Scara, No hard feeling? How can he even be mad at The Technobot Commander???
[You don’t need to apologize for anything, and None… no hard feeling]>
<[ <3 ]
[But you need to explain yourself to MegaEmpress once she knew who did this to me]>
<[Oh Shit, Don’t tell her Please~ ;)]
[I wont say your name, But she probably would find out sooner or later]>
<[I feel threaten :(]
[You should be, You bring this to yourself]>
<[but you still love me 🥺😘]
It made Husan smile, His Gaze soften glancing at the message… he wanted to hug Scara so bad! Oh how more confident Scara has become around him made him felt special…
[Yeah I do]>
He delete those Messages from his phone knowing that Megaera might try to search from his phone, So the last message he and Scara have would be the one they talk 2 days ago about the names of each Planet… It was Scara who started the conversation and somehow it ends with why does Uranus Name is Uranus- stupid ridiculous Conversation-…
He walk out of the room, Megaera was already sitting on the couch looking at a magazine, She glanced at him and put her magazine down “Sit down” She Ordered glancing at the place next to her, Husan nervously walk toward her and sat down next to her, He lifted a finger and Trace the mask on his neck making him flinch “Primus… who ever did this to you have a very sharp teeth… are you ok? Are you losing blood?” She ask worried “yes Im ok, and Yeah I lose a few blood but it’s fine… you see the reason I’m here is I’m asking if I could borrow your make up to cover these up” Husan look down at the ground Nervously.
His hair was down after the shower, And it was long enough to cover the mark behind his neck, Megaera gently lifted his shirt “wait… what’s going on with this?” she ask touching the bandage “oh right… two days ago I got shot in the stomach it went through My armor… so… yeah” “Did you get your armor fixed and Upgrade?” Megaera ask, Husan nod “Fixed yes, Upgrade… I’ll do it next Week”
“Take off your Shirt” Megaera ordered, And Husan did… his whole Body looks like a battlefield, Like he just fist fight a Lion or something, But these bite marks are smaller than a lion of course. “did you fist fight a cat? Or something?” Megaera joked “Haha very funny I’m pretty sure you know what these marks are” Husan rolled his eyes, Megaera only look at him with an innocent smile while her eyes were showing Confusion “Hm?” She let out… oh she really didn’t know-
She stand up “I’ll get my make up” She spoke before leaving to grab her Make up, it didn’t take her long to return with what she need, she sat down next to him “I’m sure these color is similar to your skin” She spoke before opening it.
There was silence as Megaera covers the Scratches and Hickeys on Husan’s body the part where it’s visible or where it’s invisible when wearing clothes “Do you have one on your under side? As in your feet?” Megaera ask “Yea but I don’t think it’s important” Husan nervously answer “Take off your pants” “MegaEmpress It’s really not Important” Husan Spoke again “You come to me for help, You listen to me… take off your pants” She pointed at his pants, he sigh before standing up and taking it off.
And realization hits her “oh primus you weren’t in a fight” she spoke “what gives it away, The Hickeys on my thigh?” Husan Sarcastically talk back, Megaera pulls him back she doesn’t look worried anymore instead she looks excited “So who was it?” She ask Excitedly “I’m not telling you shit lesbian” Husan gave her an annoyed look “Awe come on~” Megaera Whine before pulling Both Husan’s leg up on the couch making him lay down on the couch while she cover the marks up. “this isn’t a one time thing right?” She whisper “No, I guess you can say we're in a relationship Now” That answer made her Squeal.
The door slam Open “WHAT’S THE EMERGENCY MEGAEMPRESS?!?” Scy shouted, He was still wearing his pajamas while behind him Oracle was definitely just got awaken from his sudden sleeping on the desk scenario “Why are they here?!” Husan ask Worried, The two Other Commander stare at the Situation confused, one of Husan’s leg were on Megaera’s shoulder while the other one on her lap, He was laying on the couch With only boxers on.
“Oh sorry, Wrong alarm” Megaera giggle “Wait what Is going on here? Hun-Grrr are you ok?” Oracle ask worried “He’s Fine no wait He’s doing Great! And I’m so overjoyed” Megaera Looks so happy, While Husan look away from everyone, This was embarrassing! “Come In come In” Megaera wave at the two commander to come in, and so they did.
Oracle sat down on the Chair across from the couch while Scy decide to just sat on the floor “so? What’s going on? Why did you text us telling that There’s an emergency?” Oracle ask.
“you see, Hun-Grrr came to me at 3 am, I thought something was Wrong and when I see what’s going on I panicked… but apparently I got it all wrong, So I’m so sorry to dragged you both into this” Megaera smile “But the good news is, Guess who got Laid?!” “Mega please…..” Husan Groaned he really doesn’t want to talk about this! “you?” Both Scy and Oracle Pointed at the Female Commander “I WISH!” Megaera cried “but Nope… not me-“ “Oh Primus is it Hot Spot?” Oracle look worried “what? I thought Hot Spot was Aro ace” Scy Glanced at Oracle confused.
“Oh I know! MotorMaster finally got Laid” “No… wha? No that guy been pinning on SilverBolt for ages And Bolt clearly have no interest in him” Megaera talk back “Megatron?” Oracle blankly answer “No, I don’t think that old man would get laid” Megaera Joked earning a Laugh from Oracle “Is it Scavanger?” “How would I know about her situation? You know I don’t like her” “right right… so Is it OnSlaught?” Scy ask glancing at Oracle who look back at him confused “I don’t remember” Oracle Spoke.
“It’s Hun-Grrr” Megaera finally spoke, Husan Covered his face with both hand letting out a scream “SHUT UP” He Shouted both Oracle and Scy glanced at Husan Surprised “You??? Seriously? How and what and Why?!?” Scy ask Surprised “I don’t want to talk about it leave me alone” Husan whined “Who was it?” “Dunno He didn’t tell me, Who was it Hun-Grrr?”
fuck off!” “meh worth the shot”
2 weeks run pass The news runs Fast, Thanks to Megaera who can’t shut her mouth, Husan was Embarrassed… it made him more Embarrassed when he realized his Gestalts heard about the news and Silvally start pestering him for Information on who it is while Cutler just Smirk at him, Husan Had to shout at him to make him stop but it’s Cutler he probably knew who it was and probably Just trying to Terrorized Husan’s Life-
When the Other Commanders Heard, Elise was very Surprised… Everyone was, And Husan was not a fan of the spotlight like this, Meaker who knew who it was Thankfully kept his mouth Shut and Even sometimes shut the other up if they really getting under Husan’s Patience.
The other cons heard about it, and they were Surprised? Confused? All they know is Husan aka Hun-Grrr was a ruthless Commander who would dare to eat his own Subordinate if they didn’t follow his order, Or he would eat someone Alive if he Wish to do so… let’s just say to them Husan was the picture of a Perfect Scary Commander… and Hearing the news that’s someone actually is in a relationship with the Terrorcon Commander… spread Rumors... And Lies even further…
some saying that Megaera was lying about it since Husan never actually confirm it when someone ask him he just grunted and left… some says who ever it is was Forced by Husan so they would be in a relationship with him… some say Husan already killed his so called secret Lover in the first few days… there were rumors that it’s an Autobot and there were rumors if it’s just a normal civilian which… worried a lot of Cybertronians for that certain someone’s safety, And there’s a lot more rumors running around… and one of the Popular rumors is the fact that some cons see Scara defending Husan at that one Battle against an intruder made most of them believe that maybe there’s a secret Decepticon that Meaker has been hiding from them? Or it might be an Autobot and it might also be the one who’s in a relationship with Husan…
While this rumors are Spreading around like Wildfires in the Decepticons and Autobots, the Technobot Commander doesn’t actually care that much- he just Laughed it out when Megaera or the other Commander told him about it! And whenever they’re in a Group together… when the topic went to Husan’s love life Scara just Had to laugh at it making the Terrorcon Commander Flustered. Scara really became more confident the More his significant other is shy about the topic.
But outside their relationship, Scara was still the shy one… still the one hiding behind Husan if anything happens…
“The others left already” Scara spoke while cleaning the Card, They have been… a little too invested in playing these card games… Husan picked up the dirty plates and went to the Kitchenette to put them on the sink “Mhm, Hey… when will you decide to actually show yourself in public? You know your Gestalts would really need their Commander by their side” Husan spoke, He wasn’t wrong… the Technobots were a mess without Scara, Scara walk toward him and slap his Ass, making the Terrorcon Commander flinch.
Scara just smile at the dishes Like he didn’t do anything wrong “Dunno, I’m still a little… nervous meeting new people” Scara whisper, Leaning to his Lover side searching for comfort and Comfort is what he got, Husan wrap his arm around the Smaller Commander protectively “If you struggle With socializing just know that I’ll be there by your side… you don’t need to be afraid… if you need anyone to hold on to I’m here” Husan nuzzle to his hair, Scara smile and hug back feeling a little more safe.
All his anxiety and all his Paranoia just… Vanished, he felt so safe being with Husan… he felt safe being near the Terrorcon Commander and he was lucky that The Terrorcon Commander is As Patience as Whuan is when it comes to Scara’s issues, always looking for the right way to do it… so that Scara could feel Safe and Comfortable… “I’ll… make time to maybe revealing myself… but I already heard Rumors about Me being a Super top Secret agent of Megatron” Scara giggle.
“yea, They though you were a super secret agent while in fact you’re just socially anxious to even get out of your own room that’s why none of them seen u before” “Hey, I got out of my room to safe your Ass” Scara Pouted Husan Laugh “Well you Safe this sorry ass and You own it now” He joked “kill two bird with one stone what a catch” Scara smirk feeling proud of himself, Husan just rolled his eyes and let go of the hug “very funny… now I need to go” he poke Scara’s nose before stepping back.
Husan fix his hair for a moment while making his way to the door before he leave he glanced at Scara “Have a good night Commander” He spoke it earns a smile from Scara “Have a Good Night… Commander” Scara said back and Husan left… now Scara is all alone with Computron… the silence of the room hit harder than he can even remember, but he still could feel that warm Embrace. Scara folded his arm in front of his chest and look down at the ground.
If he is Honest… He misses his Brother and He thought that the more crowded his companion can get it might drove away the Grief, but… now every time he felt silence he felt loneliness again… in a very long time he never been bothered by Silence but now… it bothered him so much… he doesn’t like being lonely, Not again… Scara heard a meow and he look up to see Computron sitting on his bed, Computron let out another meow.
He's right… it’s no time to grief what has been lost in the Past, Scara gave him a smile before slowly walking toward the bed the closer he gets the quicker he Change his pace, he jump and Land on the bed making Computron flew up in the air for a moment before getting back on the bed, Scara giggle as Computron walk to him and lick his cheek.
He'll be fine… he know he’ll be Fine, Computron is always there for him, And so is Whuan and Now there’s Husan and the other commander, he’s not alone anymore, He shouldn’t feel alone… if he does they would be sad right?
27 days later…
<I’M HIT!!> Fiacre Shouted through the Commlinks as he try to control his Landing, One of his Plane’s wing were Burning and He’s trying his best to not Crash, he was Mumbling a few things trying to keep his focus on a Safe Landing <I’m om my way FireFlight!> Ai Informed him.
<FLIGHT GET OUT OF YOUR PLANE NOW!! BEFORE YOU CRASH> Slade shouted Worried, Oh right he can do that, Fiacre Look around for the eject button… where is it where is it?! Ah there! He quickly click it and he was ejected out of his plane 9 second before it lands and crash, It made a huge explosion which Threw Fiacre Further to the Air “Aa- Ahhh! AIR RAID!!!!” he Shouted for His Gestalts help, He wasn’t wearing his back up Wings.
They were in the repair bay, And now he’s up in the sky without any protection and if he falls… he just had to pray he could stay alive-
Ai Was Flying toward Him as fast a she can before Fiacre could hit the ground, He open his Canopy and Right when Fiacre Falls into his jet, he closed it again <FireFlight Is Safe and Sound> he informed the other Aerialbots, Fiacre let out a Relief sigh after such a tense situation, He lean back to the Passenger seat “Thanks Air Raid” He mumbled.
“anytime Buddy” Ai Chuckle before turning his jet around and went to where Fidvi and Rajat is, Of course to drop off Fiacre… and then go back to the battlefield.
The other Aerialbots was Relieved especially Slade who thought he would lose his Brother… he almost cry but he’s not going to cry! That would only make the others tease him.
When Husan entered Scara Room he didn’t expect a certain Someone that he definitely didn’t use to have a Big crush on and Probably still crushing on him, is there-
{Short messy White Hair, Sion Shivin Channing, Nickname Sion.
Use He/Him.
Code Name SixShot, deadly Six Changer of the Decepticon.
Age around 23-30 years old, Height 6'10 Feet.
In Mission and Battlefield he’s Very feared and Known to be a Heartless and Cruel toward His Enemy, If Megatron dispatch him in battle it means no matter if it’s enemy or Foe… they will die, but Outside battle he’s actually really chill it’s just that others… afraid of him, When it comes to certain People He could Really be Playful and Flirty, Showing his true Nature.
A Short White Messy Hair, Red cherry eyes}
“ah Husan! Good to see you, I’m sure you already Know Him” Scara Tilted his head to the White haired man, Husan was Shuttering he wasn’t sure What he was supposed to even say, His Idol was Here! HERE! HE DIDN’T KNOW SCARA KNEW ABOUT SIXSHOT! “Husan? So that’s your real Name Hun-Grrr? How have you been?” Sion ask Him.
“I- uh- I…” Husan was Shuttering like Crazy “I think you broke him” Scara Chuckle giving a the SixChanger a Playful glance, Sion Laugh… no… Husan Didn’t want these feelings to bloom again! He try to lock it away for so long! “Are you ok?” Sion ask, Scara playfully Punch Sion Arm “Stop making My Boyfriend even more Broken” Scara Hiss at him and receive another Laugh from Sion.
Husan froze he shakenly lifted his hand and Pointed at Sion “h-he… k- K- Knew?” Husan Ask looking Toward Scara who chuckle “of course he does! Can’t keep a Secret from a Fiancé right?” “WHAT?!” Husan Shouted.
“You Never told Me you have a Fiancé!” Husan Wasn’t sure if he should be angry or not, He Grabbed Scara Shoulder and Pull the shorter Commander To his Embrace Glaring at Sion who just chuckle amusedly “Mine” Husan Snarl at the SixChanger.
“Hey Come on now, I got Him first” Sion smirk “He love me more” Husan Mumbled, Scara pointed at The Terrorcon Commander and blankly stare at Sion “He’s Not Wrong” Scara Chuckle, Sion Gasp dramatically “What? And Here I’m the one that allow you to have a Relationship with someone else, Sweetheart I’m Hurt and betrayed” Sion Look away, He was of course faking the drama and Scara knew.
Husan wasn’t expecting this, But his Grip on Scara became more Protective, Even if it’s his Idol he doesn’t want anyone taking Scara way from him… he truly adores The Technobot Commander… “calm Down he have two Hands and I’m not going to take him 24/7 all the time” Sion reassure him. “are you saying To make a Poly relationship? No thank you” Scara Blankly said “Why not?”
“because you’ll just going to be an Annoyance toward Husan” he pouted glaring at the SixChanger, That Made Sion laugh “You never stop to amazed me Scara” He chuckle.
After a While Finally everything calmed down and Husan was maybe a little more Confident talking to Sion, Especially knowing the Fact that Scara was Already in a relationship made him feel worse but the two manage to Convinced him that they already have an agreement on it. Sion was Pretty calm and Cool with the whole thing in fact he was happy that When he’s not around he know Scara won’t feel alone…
“What kind of Cards Are these????” Sion ask Looking at the Card Piles on Scara’s Desk, It’s a mix of… every damn card he ever know, Pokémon, Uno, And A lot of others he decide not to name them all… who the fuck play them Mixed?!?! “Oh that’s Hot Spot’s Card! He left it Here most of the time… we don’t actually how people win or lose but we’re not going to ask because it’s so weird” Scara chuckle.
“I was… meaning to ask, Aren’t you supposed to be… on a Mission SixShot?” Husan ask Curiously, Sion nod before looking at him “I was But I came back early so I wanted to check on Scara, Bumping to you Here really was Unexpected twist” he gave Husan a playful wink, Husan Flinch and look away while Scara punch Sion’s stomach making the SixChanger stumble backward “Ow.. ow… your punch has Certainly Improved love” Sion gave The Technobot Commander a nervous smile.
Scara was Glaring at him “You’re an Asshole” ScatterShot growl “love you to” Sion smirk standing back up.
“Commander!” Scarlett shouted as she ran up to Pyera “oh? Scavanger what brings you here?” Pyera ask, The Scarlet haired woman smile behind her mask “Scrapper Send me to help you and Your Gestalts, You said that you have one spare room right? You said you want to turn it to a Private Training Ground right? I’m here to Draw the Schematic of the Room!” Scarlett Explain.
“ah Thank you, I was heading back There right now, You can come with me if you want” Pyera Offered, Scarlett nod appreciative “Sure!”
After they arrive to the Torchbearers Shared Quarters, Scarlett quickly went to work on drawing the Schematic and write down the modification they needed for the Room, making sure to put it all in Simple but understandable detail just like what Scy told her to, now she was sitting om the Ground in the middle of the room, Papers scatter around her filled with Her Writings and Drawings.
Pyera entered the room and lifted one paper “this is your Writing? It’s surprisingly Looks like a Typing instead of a hand writing” Pyera Mumbled amused, Scarlett didn’t look up from the book She was Writing on but she nod “mhm, That’s why Sometimes Commander Scrapper told me to Write things down instead of the others… Hook writing is similar to a doctors Writing most of us can’t read it, MixMaster will end up bored and stop Writing, Long Haul writing is Unreadable while BoneCrusher Doesn’t even care but he have good writings… he just doesn’t care” Scarlett chuckle.
“And You drew these?” Pyera ask looking at a Very detailed drawing of a drone, Scarlett nod again “I like to draw since it filled my times when the others didn’t need me so I guess it paid off” Scarlett smile behind her mask she rip the papers out of her book and threw it to the Floor letting it join the rest of the Scattered Papers “why did you rip it off?” Pyera ask, She Start to gather the papers and tidying them all up “It helps me Focus Better” That might be something weird but A little adorable.
Pyera sat the now pile of papers next to Scarlett “Thank you, But you don’t have to do that I could’ve tidy them up on my own” Scarlett smile at her “nonsense, It’s the least I can do”
“I’ve seen you in the New Year Party, I got to say you look Pretty without your mask” Pyera Spoke Softly, That made Scarlett Blush and giggle “thank you! That’s the First time I’ve heard that from a woman” Scarlett was smitten “Commander Scrapper told me that you once ask if I was single” Scarlett teased, Pyera Visibly Flinch and she gave a nervous laugh “are you going to say no if I ask you on a date?” she teased back.
Scarlett giggle “depends, Are you going to ask me on a date?” She asked managing to Stay in Character “Not sure, Maybe yes maybe Not, Let’s just wait… I hope an Angel like you wont fly away before I made my decision” Pyera Flirt.
“You’re really know how to flatter a woman Commander” Scarlett complimented, Closing her eyes behind her Visor smiling behind her mask she was having fun with this.
After a few Minutes later she finally Finished, She packed up her stuff and Went back to the Decepticon HeadQuarter. She made her way to the Constructicons Shared Quarter and Knock on Scy’s Office.
“come in” Scy called from the Inside, The door Slide away in front of her and she stepped in “I’m done with it, I hope you’re ok with these…” Scarlett put the Papers On Scy’s desk “I can Change the Schematic if you want” Scarlett quickly Offered, Scy Look at the Drawings and the Writings he Shake his head and smile behind his Mask.
“No… no you don’t need to change any of this, This is Perfect Scavanger, Thank you” Scy Nod at her, He could see her Eyes Sparkle Behind her Visor “then I’ll take my leave sir!” she Chirp definitely in a Good mood Scy Gave her a nod, She step back once before turning around and leave the office.
{Short Raven Hair, Daniel Ender Medhansh, Nickname Daniel.
Use He/him
Code Name Dead End, Second in command of the Stunticons
Age Around 22-27 Years old, Height 5’10 Feet
He doesn’t talk much and If he does it’s probably something dark and gloomy, It’s rare for him to Actually try motivate someone to keep going on life, He doesn’t even believe in life… aside from that He’s always Try to look Nice and keep himself Clean, He’s actually very Smart and Could win On a Chest Battle with SkyDive but He just didn’t try to…
Short Raven Hair, Purple eyes behind Purple Visor}
“DEAD END!!” Daniel Quickly Move away before Will Manage to Tackle Hug him, causing the Shorter man to fall face first to the Floor.
{Short blue Hair, Brian Dothi Stanbury, Nickname Brian
Use He/him
Code Name BreakDown, A Member of the Stunticons.
Age around 20- 25 years old, Height 5’0 Feet.
He Feared a lot of things, and have a very Horrible Paranoia especially he’s afraid when someone stare at him. Probably a Bad Match being in a team with MotorMaster who have anger Issues, Dead End who’s Suicidal and WildRider who’s definitely not Mentally Healthy… but He felt safer being Near them, Aside from that… He’s not a Very People person…
Short Blue Hair, purple eyes}
Brian Screamed And he Grabbed Mohan’s shirt and Hide Behind his Commander’s Back as they all Heard Will fall to the ground, That made Draelyn Laugh While Mohan chuckle, Will sat up and Pouted Looking at Daniel “No fair you move!” Will Whined like a child, Daniel just rolled his eyes and walk away.
He went to his room to put all his Stuff and just lay on the bed… waiting for his eyes to finally shut and falling asleep, He really wanted the day to end and probably the next day to end too… life is a Torture time loop to him and he doesn’t like it.
“You know you don’t have to Join a religion For me, Could’ve find someone better” Floella Sigh, Stephen was not a religious man… his Brothers weren’t too well Fidvi Is a Christian by his own Choice while Graham, Holly and Bladen Decide to just use Cybertronian Religion meaning they’re not religious, Stephen Chuckle “You told me about what you believe in and where your faith lies, I convert Because I Trust your Faith and not just because I love you… I truth your God and I believe, It's not just about love but it’s also about believing” Stephen smile at her.
He Carefully put the Quran away “Just like how Fidvi Chose his own path, After all me and my Brothers never Understand human believes and their Religions we’re taken here since we were kids and I think It’s time for a little change” Stephen turn to look at Floella, Floella was Smiling Behind her mask.
This was the Man that she falls in love with, The man that promise her He would be her Imam, The man that respected Her Boundaries and Comfort, The Man that Made her laugh, The man that Would be there for her, The man that would Marry her…
“Why are you Crying?” Stephen ask worried, Floella flinch she wipe the tears away, She didn’t even realize she was Crying “I’m Sorry I’m just… just so Happy I met you” She sobs trying to stop the tears, Stephen worried expression turn to a smile and he chuckle, Pulling out a tissue and help her wipe the tears away.
After a few minutes she finally calmed down “Can you turn around for a second? My Veil is Ruined I need to fix it” She Spoke “of Course” Stephen turn around and Floella started to fix her Veil and tug her hair back “ok Done” she Mumbled, He turn back to look at her “That was the first time I’ve ever seen you cry... You made me worried for a second there” Stephen sigh.
“I’m sorry” Floella nervously laugh, this was the first time she break down from her Character after a few moment of Silent… Floella Finally Spoke “It’s Already 7 Pm I shouldn’t stay here longer” “ah Right, Please be careful on your way back” He Mumbled “Assalamualaikum” she Nod at him, He put his hand to his Chest and Bow a little “Wa’alaikumsalam” he Respond before She leave his room.
“Leaving Already? Bye Bye Floella!” Fidvi Wave at her, She smile and not at him Politely.
“Love will only caused pain” A little girl Watch as her Mother Cry… Love will only bring Pain that’s what her mother always Reminded her…
The Little Girl always wish for a Fairy tale like future, Her Mother was a mess ever since her father decide to cheat on her mother and left home never return, Her sisters were the only one she can Rely on, But all 3 girls know their Mother need them to Support her in life.
The little Girl prayed for all her life, Wishing For A better future for her Mother… no she doesn’t need a better future for herself she just wanted her Mother and her sisters to lived a happy life…
Thankfully Her older sister manage to find a job, Everything started to lift upside down… and that’s when she Received a Letter that would change her whole Life…
A letter from The Cybertronian, She discussed it with her family, She didn’t want to leave but her Mother reassure her they’ll be fine… so she did, And a Life she always Wanted came to her… She was hoping to be an Autobot but she Didn’t mind being a Decepticon.
Even if her rank is an assassin she never truly killed anyone, She believes everyone deserve another chance… and Murder is not allowed after all, and in one of those mission… that’s when She met the Man that Would do anything for her…
“Are you ok Ms.?” a White with red strike haired man ask Kneeling down in front of her, She cough a few times before nodding “Can you stand up? I’ll get you to the ambulance” The Man Spoke Offering a hand, She accepted it and Pull herself up.
He helped her to the Ambulance and they took her away to the Hospital, when The Whole Battle was Over the Man Visits her… she didn’t expected him to “how are you feeling?” he asked “doing better” She finally spoke “Don’t you think it’s hot wearing that on your head?” He ask Curiously about her Veil, She shake Her head “I’m Used to it… and It makes me feel more secure” She Admitted.
He Look even more confused, Tilting his head to the Side it’s actually adorable “Do you never seen a Woman in Veil before?” she Asked amused “ah Forgive me! To be honest… no I never actually, You see I was Raised By the Cybertronians so I’m not really That close to Human cultures… And I guess you are the first Cybertronian to wear that” The Man laugh nervously.
“Ah I see… so You must be new working outside the HQ?” she asked, He nod “It’s Really is a strange world out here” The man mumbled.
“What’s Your Name?” She ask again “Stephen Winter, You can call me Stephen or StreetWise if you prefer Code Name… and You are?” Stephen ask back “I’m Floella Shana, Floella for short or Shana I don’t really mind” Floella shrugged.
“Ah FlowSpade from the Megatronia! Right?” Stephen Clap his hands together “You got that correct, It’s nice to meet you StreetWise” and that’s the start of everything…
“SENIOR!” Ripton Look up from His book, Not far from where he was walking Skyla was Making her way Towards him “Senior! I didn’t expect to see you here” She smile at him, Ripton Smile back “well… it is unusual for me to be here, So I guess we got lucky to run into each other”.
“then why are you here?” Skyla Ask Curiously “Well, A Friend ask me to Buy them something, She’s to lazy to do it on her own” Ripton Sigh lifting a Bag filled with Random Items “Where’s Storm?” Ripton ask, It was rare to see the two being Separated from each other “She’s back at the base Sick, I came here because I need to buy a Medicine for her she doesn’t want to go to the Medbay so… yeah” Skyla Answer, Her sister is so childish!
“ah, I see… Please tell her I wish her well, Maybe when she’s better I can offered the two of you a Dinner? Maybe a Visit to the Mall? My treat of course” Ripton Offered, He could Clearly See Skyla’s eyes Sparkle with excitement “R-Really Senior?” she ask trying to Make sure she Didn’t miss hear, Ripton nod “Of course why Not, We haven’t met ever since new year party right? You could say I might miss both of your companion” He Teased, She Smile and had That Dreamy look on her face before it suddenly disappear.
“you wont… be in trouble would you?” She ask Worried, Ripton shake his head “No, My Commander has other Problem to deal with” Ripton Chuckle, The Smile return back on Skyla Face.
“then I’ll make sure that she gets better!” Skyla cheered, Ripton chuckle he always adore how Childish and Energetic the twins can be, even Skyla Started to come around and Become more comfortable and Cheery around him. “you know… I think you’ll look Good with Short hair” Ripton Mumbled gently brushing His fingers through Skyla’s Hair, Yeah… she’ll look better with shorter Hair.
Storm would look good with long, But Skyla would look better if her hair was Short, She would shine up even more instead of being Mistaken for her sister… and She would definitely look more Beautiful “Storm told me your original Hair is Blond, Maybe you could cut your hair and Turn it back to blond? That would make you look like your own person” Ripton mumbled again…
Skyla was staring at him surprised and Flustered, She always wanted to cut her hair short but Some people told her it doesn’t fits her… “I-I’ll think about it” Skyla Can’t help but letting her smile wider, He was the second person that told her she’ll look better with short hair, the first one was of course Storm.
“I- I got to go, Storm is waiting for me” Skyla Spoke, She felt disappointed when Ripton pulls his hand away “I’ll see you around then” Ripton wave at her, She wave back before sprinting away.
He watch her leave “Didn’t Hun-Grrr told you not to ‘Flirt’ toward the Twins?” Silvally ask Suddenly appear next to him, Ripton just sigh and Glare at her “Oh please, Hun-Grrr is too busy either being fucked or fucking That Secret lover of his, Man have no business butting in my life” Ripton Snarl, Silvally shrugged “You’re not wrong” She agreed.
“You know That Girl is Gorgeous, does her twin look the same? Maybe you could Introduce me to one of them” Silvally teased giving him a Playful wink, Something in Ripton Snapped, He let out an animalistic Snarl “Back Off SinnerTwin” He Glared At Her, Silvally just smirk and Giggle before patting his Shoulder and walk away “Such a Possessive manner for Someone who’s too Inferior for you taste, Maybe having them around you wont be a bad idea after all…” Silvally Spoke.
She stop her step and Glanced back at Ripton “You’re becoming more Human ever since you hang around them” She Softly spoke before turning around again “Come On let’s go before Your brother decide to kill each other” She joked.
Ripton glare turn to a Confused Glanced, he shake his head and followed her…
“Would you Break their Heart?” Silvally ask after a long Wait of Silence Ripton didn’t answer he just look away annoyed, Why did she even ask that?! He would never dare to do that… maybe she’s right, He’s getting soft “You know It’s easy to read your mind when you start Blanking out to think” Silvally chuckle.
Ripton Sigh “Shut Up” He was too tired to even care, She’s always out here Trying to make him mad…
“Alright, Alright I’ll stop talking about it” Silvally wave her hand in the air Trying to hold the Giggle that was about to come out of her.

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