Commander ScatterShot

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ships- 🌹

If saying Oracle’s Father Adopted him that would be a Great mistake, Even if He called him his son, there was no Official documents of him being adopted by Oracle’s Father… he was never His son and Scy knew that… he was simply just a kid being taken into the Household without official adoption document… Oracle wasn’t his brother and They both Knew that, they acted more like Friends and to Scy Oracle’s father is like an Uncle or That One Favorite Teacher… but never a Father… Oracle’s father work at a Child Protective Service
And that’s how he met Scy…
Abused and Harassed by His Mother the young boy was Saved from that hell hole by Oracle’s Father, he was supposed to be put in a safer place or somewhere like an Orphanage but Scy refuse and Chose to go with Oracle’s father instead… the Choice he would never regret.
The man was kind and Passionate, He spoke softly and Always have a smile on His Face. Scy remember the moment he met Oracle… Oracle Accepted him with open arm and Even Share his things with Scy, Of course it was a big thing for a kid to do… sharing it’s precious things for someone who’s just a stranger to them.
Scy was 6 and Oracle was 7, Scy never wanted to talk about his past… Whenever someone ask about it he just smile and said he forgot… but that was a lie… the past living with his mother was… a Nightmare.
Forced from his own Free will, Mentally, Emotionally and Physically abused… it was a torture…
“Hm? [Name Blurred]? Is that really the name you want me to call you by?” Oracle once asked him, Scy Step back a little feeling nervous “don’t worry I wont judge what ever you want to be or called” Oracle added with a smile.
Scy look down at the Ground “Scy… That’s… The Name my father gave me…” He Whisper Closing his eyes remembering the Horrible treatment he got whenever he Use that name around his mother “then is that the name you want to go by?” Oracle asked.
It took him a whole minute to finally nod “Yes… Please… Scy Perkinson Corlean, He/Him… if it’s no trouble” He Spoke nervously “Of course! Don’t worry It’s not troubleshooting anyone, in this household you can be whoever you want to be!” Oracle Smirk, Scy felt like he could cry… “… Father told me you don’t really have… a Suited Wardrobe so, come on follow me I’ll give you some of my clothes, I hope they’ll fit” Oracle Said Offering a hand.
‘Give’ not ‘Borrow’ That was the Word Oracle often used toward Scy… Oracle never Have issues with giving his stuff to Scy, Until they’re old he never have that issues, Instead Sometimes Scy has to tell him ‘Im just Borrowing I don’t need it To be Mine Oracle’ but Oracle Always end up insisting. Honestly He didn’t look down on Scy at all, He was just wanting to Let Scy know that He would always be there for him.
And he’ll give everything for him, Oracle never ask for anything back… he never ask for Apologies when Scy messed up but he always ask for forgiveness if he Messed up, Always Treat Scy as if He was Someone Special.
The Girls in their School always said Scy looks like a girl… hell even the boys do, It always brings bad memories to him… but Oracle never called him a girl… or joked about it, Oracle Never encourage him to do anything that might bring the Past back to him…
Until now… it never Changes…
“When are you free?” Oracle Asked as the two Commander walk down the Hallway “Well I think I’m free next week, what’s up?” Scy asked looking up at him (even if their height isn’t that different) “Well I’ll try to make myself available next week, I was Planning we should Visit Father’s Grave together, We haven’t gone there together for about 5 years, Are you down for it?” Oracle Offered
Scy didn’t hesitate to nod “Of course, last time I’ve been there was last year” he Sigh “I was two years ago” Oracle Groan “Now that I think of it… the older we get the busier we are huh?” Scy look down at the ground “Definitely and it seems the older I get The More Megatron wont Stop bothering me” Oracle Snarl lowly.
“SCRAPPER!!!! I NEED TO TALK TO YOU!” they both look back Noticing Michael running Straight at them, Oracle Take a step away from Scy while Scy was Grabbed By the Shoulders By Michael “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME SCAVENGER WEREN’T REALLY LEAVING THE TEAM?! WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ANY OF US?!” He shouted at his Commander.
Oracle Let out a single ‘Ha’ before he step back again “talk to you later Scrapper, You have a team to deal with” He playfully salute before walking off.
He could hear Michael shouting and Scy Trying to calm him down, It made Oracle Chuckle… No matter how old they get, Scy is still Scy… Mischievous but Shy at the same time… If Only Oracle had Been faster… or Braver to admit they could’ve Be together, But Oracle Had to admit he was Shy- and Let the opportunity slip.
The First time He heard the news that Scy was Dating it felt like His Heart Shatter to pieces… but then as time went on he moved on… or so he hoped, As long as Scy find Happiness he’s fine with it… after all he himself was now Dealing with something he can’t understand-
“Megatron, What is it?” Oracle asked looking up when he notice Meaker was About to knock on the Combaticons Shared Quarter, The Decepticon leader turn to look at him “Ah OnSlaught, Just the mech that I need” He Smile… yeah this is his kind of problem… “what is it?” OnSlaught asked again, he put both hands in his pocket while raising one eyebrow “SoundWave needed help in the Control room, My phone broke, StarScream a bitch and SoundWave’s kids are off commission also ShockWave is Also Out of commission” Meaker Explain.
“why me?” Oracle asked confused “Because you’re the only Commander Available right now and I don’t trust other ranks to do their job… MotorMaster and Scrapper is out of commission, Hun-Grrr Is also Out of Commission and MegaEmpress Is On a Mission, the other Commanders also on a mission and or Out of Commission” Meaker sigh, Oracle’s eyes twitch before he Sigh too.
“Alright fine, I’ll help SoundWave”
“oh god no” Scarlett gasp “WHAT ARE YOU BOYS DOING HERE?!” she Screamed when literally her Combiner was standing not far from her House holding a large sign saying ‘Scavenger We’re sorry, Please Come Back'
That definitely took the Attention of literally everyone in the neighborhood, And Even People start to take out their Phones and Took either a photo or a Video of the situation, Without hesitation Scarlett ran out of her House and wave her Arm in the Air “BOYS! STOP! DECOMBINED NOW” She Shouted This is so embarrassing…
”Scavenger… Forgive Us?”•
Devastator spoke tilting his head to the side “YES! YES I DO JUST DECOMBINED YOU’RE ATTRACTING TOO MUCH ATTENTION AND YOU’RE IN THE WAY FOR CARS TO PASS!” Scarlett shouted still waving her arm in the air, The next thing that happen is the sing falls down to the ground as the Combiner Split up back to their Original 6 Vehicle.
“I tried to Stop them I swear!” Scy Shouted before jumping off from his vehicle on his shoulder was a Red Squirrel
{Male Red Squirrel- Devastator}
He was in full armor and so does the other Member “Try better next time” Scarlett almost Let out a hiss “HE LIED TO US!” “WE CRIED!” “I ACCIDENTALLY ATE YOUR ICE CREAM” Scarlett wasn’t sure who three of them shouted at the same time- but She felt glad that her team actually cared… they actually cared for her…
She felt her body being lifted up from the ground “We missed you Scavenger! Don’t leave us!” “who said I was Leaving… I was just in a vacation to meet my family” She sigh.
“SCRAPPER!” all four of her Gestalts shout and Point at Scy who just rub the back of his neck nervously.
Meaker can’t help but laugh… genuinely laugh at the Situation, He had to read the report and deal with the news of Scavenger Secret Identity being revealed Because Of Some funny little Apology Shenanigans… the Decepticon leader Laugh. “well that was unexpected” Stamos Chuckle nervously before putting the report down, next to him Sohan was looking at the report amused.
“Devastator appear in the middle of a Neighborhood to say sorry-… what’s next? Defensor and Bruticus start a Dance war in the Middle of the city?” Shaan asked unamused “Actually…” Sohan nervously slide a report on the table…
“THEY FUCKING DID?!” Shaan Snapped “They did, it happen A Few hours after the Devastator incident” Sohan Nod trying not to Crack, While Stamos and Meaker were already laughing…
Shaan almost flip the Table, These… KIDS and Their God damn Stunts! “ wanna guess what Menasor did?” Sohan asked amused “No thanks!” “they Write ‘Fuck The Government’ in a Horrible Grammar right onto a Building using Paint” Sohan Nod to himself and they could hear a chair Falls… it was Stamos laughing “I said I don’t want to hear it” Shaan Shouted annoyed, Covering Their Ears while looking away from The Communication Officer.
{Male Black and White Border Collie- Defensor}
{Male Albino Hawk- Superion}
{Female Dalmatian- Victorion}
The Albino hawk was resting on the Dalmatian Back as She Followed the Border Collie °Where are we Going Defensor?° the Dalmatian bark a question, The Border Collie has taken the Hobby of Dragging his Animal buddies To a Lot of Adventure and Shenanigans and Dalmatian as the newest recruit of the Gestalts… still feel on edge whenever Defensor Drag her around the Place.
Superion Doesn’t seems to be bothered, He was comfortable sitting on top of Victorion.
°Looking for The Technobot Combiner!° Defensor Bark back, His Tail wag around Excitedly, The Dalmatian and The Albino Hawk exchange a Glance of Uncertainty…
Defensor takes ‘No’ for an answer! He quicken his Pace and suddenly he was lifted off from the ground
{Male Black Bear- Menasor}
{Female Fennec Fox- Megatronia}
{Male Coral Snake- Abominus}
{Male Black Panther- Bruticus}
°Put me Down!° Defensor Whined Trying to smack The Bear’s paw who was holding him up from the ground °Chill out, we mean no harm° the Fennec Fox Huffed annoyed, She already seems tired of this whole thing, She was on top of the Panther alongside the Coral Snake laying next to her °where’s Devastator?° Superion asked tilting his head to the side, The Decepticons Combiner all Shake their heads
°Dunno, The Constructicons all aren’t in the base° Menasor Answer before slowly putting Defensor back to the ground.
°Ssssss, Soo what are you three up to?° the Coral Snake Ask, Lifting his Head Up °Defensor said he wants to look for the Technobot combiner° Victorion Motion, Hoping the others would take it as a stupid idea and so they all could just go back to their respective Team °Sounds about Fun° Menasor slowly fall on all 4 °ADVENTURE!° Bruticus Jump here and There excitedly!
Oh god no- Victorion had to force herself not to let out a Growl or a Groan °I though There’s no Technobot Combinerrrssss° Abominus Spoke confused °I Know but! A Week ago I heard Hot Spot talk about it! He existed! Or maybe a She or they who knows” Defensor seems to be convinced by it °Defensor… last time you trusted A boy wearing Green Clothes and a Fairy from TV° Superion Pointed out.
°I trust That guy too, He seems fun° The Black Panther Nod °I Trusted the Guy with the hook, He seems funny° The Bear smirk °You’re Just plain weird none of us are surprised° The Fennec Fox Sigh.
°I don’t know what We’re talking about anymore° The Dalmatian Look at the ground confused
“I hope you’re doing better now Ruby” Orion Greeted when the short woman entered the room, Behind her Light followed “Yes Uh sir” Ruby Nod, It was a white lie, she was still feeling a bit out of place and a bit Daze but she’ll manage.
Orion gave a smile “good to know, and now that you’re here I can introduce you to your new Commander, LightSpeed if you may” Orion motion to the door, the Crimson haired Man look up before nodding “I’ll see you around Ruby” He Pat her back before leaving the room.
Right when he left Pyera was making her way to the room “Ah LightSpeed isn’t it? Good Morning LightSpeed” She greeted, LightSpeed gave a small bow “Good Morning Commander” he greeted back before they went their Separate way.
Light Slide out of his Car to be greeted by Draelyn “Hey Hey Prince” She wave at him, She seems to be in a good mood at least “Morning Draelyn, How was your Shoot?” he asked as he made his way towards her “The shoot was going great, I was hoping you would want to join me for lunch? I haven’t ate anything since this morning and I’m starving” She whined, Light smile and Nod
“of course I’m free”
She Grab him by the arm and pull him along “Great! You see there’s this nice restaurant I want to go to b-“ She was Interrupted by the Loud Crashing sound not far from their Location, Both Cybertronian look Toward the Direction where the crash came from “Shit!” Draelyn swore.
“Lunch have to wait, Draelyn Get the civilian out of here” Light Ordered before Running toward Danger “OI! Stop Rushing To danger Idiot!” Draelyn shouted but Light Didn’t seems to be bothered, He Ran to an alleyway to Change to his Cybertronian armor.
Draelyn huffed before shouting at the Civilian to run the other way, She gave Meaker A Distressed signal asking for Back Up.
It only take Him 10 second to suit up, Light Jump up the Building and Stand on the Roof, His Visor Gave him the Information he needed he Turn to look at Draelyn and She look back at Him, They Lock Eyes before he turn away and Jump toward the Danger.

The Border Collie’s Collar Flicker °Seems Like Someone is needed in the battlefield° the Panther Yawn, Defensor Jump back a Bit °awe Man° he sigh °I’ll Be Right Back° he ran off, the other Animal look at each other °Does this mean we stay here until he comes back or?° The Hawk ask for confirmation.
Bruticus Shrugged before laying on the ground, Abominus and Megatronia jump off from his back before he hit the ground °I don’t mind waiting° he yawn again and Made himself comfortable on the ground, The others followed soon and they just lay/sit there and wait for Defensor to return.
Right before Their own Collar start beeping and they look at each other before rushing to their Gestalts.
Scara look down at his Phone… There was a text from Orion and Meaker… both gave him the same text even if It says Differently the meaning was the same
<[ScatterShot, mind lending A Hand? We your Help]
That was from Orion…
<[They need you out on the Field, if you can handle it of course]
That one was from Meaker, Scara wasn’t sure if He should… he doesn’t show himself to public…
“Scara, there’s an ambush In 5 different City at the same time, Sorry But I have to go-“
“wait!” Scara stopped Husan “I’ll go. With you” he Finally said, Husan’s body Posture Relaxed “are you… sure?” He asked one hand already on the Door and Scara nod.
“Ok, I’ll wait for you at the HQ Entrance”

Husan was in his Robot, a Coral Snake Wrap around His Neck while. The Robot head Automatically Followed his Gaze up when he felt like something was Blocking the sun
•Sorry if It take too long•
Scara Voice came from the Spaceship that was Peacefully Floating not far in top of him •Nah, It’s ok, My other Gestalts are already ahead of Us… we Might need to split up if You’re ok with it? I have assigned on another City• Husan Answer one of his Robot Mouth moved Just like it was speaking.
•Yea… It’s ok• Scara answer.
After a Few moment they went their Separate way as Husan Take a Left while Scara keep flying forward, Computron was Sitting Next to him obediently.
It take him 5 minute to arrive to the Destination, He notice A Familiar Armored Figure, Mohan was there… •Commander ScatterShot Entering The Battlefield• he Informed through the Transmission.
Mohan had to double check if it wasn’t a joke, Was Scara really here?! And He was not disappointed when He saw a familiar spaceship flying Toward them and landed next to his truck, the Cockpit opened and Scara jump out of his Vehicle “Good To see you Commander” Mohan Greeted, Oh The others so not going to believe this! Scara Motion his Hand to a greeting Sign and walk passed him.
“so What’s the Problem? What do I need to do?” Scara ask, His Voice was Stern and he sounded confident as he asked Jazz
{Short black hair Jazz Zaire, Nickname Jazz
Uses He/Him
Code Name Jazz, 3rd In Command of the Autobots
Age around 30-35 Years, height 5’8 feet
Playful and Childish, He Most likely Deserted his Job because he find something else more interesting but There are times where he would Be committed to His Job (like when There's serious trouble or something), he Is loud and Like to Mess around! Somehow He's married to one of the most serious and Stritch Autobot there is- who knows how or why... Their Relationship is still happy and Healthy.... Surprisingly 
Short Black Hair hidden behind Black Hat, dark Brown eyes hidden behind Blue Visor}
(this Kind of Character Introduction Means author-Chan Is too lazy to develop… they might be developed later in the future I’m sorry)
“Uh… Oh Hey man, Haven’t seen you in a While” Jazz Seems As Surprised as everyone else, The other Technobots turn to look at Scara… surprised that they would actually see their Commander. Even so That he Actually Existed! Strahan’s wings Lifted up In Pride Seeing His Commander.
When everything was Over Scara Made his way to his Vehicle as Quick as He can without running straight to it “Hey wait” Mohan Stopped Him, Scara Turn around Nervously “What?” he asked Trying not to show the fact he was Rushing to go back to his room and just leave the crowd “Are you leaving already? Come on, We Won! Usually when we won we Celebrate, DragStrip Suggested to go to this restaurant she wanted to go” Mohan Spoke.
Scara Stomach Twisted… Crowded… Place… restaurant… “I rather n-“ “It’s Going to be a good change of Pace, You can use me for a shield if someone Is making you uncomfortable” Mohan pointed at himself, Scara gave a nervous and unsure smile “I’ll be Right there by your side” Mohan added, Scara took a deep breath and Nodded before Turning around and made his way Toward Mohan.
The Stunticon Commander offered a hand and Scara Accepted it, Holding on to it “what about the damage?” he ask quietly as He let Mohan lead him to a Place “the Next Back up wave will clean it up, We can rest and Have some fun for now” Mohan Spoke, He push open a Door to the Restaurant and most people look at Them, Scara Gulp and slowly hide behind Mohan.
“Welcome Commander MotorMaster, Commander ScatterShot, your other Team is waiting for you In the private room Upstairs” the Host Greeted them and motion to the Stairs “It’s at Room 4, Have a nice day” She Added.
Mohan nodded before gently (as he can-) pulling Scara Along, Scara Started to feel His Breath getting heavier and heavier the more eyes looking at them, Then Mohan Stop he motion something with his hand and most People look away… Scara Blink twice behind his Visor and He felt more at ease.
They made their way upstairs and Mohan Push open the Door to the 4th private room “Hey look who Decide to join us, I thought you two were going to go and ditch the Celebration party” Draelyn was the first one to speak, Mohan rolled his eyes before ruffling her hair earning a complain.
He sat down and Scara sat next to him, Avoiding to look at anyone else “Take Off your helm it must be Uncomfortable wearing it all the time” William Laugh before Sliding the menu to Scara “oh uh, It’s fine and.. thanks” Scara wasn’t comfortable with taking off his Helm because Well… He doesn’t like it when others can see where he’s eyes are Looking, It made him more insecure.
After Ordering Scara let himself fall comfortably on his chair as the others start to talk to each other “So you’re ScatterShot? It’s good to finally meet you Commander” Scara look up to meet Nova’s gaze before his eyes quickly darted to look at the wall next to Nova instead of His Eyes “Sorry that I haven’t properly introduce myself to the rest of you” Scara Sigh “Hey why the hell did you decide to show yourself now? You know you could’ve introduce yourself like… Years ago!” Affan Complain, Scara Sigh again.
“Social Anxiety Dumbass” That came out of his mouth and he quickly cover his mouth, Mohan look at him Surprised before Bursting into laugh “For someone who have social anxiety you really have a sharp Tongue huh?” Affan Glare at him, But for some reason his glare wasn’t Threatening it’s more of a Adoration and annoyed mix into one. “if I don’t know Better I would say Bullshit, But I have A Friend who Have the same issues as you… and her tongue is also as sharp as you so I’ll let you slide” Affan Huffed before leaning back to his chair
“In my defense Strafe knew I existed and where I am and he didn’t tell any of you” Scara felt a bit more confident now, He Gave a quick glance at Strahan who just playfully shrugged. “hey, they never ask me” that was true- The Other Technobots glare at him.
Light shake his head and Turn to look at Scara, He was shorter than he imagine… shorter and more… Socially Awkward than he expected “Im sure you know All of us right Commander?” Nova asked “NoseCone, AfterBurner, LightSpeed and Strafe… right? Or did I get that wrong?” Scara ask back he was unsure of his answer.
The Technobots all nod in unison “Wait Does this mean you guys Have a Combiner Host?” Draelyn Gasp, Realizing it “Maybe we should go pick an animal for that-“ “no Need” both Strahan and Mohan said at the same time interrupting Nova “There’s Already a Technobot Combiner Host” Scara Spoke “Wait Really?! What animal?!” Affan slam his Hands on the table.
Scara hold himself from flinching “Well, A Savannah Cat… he’s in my vehicle right now... and He goes by the Name Computron” Scara Answer.
“Hot Spot been trying to Get Friendly with him but Apparently Computron is a picky Little shit” Mohan joked “Someone who Doesn’t accept Hot Spot’s Love? That Surprised me! Menasor Hugged Hot Spot 5 minutes after they met! And Wont let Hot Spot go when he was about to leave” William laughed.
“Bruticus did the same, Animals around here all love Hot Spot” Daniel nod “I guess Computron is just different, He’s super picky When it comes to people because well he just is” Scara chuckle “It sounded like he takes over AfterBurner’s Personality” Light joked earning a Punch by the shoulder from Affan.

°hey You° the Bear Lean up to the Spaceship, Computron look down at the Black Bear °What is it…. Bear?° he Meowed Annoyed, Why is this bear Here? Why is no one Running around to catch it? Oh wait that’s a Decepticon badge on the Bear’s collar… guess it’s one of them.
°Are you the Technobot Combiner?° the Bear Asked °I am... My name is Computron, What about it? Who are you° Computron Tail swayed here and there annoyed °I’m Menasor, Where have you been? None of us seen you before°
Computron shake his head °I’ve Been In my Brother’s Room° °Brother?° Menasor tilted his head Confused °The One you Others Called Commander ScatterShot, He’s My Brother° °You’re… brother? Oh I get it now! You’re just like Defensor and Bruticus° The Bear Roar in delight.
Outside their Conversation the Cybertronian just… watch these two animal Meowing and roaring at each other like they’re having a conversation…
Some already took out their phone to Take a video of it, and even some Civilian did the same.
“Commander ScatterShot wait!” Scara turn around “What is it?” he asked “Uh… does this mean you would start leading us now? Or… is this a one time only?” Light asked Nervously, Scara raise an Eyebrow behind his Visor before Folding his arm in front if his chest “What do YOU want? Me to be leading you guys or you guys do everything on your own? It’s up to you l” Scara shrugged.
The other Technobots look at each other before they all look at Their Commander “It would be nice to Have you finally joining us Commander” Light Spoke Softly. “I don’t like Authority or being told what to do but It Sounds better having a Commander than Not at all” Affan Huffed, “I’ve been looking forward to be under your Command Commander” Strahan shrugged.
“We’re Gestalts… we need to stick together, We’re all hoping for you to be our leader but if you aren’t ready for it then it’s fine we understand” Nova Nod to Scara, Scara look between them before he close his eyes and sigh “I’ll Think about it” he said before turning around “Don’t get your hopes up though, For now just do your job with the Best of your Ability” Scara Spoke sternly.
He gave them a wave before Jumping into his Ship and closed the cockpit.
Next to him Computron look at him, tilting his head to the side curiously, Scara tossed a Piece of Salmon at him and he catch it with his jaw “They want me to lead them Computron… what should I do?” Scara whisper looking at the Steering wheel, Computron Meowed and put a paw on Scara’s Lap.
“You’re Right… I guess It’s time to get out of my safe zone” Scara whisper, Closing his Eyes and smile.
A week has passed since that incident.
Computron Followed Scara Around outside the room, its was around 4 am.
Scara made his way around the Hallway, His Body Posture Scream confident and Courageous like a Commander Should, there wasn’t much Autobots outside the hallways at the time, Of course mist of them are probably asleep or in duty somewhere.
Scara made his way to the Technobot Shared Quarter, He slide his Id Card and Entered the Code. The door slide open in front of him and he entered the room Computron followed behind him before the door slide Closed behind them… the room was Dark, Was No one awake?!
He Went to A Crimson colored door And punch in the code, the door slide Open and As he predicted… Light Was still asleep. AND THEY WANT HIM TO LEAD THEM?! HE’S NOT GOING TO TOLERATE THIS BEHAVIOR! Scara Stare for a moment before he Walk inside The Room and Poke Light’s cheek with his gloved Hand “Huh… what?” Light open his eyes, Oh so he’s a Light Sleeper, Good to know.
Light Sat up and rub his eyes “what time is it?” he asked before yawning “4 Am, Wake up!... And put on a shirt” Scara Spoke before leaving the room, Light Blink confused wait… was that Scara that wake him up?? HE THOUGHT IT WAS NOVA!.
Light quickly grab a spare shirt on his drawer and Wore it as he ran outside his room, Right when He saw Affan on the Living room ground Groaning annoyed while rubbing his head and Scara dragging Strahan out of his room, Nova’s door slide open “Good Morning Commander? You’re Actually here” Nova spoke amazed, He doesn’t seems to need Scara to wake him up “Good Morning NoseCone” Scara nod at Him before dropping Strahan to the ground.
He made his way to the Exit door before turning to look at them, Hands on his waist Glaring at each one of them “Aright Listen Up!” he shouted getting their attention “you said it yourself, You want me to lead so I’ll lead you, You follow my rule, My Command! It’s nothing Difficult I’ll only be bothering your asses from 4 am to 7 Am, And then you’ll free to do what ever you want” Scara Spoke sternly.
“I will be here to wake you all up at 4 am No matter you like it or not! Training at 4:10 Am, We finish training at 7, And after Training I expect all of you to get a Shower and Eat! I do not take no for an answer! After I leave you to your own work I expect you to do it with your best effort, Stay out of trouble! I’m not saving your sorry as if you end up in some kind of Stupid Problem! I will be Back again around 8 Pm and I expect all of you to be at bed at 11 Pm, No All Nighters! I’m looking at you LightSpeed” Scara glare at Light who nervously rub the back of his neck.
“so Hold on… you’re just going to tutor us in training at the morning and At Night?” Strahan asked now fully awake “Training only at Morning, at Night I’m just checking in” Scara corrected “So you’re not going to lead us 24/7? Like the other Commander?” Strahan asked again, Scara look at him unamused “Do you want that? I heard Rumors that I’m a Very Strict and Demanding Commander” Scara joked all four Technobot Quickly shake their head, If the Morning rule and Night rule was already As Strict as that they’re definitely doesn’t want to know what other rule they’ll get in the Evening or Afternoon..
“You’re Treating us like we’re kids, Wake up at 4 and sleep at 11? Seriously” Affan complain “If I treat you Like a kid I would say you Would sleep at 9 and no video games unless it’s the weekend, No Sweets before beds and Brush your teeth after you eat… do you want me to say those things? And tell you to do it?” Scara gave him a sweet smile.
Affan cringe before he shake his head “No thanks” that made Scara’s smile soften “Anyway, Suit up I’ll be waiting for you in training Ground 5” he spoke before turning around to leave.
Scara might be shorter than the other Commanders But he’s definitely a Force to be reckoned with!
“Come on We could go one more round” Scara Cheerfully punch his fist in the air while the Other four Technobots were already on the Ground trying to catch their breath, How the hell could their Commander Defeat them all without Even earning a Scratch?! Scara’s body isn’t as Muscular as Mohan or Holly but His Attack truly hurt!.
Affan Lifted a Hand in defeat “Please, Commander you made your point, You’re stronger than we expected and we’re sorry” He Spoke between breath “Awe what giving up now? I’m just getting Pumped up” Scara whined, It’s true they haven’t manage to lay a single blow on him, Of course they decide no weapon for Training.
It was because to him they’re predictable.
Nova Was Strongest but he was slow, Slow in both movement and Thinking even if he’s smart he always double and triple check his idea giving Scara a lot of opportunities to get the upper Hand.
Light was Flexible, Fast and Strong, He Doesn't rush into things sadly his Body was Fragile, His Attack can certainly do damage and Scara wont denied that but Light’s have a very low Defense when it comes to his Body.
Strahan was Almost the Same as Light but Less stronger than him, but he was a fast thinker and His Movement made no sound making his Attack less Readable but Behind his Visor Scara could see his eyes movement. It was his weakness, His eyes moved to Aim for a target and Scara could easily dodge as long as he kept an eye on Strahan’s eye.
Affan was A Hot Headed one, He attack without thinking and He have Strong armored to defend him, He’s fast, Strong and He have A Lot of Stamina and he know how to Safe them. But his physical Attack was always Followed by a Growl, a Snarl or a Grunt, Scara could easily Dodge him while keeping an eye on Strahan.
Scara Himself was Strong, Fast, Flexible and He know how to manage his stamina, His Armor Have a high defense and Even without the armor he can handle Heavy blows, His Movement made no sound and he blank his mind when he attack Meaning an enemy That can read future movement wont be able to read his, and he was fast enough to learn about the Opponents ability and weakness.
He was after all a Former Assassin, and before becoming an assassin he was Raised by a family that forced so many talents to him
Instrument? Singing? He can do it
Ballet? Karate? Poetry? Sure why not
Swimming? Basket ball? Dancing? He can.
Name it and he can do it, Others would think That’s a Wonderful traits to have so many talents, But to him it was a Reminder that He used to be so trapped… trapped to be His Parents little Doll, A Toy to show around… arrogant Rich people and their little Games…
He hated it…..
“alright, We’re done for now” Scara finally spoke, He could Hear his Gestalts cheered even Nova.
Scars turn around to take off his Helm and Shake his head ruffling his Hair with his Hand, then he heard a laugh… he turn around confused “what’s So funny?” He asked “You’re as Sweaty as Us, and Here I was about to think you weren’t human at all” Strahan Laughed pointing at him, Scara look surprised before he huffed amusedly “Very funny Strafe, What makes you think I’m not human in the first place?”
“well Commander, Someone like you… We’re not even sure if A Human with those skills even existed” Light answer “It’s like Fighting a Super AI” Affan agreed “How Many years have you been training Sir? To move and Attack like that, I mean… how did you manage to dodge us so many times,” Nova asked amazed.
Scara just smile “are you secretly a Ninja AI? Or are you secretly a PhaseSixer?!” Strahan asked “I am Not A Ninja AI nor a PhaseSixer” Scara shake his head before walking toward them “I’m Just a Normal Human like all of you, well we’re no longer a Normal human After Joining the Cybertronian right?” He chuckle before making his way to the exit, he turn to look at Nova “Oh and Nova… to answer your Question, I was Trained like this ever since I’m 1 years Old” Scara Spoke, His Smile turn to a sad one.
“now You all should get a shower and eat before continuing with your duty” Scara added before leaving.
Strahan look at where he just exited through… so… was everything that Cutler said was true?
That Scara used to be treated like a tool instead of A Human being?
(This is just a copy paste from the phase sixers one that I decide to delete)
“who leave a child here?!” Blue shouted, Her Wings flare up in anger and Disapproval as she made her way to Sion and Grabbed the Child from him, the Man let her do that- Blue Hold the Baby close to her body looking down at it “Commander can you sense any Scent of it’s parents?” Olivia asked walking closer to them.
Sion think for a moment before he turn to a giant while Wolf and he Raise his muzzle in the air trying to catch any Human Scent He look back at the girls “No… There is no other adult Except us…” He answer “The baby seems to be alive, Even if It’s not in the best condition we should bring it back to the Ship” Blue Spoke.
“OverLord, Black Shadow take the child back to the Ship, me and tarn will look around for anything that might give us a clue” Sion Ordered and the Girls Do what he says without Questions or hesitation.
Sion and Talia make sure to look at every inch of the cottage… maybe there would be a hint somewhere? “SixShot” Talia called from one of the room, Sion’s wolf head peeked from the Kitchen and Followed her voice, His step was quiet he notice her backing down from the room “SixShot” she called out again with a shaking voice…
Talia Voice was Shaking?! Was she Afraid of something?! This can’t be good, Sion quicken his step and Grab her by her armor before throwing her up and She landed on his back, He could feel her body shivering and now he knows why… the smell of rotten corpses is too strong, he shake his Head trying to get it out from his nose… he can’t smell anything but the rotten meat now… bones and Corpses…
“there’s a trapdoor under it” Talia whisper, Holding close to his fur. Sion walk into the dark room and look around for the trapdoor, Before he grabbed the handle and pull it up, He quickly double back letting out a cough and Talia almost squeal… Sion went back to the trapdoor and open it again, He use something to handle it up before looking down at the dark staircase… “Tarn I’m going in Turn on your Flashlight” Sion ordered.
No he didn’t tell her to stay back, Why would he? They both know All the Phase Sixers are Created for this kind of situation no matter how much they wanted to leave, Talia didn’t Complain and she turn on her flashlight that was attacked to the forehead of her mask, Sion walked in…
There were bones and Blood everywhere even some rotten flesh and was that an eye? Or was it someone’s tongue? When they arrive at the bottom of the stairs they look around “this was a science lab” Talia Spoke when her flashlight flashing a Counter with a bunch of documents and old Science Tube, Sion walk towards it without stepping on any of the Unnatural things.
Talia mask scan the Documents before she grabbed them, and Sion move to Another spot on the counter, While Talia was collecting the documents and the files… Sion was looking around Curiously… there’s so much dead Body in here he wonders what’s going on.
“SixShot this can’t be good” Sion look towards What Talia was looking at… it was a bunch of Syringe inside A briefcase… and there were a few notes there too, The Syringe looks fresh like they haven’t been touched by anyone for years and what inside them was this strange Yellowish green water… “Grab it and we’ll take it to Megatron” Sion quickly ordered he didn’t even realize Talia wasn’t on top of him anymore.
Talia nod and Close the Briefcase, She grab one of the old plastic bag to put the Documents in and she climb back on to Sion’s back. After she was fully seated he start to move walking back to the stairs but then Sion stopped “turn off the light” he ordered and Talia did… they both stay quiet in the Darkness of the stairs… Talia didn’t dare to ask what’s going on when Sion slowly step back from the stairs.
Sion stay quiet after a few moments he slowly step back up, he walk and made his way up the stairs like he didn’t just hesitate and almost scared Talia- when they’re out of the basement Sion was covered mist of his fur was covered by blood when did that happen? Maybe when he walk around the place. “Let’s Get out of here” Sion mumbled before he quickly and silently ran out of the door.
When they’re out his wings open wide and He fly up while Talia holding on his back trying not to fall-
“why did you stop back there?” Talia finally asked “I smell something… non Human” Sion Answer calmly, could it be an infected Human? Or an alien? “It doesn’t smell friendly” Sion added before he land on the Phase Sixer’s ship, Talia slide down from him while holding the stuff they bring, Sion transform back to a human “I know what you were thinking, Why can’t we just take it down… right? Well… We have important documents with us it wont be wise to attack what ever it is” Sion spoke out of the blue.
Talia smile behind her mask “Well Commander you’re as Unpredictable and Predictable as always I’m amazed” Talia Chuckle before following him going back inside the Ship.
“you two are back! Finally… you wont believe this” Olivia came up to them before grabbing their hands and pull then along with her to a certain room, When they entered the room the baby was on the bed while Blue standing a little far from it with confusion and fear mixed up together “What’s Going on?” Sion asked.
Olivia let go of their hands and turn to look at them “while you two were gone we were attacked by something I don’t know what but we of course manage to harm it Badly that it decide to go back to where it belongs” Olivia said proudly “It seems like it wants to take the baby, Olivia took some DNA From the baby and it’s not… a Normal baby, It has the same gene as Us…” Blue Worriedly said.
“same DNA as us?” Talia asked and Blue nod “what does that mean?” The Shorter Phase Sixer asked annoyed…
“it means it’s either a Cybertronian… or a Phase Sixer” Sion Answer walking toward the bed where the baby is sleeping on “let’s Kill it” “No!” Blue Shouted annoyed stopping Olivia before she could do any harm to the baby “If it’s a Phase Sixers that would be bad idea to let it lived” Olivia Pointed out, her Blaster was already out aiming at the baby while Blue stopped her.
Blue’s wings raise up in anger as she snarl at the taller woman “OverLord! We can’t just kill of an innocent child!” “I don’t even think that thing is innocent Black Shadow” Olivia glared at her, Talia and Sion Exchange Glances trying to think of a better solution before these two decide to fight and Destroy the ship “ok Calm down Girls” Sion finally spoke getting between the two Phase Sixers.
“SixShot! Tell her it’s a bad idea to kill a Baby!” “SixShot you and I both know how dangerous this baby could be if it’s a Phase Sixer!” Olivia talk back “we need to inform Lord Megatron first before doing anything rash, So OverLord put your Blaster Down and Black Shadow For the mean time you will take care of the Child, Tarn go to the Control room and fly us out of here” Sion ordered calmly.
Olivia hesitate before she finally put her Blaster away she gave the baby one last glare before Sion grabbed her by the arm and pull her out of the room with him followed by Talia behind them. Blue calmed down a bit as her Wings comfortably rested behind her, she look back at the baby… the poor thing… must be hard for it to lived in that horrible place…

“why the fuck did you do that?” Olivia glared at Sion “I’m trying to get the situation under control here, Tarn found a few documents and I need you to sort them out… for now just don’t do anything rash and watch your back” Sion whisper To Olivia hinting something might be a problem… Olivia tense a bit but she nod “Tarn give her the Documents” Sion ordered.
Talia Handed Olivia the Documents and Briefcase before silently making her way to the control room to Fly the Ship “Well this is the first time you trusted me for something like this” Olivia Joked as she Followed Sion to his Office “Not the first and you know it, I trust you more with this situation than Black Shadow or Tarn” SixShot glance back at her, Olivia Stand up straight… she felt a little bit of pride in her! Her Commander actually trusted her more? That’s something interesting.
They entered Sion’s Office and Olivia sat down on the Couch before putting the Documents and Briefcase on the table in front of her while Sion sat down not far from her, But he still keep his distance.
After a few minutes they felt the ship started to Move and Talia’s voice can be heard from the speaker
[This is your Co-Captain Speaking, We Are on our way back to the Decepticon Base It’ll take us two and a half a day, So Hold on tight and Stay on guard Phase Sixers]
Talia Voice was Calm but Stern and Very Clear…
“SixShot, Look at this” Olivia Lean toward her Commander while showing him one of the Document paper, Sion lean to see it before grabbing it from Olivia’s Hand…
“a Project to Create a Phase Sixer…” Sion mumbled “We need to kill that thing” Olivia spoke quickly Standing up before Sion Grabbed her Hand and pull her back down to the couch “Careful OverLord, don’t act rash… we need-“ He wasn’t able to finish his sentence before the Speaker start to let out a loud Screech making them both shiver and cover their ears “TARN WHAT THE FUCK?!” Olivia Shouted loudly when the Screeching stopped “I don’t think it’s Tarn’s fault” Sion Answer
They both look at each other before Olivia’s summon her Blaster and Sion grabbed his Katana from the Desk, They both slowly went to the Exit door… Sion put a hand on the door trying to listen for any movement outside “all clear” he spoke before opening the door, the hallway was silent of course it was… there’s only 4 of them in this big ship.
Olivia let out a low hiss “Are you ok?” Sion asked looking back at her while walking down the hallway ”Yea just… that screech hurts my ear” Olivia Spoke following him closely. “I see, Split up, You check on Tarn and I’ll check on Black Shadow” Sion Ordered, Olivia only nod while one hand next to her head holding her ear in pain, She quickly rush to the Control room while Sion ran back to the Room where Blue was supposed to be in.

When Sion arrive he slam open the door, Blue was carrying the baby who was crying… she turn to look at him confused “What’s Up SixShot?” she asked worried “What’s With that screech? Is the speaker broken?” She asked again, Sion walk towards her “are you ok?” he asked putting both hand son her Shoulder.
Blue look at him confused before slowly nodding her head “Sort of, The Screech hurt my ear and it made the baby cry” She Spoke Trying to calm the baby down… Sion look around the room nothing seems off here, which is a little Weird “Us Everything wrong Commander?” Blue asked softly, Sion look down at her “… everything is fine” He answer trying to keep himself Calm.
But this place seems off, Blue Seems off… why is her scent Different? But she still is the same Blue, The Black Shadow He know… or… maybe not… Sion’s hand slipped away from her Shoulder, this isn’t right Blue Doesn’t act Normal… he took a step back but still keeping his calm and harmless body Posture.
“Black Shadow… can I ask you something?” “anything Commander” “What’s your Code?” he asked blankly

When Olivia Manage to Entered the Control Room that was once locked and she had to Blow open the door… the place was a wreck! She look everywhere and everything was out of place! And She notice a familiar figure near the mic blood was everywhere near it “Tarn!” She shouted before making her way to the Shorter Phase Sixers, She almost gasp when she notice the Stab wound behind her Chest.
Olivia gently lifted one of Talia’s hand and pull her Sleeve up, She put a finger On Talia’s hand trying to feel her pulse, Counting seconds waiting… there it is… she feels it… Talia is still alive just Unconscious! “OverLord…” Talia asked weakly when she felt someone was Holding her hand “Hey Tarn… what’s your Code?” Olivia asked to make sure… Talia wasn’t sure if she can ever rolled her eyes “Tarn, Definitely an asshole” “That’s My girl” Olivia Chuckle.
The Phase Sixers would always change codes once they said it, Their new code usually went Straight to all of their Brain, it’s like a connection the Phase Sixers always have to make sure it’s the real them, The Codes would always change and Only the other real Six Phasers would Know.
“guys… Are you two alright?” Blue Came up from the Closet door “Black Shadow What’s your code?” “Black Shadow isn’t Blue” She Sigh, The codes was always and mostly Things that are stupid but it’s a very safe thing. “… She’s uh, She’s been here apparently” Talia tried to explain, She stand up while holding her Bleeding chest “Who’s Blood are these?” Olivia asked pointing at The grounds this was so much blood, She was Sure this didn’t came from Talia alone “It’s… that thing’s blood, My Scream must’ve… hurt it” Talia spoke one hand touch her neck, Her lungs felt sore…
“what thing?” blue asked flying towards them “I don’t know what it looks like all I know it it’s a weird thing, I’m sorry I think I need to lay down” Talia Spoke before she Falls to the Ground “she’s Right, We need a medic- Black aren’t you supposed to be with the baby right now?” Olivia asked while Picking Talia up from the ground, Blue looked at her confused ”Ew what? What baby? Wait what did I miss?” Blue asked confused flying to her side.
“we Literally have an argument of keeping the baby or not-“ “I Don’t remember, But I do remember saying ‘You guys Go ahead I need to Pee’ And then you guys left without me, So I just stay in the Ship waiting for you return and I accidentally fall asleep in the closet room because I got myself locked in there” Blue Complain.
Olivia stare at her… she would said blue was lying but Blue Said the right code and they forgot to ask her about the code when she joined back with them after that little excuse… She Shoved Talia’s body Toward the Flying Phase Sixer before running Out the Door “OverLord! What’s going on?!” blue asked Desperate for answer “STOP THE SHIP” Olivia shouted at her.
Blue quickly went to the control panel and put Talia down on the chair before Quickly Stopping their ship from going any further.

“I don’t think code would be necessary Commander” Blue Spoke before looking down at the baby “Code is important Black Shadow” Sion spoke In a firm tone “Don’t play around” He added, Blue Reach out and touch a strand of hair from him before Sion Harshly Slap her hand away glaring at her “You’re not Black Shadow” Sion Snarl
Blue let out an animalistic snarl before slowly backing away right when the door slam open and Olivia shoot, Sion Kneel down and let the bullets hit what ever that is…
“BITCH!!!” Olivia Shouted when the Creature Slowly Transform to it’s real form… Sion disappear and reappear next to Olivia “What is that thing?” Olivia Hissed still not stopping her fires “seems like an incomplete Phase Sixer” Sion Answered… Olivia Made a disgusted sound before stepping forwards, The Creature wasn’t able to dodge her fires it’s blood was everywhere.
And it falls to the ground, But Olivia didn’t stop shooting, she kept shooting and shooting… because no matter how many Phase Sixer percentage this thing have… it would be something hard to kill and Olivia wont give it any chances, Olivia Shoot the Baby’s head and it explode with a creepy noise followed. “I’m not risking bringing what ever this is Back to HeadQuarter” Olivia spoke, She stop shooting but still aiming her blaster at it.
“We wont don’t worry… let’s throw it out” Sion gave her shoulder a gentle and reassuring squeeze before going forward to grab the thing’s body and drag it out of the room, Olivia Followed him from behind, still aiming her Blaster at the probably Dead body.
Phase Sixers aren’t humans… Unlike other Cybertronians who would still remember their past Phase Sixers wont remember anything about themselves… they’re no longer Humans, And No one can be sure if it’s right to even call them a Cybertronian. The Decepticon Phase Sixers have 4 Known Member…
There are Some Rumors that said Phase Sixers might be a Robot, The first of Human Technology that has reached perfection that Theory Followed by the reason why The Phase Sixer’s Blood are a Blueish Purple color instead of Red like Normal human being.
And How Information about their past are unknown, Not even a little bit of hint about who they we’re used to be, no one even sure if the name they wore now are their real name… Everything about them was a mystery and not even themselves know about it. It’s not like it didn’t bother them, Even if they try to remember they wont be able to remember…
It's like a life before being a Phase Sixers never existed and once they actually remember a little piece of their past they would feel a shock in their Brain and Suddenly would forget again, It’s like the Phase Sixer’s Program refuse for them to adventure that far to their past… they had stop wondering about it after a long time… no one even know if their age are accurate.
They could’ve been older than what their Bio or files said, They could’ve been something else… not Originally Human entirely…
Now they serve as The Decepticons Most feared Warrior, across earth even the Galaxy…
“VACATION HERE WE COME!” Blue Shouted as the Three Girls walk out of the meeting room feeling Pleased by the news, Before Sion could Leave He was stopped by Meaker “SixShot… I need to talk to you about something” Meaker Spoke, Sion stop and turn around to look at his Leader “Yes Sir?” he asked, Meaker made his way To the Phase Sixers and Gave him something.
Sion accepted and look down at it curios and Confusion mixed into one, It was a White box “What is this?” “Condom” Meaker Joked with a Serious tone of voice “A- S- Sir I would Never!” Sion Felt his face Flustered “Relax I was joking, It’s a device ShockWave made… I’m not sure how to use it or how it works but He said to give it to you when there’s danger… and I suppose what you four has encounter in the last mission” Meaker stop and he shake his head “You know what I mean” He sigh.
Sion slowly nod “yes Sir, I will keep an eye out for any Danger” he Put the box in his pocket “don’t be too alarmed, Enjoy your Vacation Month… Relax a bit and have some fun… you deserve it” Meaker Pat his Shoulder, Sion awkwardly nod “Thank you Lord Megatron” he mumbled “now You are dismissed, Get out there and Have fun” Meaker Playfully push him, Sion smile behind his mask and nod again at his leader “Yes Lord Megatron” He Spoke before Stepping back and leave the room.
“there you are! What took you so long?” Blue whined Grabbing Sion by the Hand and pull him along “Sorry I had to check on Magnus and Hun-Grrr first before packing up” Sion Apologize, He wasn’t wrong he just left out the name ‘ScatterShot’… he let Blue pulled him along to a Government Private jet
When they entered the private jet Olivia and Talia was already there “I’m so excited for This Month Vacation~” “The Beautiful Scenery, The Calming Feeling of Japan’s Nature… I missed it” Talia sigh “oh right you’ve been there before huh?” “We’ve all been to japan… we just never been there for Vacation” Sion Close his eyes… the girls can relax… they should relax and Calm their minds… while he need to keep guard.
The trip took a few hours…
It was peaceful…
When they Arrive they choose a Vacation place far from the city and somewhere closer to The Nature, they rented a Villa almost in the middle of a forest but close enough to a Small town… the Villa have 6 rooms and Even it’s own Bath house and Sauna, the Girls were super excited when they see the Place… they choose which rooms they want and just throw their bags in and start running around the Villa…
Sion gets the room downstairs while the Girls are all upstairs, Even Sion can’t Find Talia around standing in one place she’s just like the other two girls… run around the Villa exploring the place, It was quiet big and of course expensive but Money was never been a problem for them ever since they became a Cybertronian especially a Phase Sixers… Sion walked to the Kitchen and he look around…
He went to the fridge and open it, everything here is fresh but he knows some of this food aren’t something the Girls would eat (Olivia wasn’t a Picky eater but Blue and Talia are A Very picky eater… surprisingly) “GIRLS I’M GETTING GROCERIES!” he shouted Loud enough for everyone in the large Villa to hear “STAY SAFE!!” He heard Olivia shouted back from the hallway leading to the Bath House.
Sion sigh and grab his wallet before walking out of the Villa, He smell the Fresh air it made his body relaxed… maybe he should bring ScatterShot, Ultra Magnus and Even Hun-Grrr here one day… Scara would definitely like the Feeling of Isolation, Uziel would love the Calming Surrounding and Husan would definitely adored the scenery!

“Sometimes I feel like we were always kept in the dark” Blue Started a conversation, the three girls were all In the nice comfortable Nature Like Pool, It was relaxing and very much warm… it’s so Comfortable even Talia was so relaxed and let herself float around the Water “by SixShot?” Olivia Asked while leaning to the Side, Blue Nervously nod.
That was a usual feeling they would feel, like Sion always hide things from them… it’s not wrong, Sion was secretive and even the other Phase Sixers wasn’t sure if he even care about them or trust them… they never seen his face without the battle mask (they never seen Talia’s face too but there’s a difference) Talia might seems secretive but the others know she’s giving her all… and she trusted the Other Phase sixers…
But Sion was a different case, It’s like he’s a different Level… no one even sure if Sion is even A Mortal, He’s u killable and he could probably be stronger than the other Phase Sixers… they heard rumors about him… rumors that even when he got hit by the Hottest Lava in the world he still manage to survive… Rumors that he Still Breathing when They stab his Heart… but Sion never actually confirm all of those Rumors being true or just false… he just… dismissed them when someone asked about it.
“well SixShot is the First Phase Sixers and even Before Megatron made the Group he’s already one of the Strongest and mist feared Decepticon” Talia spoke finally her feet touch the ground and she lean to the wall behind her, Letting her body feel the warm of the water “You’re… right but still I wish he could trust us more” Blue whine.
Talia look at her Skeptically before rolling her eyes behind the black glasses she was wearing “right trust the person that wont leave you alone, even though they know you’re not interested in them and you already have a significant other… seriously Black Shadow read your situation with Commander SixShot” Talia huffed, Blue pouted “I was Just playing as a joke just like OverLord” “You’re playing it as a joke while actually having feelings for him, Me on the other hand… I don’t have feelings on him or anyone, So I make him less uncomfortable” Olivia smirk proudly

“Ew what is that in the fridge?” Talia step back away from the fridge, the other two girls peek inside “there’s a Lot of things in that fridge which one do you mean by Ew?” Olivia asked confused, Sion grabbed the Fridge Door and open it wider so he could reach inside to grab a pepper “This?” he asked Talia who step back and hiss glaring at the thing “Ew” Talia Look away.
Sion sigh, Of course… Talia hated Pepper… “ohhh that Ew, yea I’m not a big fan of it too” Blue agreed, Olivia rolled her eyes before grabbing The Pepper from Sion’s hand and took a bite on it “I’ll Eat it” She spoke with her mouth full before walking off “I don’t like that too” Blue Pointed at The Onions “I’m ok with it…” Talia shrugged “but I don’t like that” She added while pointing at the Potatoes “I love Potatoes! I can eat them if you don’t want it” Blue Chirps.
Sion just watch as the two Girls started to pick out their disliked and liked, It’s not like he doesn’t know it- they’ve been a team for years and He knew most things about them- “SixShot eat this for us, we both doesn’t like it and Olivia is allergic to it” Blue handed Him a Jar of pickle… Sion Didn’t complain he just accepted it and put it on the counter, He got used to the two girls being picky of their food and giving either him or Olivia The food they didn’t want…
After a few minutes the two finally stop complaining and Insulting the food… they left to get change and Sion was left to cook Dinner… he just need to remember who wants which and who doesn’t like which, Olivia was an easy guess giving her anything beside Pickle would work she’s not a picky eater… the other two on the other hand they really can be a pain in the ass-
Another few minutes has passed Sion finally done with the Dinner, he went to each Girls room to Deliver them, No they didn’t eat in the dining room, none of them even care to do so not even Sion… once they’re in their own room the only company they want is themselves. After he’s done delivering the food he went to the kitchen to get some fruit, He’s not in the mood to Eat anything tonight… he went to the chair near the counter and sat down while scrolling text in his phone…
He carefully let his battle mask slide aside before taking a bite lf the apple in his hand and his battle mask slide back to cover his mouth and nose while he chew… he doesn’t really like others seeing what he looks like it’s nothing horrible he just doesn’t like the stare…
After another while it was now 9 pm and Sion still didn’t feel sleepy, The silence Doesn’t Really bothered him that much, Instead it makes him feel more comfortable and… more at home… the comfortable silence and the beautiful night sky… he went out to the patio to look up at the night sky, The moon shine so bright it made him smile behind his battle mask… he close his eyes trying to feel the comfort and Relaxation…
“You are… M I N E
Sion quickly open his eyes and he summoned his Katana while looking at his surrounding alarmed, There was no one… he was alone… could that voice just an illusion in his mind? Maybe he need some sleep… he step back from the Patio before turning around to enter the Villa…
Little did he know there was someone watching him from the forest, Watching him closely as he entered the Villa… yellow eyes shine in the dark of the forest.
Sion shake his head He felt a bit dizzy, Was he sick? He put a hand on his forehead… doesn’t feel like he’s sick, Just dizzy… “SixShot? Are you ok?” Blue asked, she was just passing by and notice her Commander doesn’t seems to be in a very good mood… he look distressed and Maybe a bit in pain? “I’m… fine” Sion answer, It was a lie… he felt uncomfortable and Dizzy… he felt like his body could fall at any second and passed out.
Blue walk up to him and touch his Hand “Commander?” Blue look concerned before suddenly Sion’s leg gave up on him and he falls… the last thing he heard was Blue shouting his code name…

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